HTML5 OpenFL input textfields

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glantucan con golo lojo

Sep 25, 2013, 3:45:57 AM9/25/13
So this is still not working. 
In my system (openfl-html5 1.0.5) input textfields are not displayed at all unles you put 
myTextField.htmlText = "whatever the text";
It doesn't matter whether you try to embed the font or not.

Thats the only way I found to at least display something useful. But then the problem is how do you give format to that text.

I can do, and surprisingly it works, 
tf2.htmlText = '<P ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="Helvetica" SIZE="32" COLOR="#ff0000" LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="0"><b>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</b></FONT></P>';

But what if Helvetica is not installed?. 
How can I do something like embedding the font with this approach?
Is there a better technique?

Thanks in advance

glantucan con golo lojo

Sep 25, 2013, 12:02:53 PM9/25/13
Hi again,

I've found a sort of workaround for what I intend to do. I set the text as htmlText like so:
myTextField.htmlText = "<p id='" + + "' >Test<p>";

and then I set the font inserting a css style like this:
var css:StyleElement =  Browser.document.createStyleElement();
css.innerHTML = "@font-face {         \n"
+ " font-family: " + conf.fontPath + ";         \n"
+ " src: url(assets/fonts/" + conf.fontPath + ".ttf); \n"
+ "}         \n"
+ "#" + + "{ \n"
+ " font-family: '" + conf.fontPath + "';         \n"
+ " font-size: " + conf.fontSize + "px; \n"
+ " line-height: " + conf.fontSize + "px;         \n"
+ " margin-top: " + 0 + "px!important; \n"
+ "} ";
Browser.document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild( css );

That, more or less, solve the formating issues.
The problem is that I need that, when the user press enter, the introduced text is compared with a set of words to see if the answer is correct or not. This is how I made that happen in the flash target:
KeyBinding.addOnRelease(Keyboard.ENTER, onKeyRelease);

function onKeyRelease() 
// Code to test if the htmlText of the textfield matches a set of words.

The problem is that pressing enter creates a new line on the textfield, that is a new <p> tag in the generated html. Is there any way to prevent this. I tried 
Lib.current.stage.addEventListener (KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN,function(e:KeyboardEvent){e.preventDefault();});

but preventDefault() is not available for KeyboardEvent.


glantucan con golo lojo

Sep 26, 2013, 4:45:53 AM9/26/13
Is there really none who has dealt with input TextFields in the past?

Alexander Kuzmenko

Sep 26, 2013, 5:15:06 AM9/26/13
I also had to workaround text getter for input text field in openfl/html5:

четверг, 26 сентября 2013 г., 12:45:53 UTC+4 пользователь glantucan con golo lojo написал:

glantucan con golo lojo

Sep 26, 2013, 5:48:53 AM9/26/13
Oh! god!
Thaks a lot Alexander. I was going crazy with this. It works!!!.

Just another question, though. How do you deal with embedded fonts. Or is that out the equetion in StablexUI?

Thanks again!

Alexander Kuzmenko

Sep 26, 2013, 7:33:20 AM9/26/13
OpenFL does not support embedded fonts for input fields on html5. I left it as is :)

glantucan con golo lojo

Sep 26, 2013, 8:21:10 AM9/26/13
Well ;P
I found a workaround even for that. I've been the whole morning working on it. This how to do it:

I have a factory to create the textfields that receives a conf dynamic object with the font filename (stored in conf.fontFile):

tfInput = new TextInputField();
tfInput._conf = conf;

tfInput.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
tfInput.selectable = true;
tfInput.multiline = conf.multiline;
// ...
// Here I do asign the rest of formating options that come in the conf object
// ...

var css:StyleElement =  Browser.document.createStyleElement();
css.innerHTML = "@font-face { \n"
+ " font-family: " + conf.fontPath + ";         \n"
+ " src: url(assets/fonts/" + conf.fontFile+ ".ttf); \n"
+ "} \n";
Browser.document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild( css );
tfInput.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, tfInput.onTextFieldAdded);

And here it is my simplistic TextInputField class 

class TextInputField extends TextField
var _textFormat:TextFormat;
public var _conf:Dynamic;
public var validateSignal:Signal2<TextField, String>;
public function new() 
KeyBinding.addOnRelease(Keyboard.ENTER, onKeyRelease);
this.selectable =  true;
public function onTextFieldAdded(e:Event):Void
removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onTextFieldAdded);
this.type = flash.text.TextFieldType.INPUT;
         Reflect.field(this, 'nmeGraphics') = _conf.width + "px";
         Reflect.field(this, 'nmeGraphics') = _conf.height + "px";
Reflect.field(this, 'nmeGraphics') = "hidden";
if( this.wordWrap ){
Reflect.field(this, 'nmeGraphics') = "normal";
Reflect.field(this, 'nmeGraphics') = "nowrap";
if (_conf.embedFonts) {
Reflect.field(this, 'nmeGraphics')"font-family", _conf.fontPath);
Reflect.field(this, 'nmeGraphics').nmeSurface.innerHTML = '';
function onKeyRelease() 

validateSignal.dispatch(this, this.get_Text());
public function get_Text():String {

var text:String = StringTools.replace( Reflect.field(tf, 'nmeGraphics').nmeSurface.innerHTML, 
                                                       '&nbsp;', ' ' ).split("<")[0];
return text;

There may be some typos, cause I simplified it quite a lot, but thst's it :)

Thank you again Alexander. You put me on right track, and maybe the webfonts trick can help you with StablexUI.


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