desktop fullscreen multimonitor

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Pier Bover

Jun 24, 2014, 3:04:28 PM6/24/14
Is it possible to run a desktop app in fullscreen filling all the available monitors using OpenFL/Lime?

I do a lot of interactive contents for museums, and this is usually one of my biggest headaches, sometimes even resorting to using a Matrox triple head 300$ for faking an extended virtual desktop.

A priori I think Lime would the responsible for handling this, but I haven't been able to find any Lime documentation. Also it seems OpenFL doesn't have the NativeWindow or Screens classes that Adobe Air uses to handle those things.

Brennan Kinney

Jun 28, 2014, 2:00:34 AM6/28/14
Adobe Air handles it quite well. I've brought this up with Josh in the past, far as I know SDL which OpenFL uses is capable of this and Josh mentioned plans to make this support more easily available with OpenFL at a later stage.

Pier Bover

Jul 2, 2014, 3:20:47 PM7/2/14
In my experience with Adobe Air on OSX it's a bumpy road. It seems Adobe is still fiddling with it... some features are undocumented, but still work such as renderMode to enable GPU acceleration in NativeWindowInitOptions class.

Also it seems impossible to make a multi monitor fullscreen 1 window applicaiton in Air in OSX. It would be awesome if OpenFL solved this.
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