Hi, all:
I copied a piece of haxe code from 杨博's thread about his continuation library into my idea editor:
import com.dongxiguo.continuation.Continuation;
static var sleepOneSecond = callback(haxe.Timer.delay, _, 1000);
public static function main() {
Continuation.cpsFunction(function asyncTest():Void
trace("Start continuation.");
trace("Run sleepOneSecond " + i + " times.");
trace("Continuation is done.");
trace("Handler without continuation.");
But the editor reports error on "function asyncTest()": 'function' unexpected.
I just checked the document of continuation project, it says it requires "haxe 2.10", and my haxe is "2.10".
I'm using intellij-idea with haxe plugin 0.5.6(latest). Doesn't it support haxe 2.10 or do I miss something?