Weird error for no obvious reason

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Sami Habib

May 29, 2014, 11:18:43 PM5/29/14
Right now, when I try to compile a specific project, I get this whether I compile to Neko:

Called from ? line 1
Called from CommandLineTools.hx line 977
Called from CommandLineTools.hx line 23
Called from CommandLineTools.hx line 108
Called from CommandLineTools.hx line 201
Called from platforms/WindowsPlatform.hx line 163
Called from helpers/FileHelper.hx line 294
Called from helpers/FileHelper.hx line 277
Called from helpers/FileHelper.hx line 126
Called from /usr/lib/haxe/std/haxe/Template.hx line 110
Called from /usr/lib/haxe/std/haxe/Template.hx line 356
Called from /usr/lib/haxe/std/haxe/Template.hx line 351
Called from /usr/lib/haxe/std/haxe/Template.hx line 372
Called from /usr/lib/haxe/std/haxe/Template.hx line 356
Called from /usr/lib/haxe/std/haxe/Template.hx line 396
Called from /usr/lib/haxe/std/neko/Lib.hx line 60
Called from /usr/lib/haxe/std/haxe/Template.hx line 391
Uncaught exception - Macro call upper(#function:1,image) failed (Invalid call)
Build halted with errors (haxelib.exe).

I get similar errors when compiling to Flash or C++.

I can't see why this happens, all I remember doing before this started happening was renaming a class and all references to it. I even changed them back and this keeps happening. It's only happening in this project, I made a new empty OpenFL project and that compiles fine.

Any idea what's up? I'm using Haxe 3.1.3 with FlashDevelop 4.6.1 and OpenFL 2.0.0.

Jason O'Neil

May 29, 2014, 11:58:16 PM5/29/14
haxe.Template uses a lot of generic, so it won't catch any naming errors etc.

If these templates are for some reason being used at compiletime (I don't know your project at all) I'd guess one of those templates is trying to use a variable, method or property that doesn't exist.

At runtime this would usually throw an error.  If this happens during a macro context, the error it throws will break compilation.

I hope that helps you figure out what might be going on :)

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Sami Habib

May 30, 2014, 1:06:55 AM5/30/14
Well, as far as I can tell I'm not using any templates, in fact I'd never even heard of haxe.Template before I saw this error. All I'm doing is essentially just adding some simple classes extending Sprite to the display (it's using OpenFL).

Jason O'Neil

May 30, 2014, 1:19:35 AM5/30/14
Well something in your code is using haxe.Template, perhaps one of the libraries? 

If I google CommandLineTools.hx it seems that file belongs to OpenFL, so maybe someone more familiar with it can help you.

I don't use OpenFL so I won't be able to help you there sorry...
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