GameStudioHx - game development tool written in Haxe

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Vujadin Krtolica

Dec 4, 2013, 3:32:41 AM12/4/13
Hello everyone,

I would like to announce GameStudioHx - game development tool written in Haxe.
I would also like to invite you all to GameStudioHx web site to learn more about it
and to sing up for test version if you're interested.

I've been working on this software for 3 years and I came to the point where I should
decide what to do next and where to go from here.
I would like to continue my work on GameStudioHx and move to 3D, but I would like to know 
what people think about it and about starting a Kickstarter or IndieGoGo project for fund rising. 
My idea is to create Haxe/OpenFl based Photoshop/Illustrator/Flash/Unity3D mix application for
game/app development.

So, please visit GameStudioHx website and sign up for test version if you like it !
(Only Windows version is available right now !)

Juraj Kirchheim

Dec 4, 2013, 3:51:38 AM12/4/13
Looks really great, congratulations!
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Simon Krajewski

Dec 4, 2013, 4:01:30 AM12/4/13
Huh, where did this come from? Looks really interesting!

I signed up, hope to be able to test the test version soon.



Dec 4, 2013, 4:51:09 AM12/4/13
Wow !
Really impressive 


Philippe Elsass

Dec 4, 2013, 7:14:05 AM12/4/13
Oooh I remember you posted a video a while ago - I wanted to point Joshua to it when we were discussing the graphical editor question.
Looks great!

Cauê Waneck

Dec 4, 2013, 7:47:52 AM12/4/13
Looks amazing!!!
What tech did you use for the editor? The UI looks nice!


Mike Welsh

Dec 4, 2013, 11:26:29 AM12/4/13
Yes, fantastic work! :-)

I was wondering about the UI as well, it looks very sharp, did you use a framework? I see one of the pages mention waxe/wxwidgets, but it all seems quite custom.

Boyan O

Dec 4, 2013, 11:35:48 AM12/4/13
Wow, this is just amazing! Great job! Will need to take a look at it.

среда, 4 декабря 2013 г., 10:32:41 UTC+2 пользователь Vujadin Krtolica написал:

Vujadin Krtolica

Dec 5, 2013, 2:47:43 PM12/5/13

GUI is built with (heavily) modified/extended MinimalCompsHX.
It is mentioned in "About" dialog of GameStudioHx along with other technologies I used.

Maximiliano Fernández

Dec 5, 2013, 6:59:33 PM12/5/13
I have download it and looks great! I have tried run it in Ubuntu through Wine and works fine, but didn't tried building anything (will try tomorrow). When do you think there will be a Linux build available?


Maximiliano Fernández do Santos

0 1 0              0 1 0
0 0 1  Rammserker  1 0 0
1 1 1              1 1 1


Vujadin Krtolica

Dec 6, 2013, 10:32:23 AM12/6/13
Thank you for reporting that, its good to know it works in Wine !
I can't say exactly when Linux build will be available, I'm not Linux user really.
I have MintLinux in virtual machine and will try to build GS in next few days.
I'll let you know when/if I get it work.


Dec 8, 2013, 2:13:16 AM12/8/13
Hey Vujadin, that's awesome! i signed up.

Boyan O

Dec 8, 2013, 3:59:36 AM12/8/13
1)I think you made registration process a lil bit too complicated(wait 2 days just to get link, then unzip password protected archive)
That is protection from fools, you know, any body can just unzip it and distribute.
I prefer just simple download and use system, current one seems to me a lil bit weird.
2)Some times GameStudioHx can crash on build(on first launch)
3)I think you should follow GIMP drag and drop style without need to switch between two modes(select and drag and drop)
4)I got crash on Ctrl-Z
5)Particle systems are running on CPU, I see that you made a very impressive job on particle editor, and I understand it's very hard nowadays to make it run on GPU, but
it would be cool to have it running on GPU, but maybe performance is ok for many games, I'm not sure.
6)I'm not sure if particle editor will fit on small screens

I wonder if that is the same project that we seen project called NME world builder... seems like it's same GameStudioHx, I wonder why you need both websites for same project.

