have been trying to prove a concept to my dev team and sell them on haxe. i'm using haxe template system, andy's jQueryExtern, and bindx (searched everywhere for haxe data binding lib and just recently seen a post about bindx here) to create a worklow similar to angularjs. was hoping to create a way to bind changes to a model and update a template (eventually hoping for 2 way binding if possible). if there are libs similar that already exist let me know.
let's say I have some html input with a custom attribute ex:
<input type="text" class="form-control" hx-model="v.a">
how do i get this working using Reflect (or whatever is best):
var modelTest = new js.JQuery('[hx-model]');
var tempFields = Reflect.fields(modelTest.attr('hx-model'));
just being lazy for now (wouldn't mind a effective way to grab nested props for N levels of depth):
var test = Reflect.field(modelTest.attr('hx-model'), tempFields[0]);
var test2 = Reflect.field(modelTest.attr('hx-model'), tempFields[2]);
if(test != null && test2 != null)
trace('found object: ' + test + ' & ' + test2);
//here i'd like to drop use of v.a and use test & test2 for example
v.a.bindx(function (from:String, to:String) { trace('v.a changed from:$from to:$to'); TemplateBuilder.updateTemplate(_template, resourceTest, {testString:v.a, testDataObject:testDataObject, testSelectData:_testSelectData}); } );
throw 'The dom references an object: ' + modelTest.attr('hx-model') + ' but the object wasn\'t found in this class.';
appreciate the help guys.