Macro order & getting the tree of the whole file

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Cara Moun

Sep 1, 2013, 4:18:20 AM9/1/13

In a desire to simplify and type some interactions between a client-server project I tried to dive into macros.
The code manipulation part is working for me but i'm stucked with how to do certain things at a higher scope than just a Class.

I'm a bit tired of annoying ousado on that matter so i'm asking here.

My first issue is Macro order :

I don't know how the typing works, but after reading a bunch of threads it seems like this is what makes the order of macro execution unreliable.

So a sample of my case would be : i need to catch every occurence of X metadata expression and then grab some datas from it to put them in an array A (just at the macro level and as a cache between macro executions); I'm then catching Y metadata expressions process them and use A to change the expression at Y, and even a third step...

Or basically, thinking in term of passes : catching datas at X THEN processing and pasting those datas at Y THEN ...

It seems inherently impossible to do that the *normal* way, but how would YOU do that ? can i parse & process the tree of the whole file ? several times ? how ?

Second issue related to above on how to process a whole file :

If i need to catch every occurence of X within a file without having to @:build every class, can i parse the whole file ? Is there a macro for this ? *cough cough*


Juraj Kirchheim

Sep 1, 2013, 5:23:54 AM9/1/13
As a general rule of thumb: when you're trying to move information
around through macros in a way that seems impossible because of
evaluation order, chances are, you're implementing something like

And even if it's not half that crazy, you should consider that if you
want these kind of super-global transformation rules, you really risk
of running into incompatibility with others. Of course, if you're 100%
happy with being a lone wolf programmer, that's not an issue.

The rationale is, that all macros are triggered by some explicit
mention. Either as a command line argument, or as a
@:build/@:autoBuild argument. Or as a "direct" macro. With that
restriction, two heavily macro based libraries can quite peacefully
coexist in a single project.

As for semi-automagical, the @:autoBuild-approach is usually the most
popular one. You declare an empty "marker" interface, that has the
@:autoBuild, and then triggering the magic becomes as easy as
implementing that interface.


As for parsing files: You can use Context.getType or Context.getModule
to get the parsed and typed information (assuming you know where to
look). But I think you will have to grab a nightly to recover
metadata, because Haxe has only lately started to preserve it in the
typed AST. Of course if you only need member/class metadata, then this
already works.

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