I will take a look again at your GameStudioHx, but right now, I think such a great project have a good chance to be crowd funded or maybe sponsored.

I am pretty sure that many people just been dreaming to get such game studio for OpenFL, if it could provide a decent help in game development(it looks just amazing) or maybe even more simple work flow for game creation that would be just great!

I just need to try it more to understand how to use it.

It seems like you spend a lot of time to make one.

By the way web site looks very professional and good.

Anyway great project! You did amazing job!

среда, 4 декабря 2013 г., 10:32:41 UTC+2 пользователь Vujadin Krtolica написал:
Hello everyone,

Vujadin Krtolica

Dec 8, 2013, 10:06:48 AM12/8/13
1)  I agree, that was not the best idea ...
2)  I'm sure it does, GS is very much experimental app and a lot of things in it are at "proof of concept" level - but it is a test version and I warned you about that ;)
3)  That is an interesting idea, I'll think about that
4)  History undo/redo actions are quite (unnecessarily) complex because of their "experimental" nature - as you can imagine ... You can report bugs at GS forum
5)  I believe it actually runs on GPU as it uses nme.display.Tilesheet.drawTiles() method. The problem comes from windowing system of GS GUI which is based on MinimalCompsHx and particles are not the only thing affected by it. Honestly - I don't have any idea why this happens, I'll have to examine closely how "Window" component is implemented in MinimalCompsHx, but you can see that as soon as you add particles and close "Particles editor" everything runs smooth again ...
6)  It will not, I already received a few complaints. It requires more flexible GUI system, with resizable windows. Native windowing system would be the best solution I guess.

Yes, it is the same project. I renamed it because NME is now OpenFL and the prefix is lost because I would like to live option for alternative backend opened (alternative to OpenFl). is obsolete now (domain will expire in a few days I beleive). 

I've been working on this project for 3 years now.

Thank you for the compliments!


Dec 8, 2013, 10:50:34 AM12/8/13

On Sunday, December 8, 2013 3:06:48 PM UTC, Vujadin Krtolica wrote:
5)  I believe it actually runs on GPU as it uses nme.display.Tilesheet.drawTiles() method.

'Running' on the gpu, and 'rendering' with the gpu are not the same things. In a full GPU particle system the CPU is doing very little work, with all of the update and rendering done entirely on the GPU. Often there is some intermingling, and emitting particles may still be done on the CPU, but with still the large part of the work done entirely by the GPU, not just rendering. 

Vujadin Krtolica

Dec 8, 2013, 10:54:19 AM12/8/13
Right, my bad.

It runs on CPU.


Dec 12, 2013, 7:37:04 AM12/12/13
Concerning the Play/Pause options...does this simulate the full game, including user created code, or just runs physics?
I'm just unsure of where GameStudioHx stands between being a Game Engine <-> World Editor
Or is it more based around designing a world that you load into your code, using the GameStudioHx engine/API?

Vujadin Krtolica

Dec 12, 2013, 2:24:19 PM12/12/13
Right now its World Editor (this was initially the name of the project when I started to work on it).
Play/Pause button will start physics simulation.
You could use "Game code editor" - fifth button from the left in bottom toolbar. When you open it, 
it will load "Main.hx" file from your projects source folder and let you execute it. But its very rudimentary/limited
and really not recommended to use. Available classes/namespaces you can use in "Main.hx" file (if you want it 
to run in GameStudioHx) are listed in documentation.
But as I said, its very limited.

Source code that is created for every GSHx project is just an example of how to use/parse main "product" of GSHx -
.json files that describe your design/game levels. Its using OpenFL but it doesn't have to. I'm working on alternative 
"backend" for HTML5 build independent of OpenFL, based on ivank lib.

So yes, you design a world and load it into your code which can be based on given source code generated by GSHx
and then extended, or you can write your own from scratch.
The best option is to open both GSHx and .hxproj file from your projects folder in FD. YOu design your game in GSHx and 
write your game logic and build from FD. That's how I'm using it.

I guess I should document levels .json file structure, but its not yet the final format ...
You can examine .json files by enabling "Prettify JSON" option in preferences.
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