"Class not found" for every libraries

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Jimmy Delas

Oct 29, 2013, 10:42:35 PM10/29/13
to haxe...@googlegroups.com

I'm stuck for a few days with a bug. I'm using haXe almost every day for more than a year and suddenly, I can't compile any library anymore. I tried to uninstall and install again haxe and it stills doesn't work.

Every import are "missing". I can't import any class from nme using -lib openfl for instance. I have to use -cp "path_to_openfl" instead. The most weird fact is that I can link only templo library and if I try to edit the content of .current or rename the version of libraries folder I try to use. Haxe will throw me an error, so I know that it is linking the library but it never manages to find the classes in it.

I actually don't know where to look.

I'm working on Windows using haxe 3.0.1 (I tried haxe 3.0.0) and haxelib 3.0.0.

Thanks ;)

Jason O'Neil

Oct 29, 2013, 10:54:29 PM10/29/13
to haxe...@googlegroups.com
Hi Jimmy

First of all, can you try "haxelib selfupdate" (and then "haxe update.hxml") to see if a newer version makes a difference?

Then, could you show us the output of "haxelib list openfl" and "haxelib path openfl" (or for other libraries you are having problems with).  That may help diagnose the error...


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Jimmy Delas

Oct 29, 2013, 11:12:10 PM10/29/13
to haxe...@googlegroups.com
Hi Jason,

I have updated haxelib as you said and unfortunately, it doesn't solve the problem.

So here are the output of the commands you asked for:

>haxelib list openfl
openfl: [1.0.6]
openfl-compatibility: [1.0.1]
openfl-html5: [1.0.5]
openfl-native: [1.0.8]
openfl-samples: [1.0.0]
openfl-tools: [1.0.10]
>haxelib path openfl
-D openfl

Thanks for the quick answer


Jimmy Delas

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Jason O'Neil

Oct 29, 2013, 11:15:23 PM10/29/13
to haxe...@googlegroups.com
Hmm very strange.

Nothing looks too out of the ordinary.  If you compile with "haxe -v mybuild.hxml", you should get a verbose listing of all your classpaths and defines. 

Given that it works when you do "-cp path/to/openfl", could you compare the output/classpaths from using "-cp" and "-lib" to see if there is any key difference?

Otherwise I'm out of ideas... but I don't use Haxe on Windows so maybe I'm missing something.  Hopefully someone else can chip in :)

Jimmy Delas

Oct 29, 2013, 11:29:10 PM10/29/13
to haxe...@googlegroups.com
Since the command is a bit weird with nme stuff. I show you another library instead

>haxelib list beluga
beluga: 0.1 [0.1.0]
>haxelib path beluga
-D beluga

Classpath : C:\Motion-Twin\haxe\lib\beluga/0,1,0/;src/;C:\Motion-Twin\haxe/extraLibs/;;C:\Motion-Twin\haxe/std/php/_std/;C:\Motion-Twin\haxe/std/
Defines : true;sys;php;haxe_ver;haxe_release;haxe3;dce;beluga
Parsed C:\Motion-Twin\haxe/std/StdTypes.hx
Parsed C:\Motion-Twin\haxe/std/String.hx
Parsed C:\Motion-Twin\haxe/std/Array.hx
Parsed C:\Motion-Twin\haxe/std/haxe/EnumTools.hx
Parsed C:\Motion-Twin\haxe/std/php/_std/Std.hx
Parsed C:\Motion-Twin\haxe/std/php/Boot.hx
Parsed src/Main.hx
src/Main.hx:3: characters 7-25 : Class not found : beluga.core.Beluga

It doesn't display here but Classpath starts with a weird "FF" character. Can it be the cause ?



Jimmy Delas

Jimmy Delas

Nov 3, 2013, 2:19:06 PM11/3/13
to haxe...@googlegroups.com

I'm still stuck if someone can help. I tried to remove every registry keys and reinstall haxe entirely but it still doesn't work.

I hope this screenshot can help you

Juraj Kirchheim

Nov 3, 2013, 4:36:18 PM11/3/13
to haxe...@googlegroups.com
Are you sure you rebuilt haxelib? What version does just runnning haxelib prompt you?


Jimmy Delas

Nov 3, 2013, 4:48:58 PM11/3/13
to haxe...@googlegroups.com
I'm using haxe installer and haxelib is part of it.
Haxelib is running under 3.0.0.


Jimmy Delas

You received this message because you are subscribed to a topic in the Google Groups "Haxe" group.

Juraj Kirchheim

Nov 3, 2013, 5:31:53 PM11/3/13
to haxe...@googlegroups.com
The current version is 3.1.0-rc.3. Unfortunately it wasn't bundled with the recent installer. You will need to run haxelib selfupdate and then haxe update.hxml to get a current version.


Jimmy Delas

Nov 3, 2013, 5:42:07 PM11/3/13
to haxe...@googlegroups.com
Haxelib selfupdate says that it is already up to date and even if I run haxe update.hxml, it remains under version 3.0.0

It has been working perfectly under haxelib 3.0.0 and suddenly nothing is compiling again. I ran out of virtual memory at some point during the compilation of one project before the bug had happenned. So maybe there are some unchecked memory allocation that broke something ?


Jimmy Delas

Jimmy Delas

Nov 7, 2013, 10:39:50 AM11/7/13
to haxe...@googlegroups.com

The problem is extremely weird and I think it is a Haxe compiler issue.

I'm using Windows and I wanted to add some routine stuff (like "doskey" commands) to my shell.

So I've add my custom routine file like that

reg add "hkcu\software\microsoft\command processor" /v Autorun /t reg_sz /d c:\bin\autorun.cmd

This is actually breaking the Haxe compiler.

Here is the autorun.cmd content :

@echo off
doskey /macrofile=c:\bin\cmd_alias.txt

And the alias content : 

ls=ls --color $*
ll=ls -l --color $*

Is it usefull to raise an Issue ?
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