Upcoming requirement for a cross-platform geo-maps oriented app

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Feb 9, 2015, 1:15:23 PM2/9/15
to haxe...@googlegroups.com
I am exploring a project that essentially consists of placing custom, touchable (or clickable) icons over either a Google-style geo-map or a map (e.g. of a building) that was scanned in.  

The current application is an "iOS-only mess," and there is strong interest in being able to deploy this app ... as "just one app" ... to native-iOS, native-Android, and HTML5.  I think it's also important that this app not simply be "JavaScript + HTML + CSS," but a genuinely native application.  For instance, multi-finger touch to zoom in and out is a requirement.

The fundamental business consideration for evaluating this approach is to reduce the number of parallel code-bases that must be maintained today "to do the same thing," and of course to bring haXe's strong-typing to JS-target development.  I'm also quite interested in "future-proofing" the approach that is taken.

I've been away from haXe for a couple of years but have had good experiences with it in the past.  I'm therefore interested in hearing what others would consider to be "the state-of-the-art-today approach" for dealing with such a requirement using haXe – and if, in fact, haXe would be the tool-of-choice.  (Hey, I can ask ... and if not, what would you choose today and why?)  

The project would commence almost immediately, therefore "real soon now" won't cut the mustard.  Any existing examples with source-code that I could refer to [legally] on the net would be a big plus.

Looking forward to authoritative responses here and/or mailed to "mi...@sundialservices.com."  (As in, "yesterday ...")


Feb 9, 2015, 1:17:18 PM2/9/15
to haxe...@googlegroups.com
To slightly clarify this ... I am aware of NME and other virtual-machine approaches but not thoroughly familiar with their latest state-of-development.  As long as the app can be installed "as an app" natively on Android, iOS, and future platforms and look in each case that it truly belongs there – and with a minimum of "different code to do the same thing" – that's in-scope, too.

Thanks, world!


Feb 9, 2015, 1:37:31 PM2/9/15
to haxe...@googlegroups.com
The "haxemaps" map-engine (http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/%7Evasicek/docs/map_index.htm), for example, appears to be interesting ... in fact, it seems to be a very thorough treatment of more-or-less exactly what this app needs to do – but, for example, the copyright date is 2010 and the entire site is in Czech.  (Has it been updated more recently?)  Is it specific to Flash ... and if so, could OpenFL help?  (Looks like OpenFL is a dependency in github.)

All of these are things that I really just don't know – and can't afford to "just jump in and guess."  Someone within the sound of my voice is bound to have done this. . . 

"Thanks, world!"  

Cauê Waneck

Feb 9, 2015, 2:17:42 PM2/9/15
to haxe...@googlegroups.com

I've developed a (still closed-source, unfortunately) mapping library in Haxe recently, and you should be able to achieve what you want with Haxe.
There are a number of libraries which you can use to be able to compile natively to iOs/Android/HTML5/others. They all do what you want, so it should be up to you to choose which one. There's NME and OpenFL which follow the flash API; There's also lime, snowkit and KHA - which don't follow the flash API.

I didn't know about this haxemaps project, it seems quite nice! Even if it was written as a flash-only application, with either openfl or nme you will be able to use the same code (with little to no changes) and compile it to all of their supported platforms. You just need to check if it's written in Haxe 2 or Haxe 3. I've looked at the code and it seems compatible with Haxe 3

2015-02-09 16:17 GMT-02:00 <mdr....@gmail.com>:
To slightly clarify this ... I am aware of NME and other virtual-machine approaches but not thoroughly familiar with their latest state-of-development.  As long as the app can be installed "as an app" natively on Android, iOS, and future platforms and look in each case that it truly belongs there – and with a minimum of "different code to do the same thing" – that's in-scope, too.

Thanks, world!

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Justin L Mills

Feb 9, 2015, 8:43:58 PM2/9/15
to haxe...@googlegroups.com
That map link is very interesting.


Feb 10, 2015, 9:55:45 AM2/10/15
to haxe...@googlegroups.com
I tried that Haxemaps tool quite a while back and got it compile in Flash. I tried compiling to HTML5 using NME/Jeash (the days before OpenFL) and had less success. It compiled but some things were missing. Nowadays I would recommend testing it with OpenFL, and if the targets other than Flash are proving troublesome I would look at using Adobe AIR to convert the swf for other devices.

Victor / tokiop

Feb 11, 2015, 4:14:14 PM2/11/15
to haxe...@googlegroups.com
hi !

this repo seem to be up to date (haxe3 + openfl) :


On 09/02/2015 19:37, mdr....@gmail.com wrote:
> The "haxemaps" map-engine
> (http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/%7Evasicek/docs/map_index.htm), for example,
> appears to be interesting ... in fact, it seems to be a very thorough
> treatment of more-or-less exactly what this app needs to do – *but,* for
> example, the copyright date is 20*10* and the entire site is in Czech.
> (Has it been updated more recently?) Is it specific to Flash ... and if
> so, could OpenFL help? *(Looks like OpenFL is a dependency in github.)*
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