0 MyApp 0x10025eca4 CriticalGCError(char const*) + 39484
1 MyApp 0x10025eca4 CriticalGCError(char const*) + 39484
2 MyApp 0x1002609e4 LocalAllocator::PauseForCollect() + 46972
3 MyApp 0x100263178 LocalAllocator::CallAlloc(int, unsigned int) + 3556
4 MyApp 0x100255a5c alloc_empty_object + 2036
5 MyApp 0x1001bead4 nativeextension::native_loadogg(_value*, _value*, _value*) + 4296190676
6 MyApp 0x1002726ec ExternalPrimitive::__run(Dynamic const&, Dynamic const&, Dynamic const&) + 58628
7 MyApp 0x10023b9e8 MMSNativeExtension_obj::decodeOggAudio(hx::ObjectPtr<haxe::io::Bytes_obj>, hx::Null<double>, hx::Null<double>, hx::Null<int>, hx::Null<int>) + 4924
8 MyApp 0x1001cc220 platforms::native::NativeAudioContext_obj::playSBWithFilter(hx::ObjectPtr<haxe::io::Bytes_obj>, double, double, Dynamic, Dynamic) + 3608
9 MyApp 0x1001cc7f4 platforms::native::NativeAudioContext_obj::playSB(hx::ObjectPtr<haxe::io::Bytes_obj>, double, double, Dynamic) + 5100
10 MyApp 0x1001ef2cc base::sound::Player_obj::metronomeBar(Array<Dynamic>, int, double, int) + 10140
11 MyApp 0x1001efbb4 base::sound::Player_obj::metronome(Array<Dynamic>, double, hx::Null<double>) + 12420
12 MyApp 0x10024c17c __BaseController_objmetronome(hx::Object*, Dynamic const&, Dynamic const&, Dynamic const&) + 9356
13 MyApp 0x100291b6c hx::CMemberFunction3::__Run(Array<Dynamic> const&) + 2512
14 MyApp 0x100239e88 Reflect_obj::callMethod(Dynamic, Dynamic, cpp::VirtualArray) + 1628
15 MyApp 0x100241f28 IOSController_obj::_addExternalCallback(String)::_hx_Closure_0::_hx_run(cpp::VirtualArray) + 2996
16 MyApp 0x100241ec0 IOSController_obj::_addExternalCallback(String)::_hx_Closure_0::__run(Dynamic const&) + 2892
17 MyApp 0x100242250 IOSController_obj::_caller(String, String)::_hx_Closure_0::_hx_run() + 3804
18 MyApp 0x1002421d0 IOSController_obj::_caller(String, String)::_hx_Closure_0::__run() + 3676
19 MyApp 0x1001e4bf4 haxe::Timer_obj::delay(Dynamic, int)::_hx_Closure_0::__run() + 916
20 MyApp 0x1001e4a48 haxe::Timer_obj::__construct(int)::_hx_Closure_0::__run() + 488
21 MyApp 0x1001e57ac haxe::MainLoop_obj::tick() + 1588
22 MyApp 0x1001e7074 haxe::EntryPoint_obj::processEvents() + 892
23 MyApp 0x1001e70f8 haxe::EntryPoint_obj::run() + 1024
24 MyApp 0x1002544c0 __hxcpp_lib_main + 856
25 libdispatch.dylib 0x1826494bc _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 24
26 libdispatch.dylib 0x18264947c _dispatch_client_callout + 16
27 libdispatch.dylib 0x182657914 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 2140
28 libdispatch.dylib 0x1826570b0 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 112
29 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182861470 _pthread_wqthread + 1092
30 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x182861020 start_wqthread + 4
Nothing is printed to console on crash, though.
As a side note - I did use to see "Bad allocation while collecting - from finalizer" before, but that disappeared after I used gc_enter/exit_blocking on all calls running on other threads which seemed like a good idea as the error seems to indicate that it does not like GC running when allocating new memory. Was that the correct course of action or should it be handled in a different way?
On Monday, October 31, 2016 at 6:28:54 AM UTC+2, Hugh wrote