haxe on freebsd

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Dec 5, 2014, 9:18:27 AM12/5/14
to haxe...@googlegroups.com
well, noblesse oblige :)

i'll make any necessary changes in haxe,neko,hxcpp  to compile & run out of the box under freebsd with standard
configure & make & make install
command and if the god say i'll do and maintain haxe freebsd port.

right now neko port is dead. haxe compile without problems under freebsd.

i have created a small abstract machine in javascript for fast prototyping in any desktop platforms.
it use pure haxe and modern browser to work. it not depend of neko, flash, openfl etc 
but when I tried to compile to cpp i discovered that hxcpp depends of neko.
i compiled  neko myself but it was a fight :)

i suggest the following directory structure for all platforms.

| |_haxe2.0/
| |_haxe3.0/
| |_extra/
| |_lib/
| |_std/
and haxe/neko binary&libraries symlinked to proper platform specific locations.
this will permit setup only one HAXEPATH env. var. and work with different haxe/neko versions
there is no way to reinvent the wheel :)

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