Programmer wanted - porting Defender's Quest to Haxe

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Lars Doucet

Jan 14, 2013, 11:12:12 AM1/14/13
Originally posted on the HaxeFlixel forums:

Hey there! I'm Lars Doucet, lead developer of Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten. It was released on Steam back in October, and here's a review or two.


(Is it okay to post a job here? I didn't see any rules against it)


We wrote the original game in AS3/AIR with flixel version 2.35, and are looking to port the engine to HaXe. I've been making some progress so far, but I think we could really benefit from someone with more experience with the language. We're looking for someone to examine our codebase and give us an estimate for the time and cost of porting the whole thing to HaXe, and be the man/woman for the job if we can afford it.


Here's some basic facts about our project:

- 275 AS3 source files

- 84,136 Lines of non-blank, non-comment AS3 source code (according to cloc.exe)

- Uses flixel 2.35, so part of the job would be upgrading to the new flixel library

- Heavily data-driven, so lots of XML parsing code

- Lots of graphical assets, so we'd need to tweak the asset pipeline


If anyone is interested in this, please reply to this thread, or email us at leveluplabs [at] gmail [dot] com!


If you've got the skills, we'll show you our codebase so you can give us an estimate,  and if we can afford it, we'll consider you for the job.


If you're NOT interested in the position, but you know someone who might be, please pass this along.  And if you don't want the job, but just have some great tips on porting AS3 to HaXe, that'd be great!


The ideal candidate will have:

- HaXe experience

- AS3 experience

- Flixel experience

- Knows how to use automated tools to take care of the tedious brain-dead bits of the porting


Additionally, we'll strongly consider contributing any interesting and re-usable bits of code from the final results to the HaxeFlixel project, should there be anything that's of any general use apart from our specific game.

Simon Krajewski

Jan 14, 2013, 11:19:59 AM1/14/13

Glad to hear you're planning on porting Defender's Quest to haxe, it should be well worth the effort. I'm sure you will find someone interested here, and feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding the compiler side of things.


Left Right

Jan 14, 2013, 3:55:25 PM1/14/13

I'm not sure I'm a good match for the job overall because I'm not
familiar with Flixel, but if the project has or requires to create
asset management of sorts, I'll be very interested to take a look and
have a system that builds it (at least the assets side of things).
I've been looking recently into HXSWFML for that + I was writing a
tool for creating spritesheets. So just for the sake of experiment, it
would be interesting to combine those two and see how I could use it
with the real-world data.


> --
> To post to this group

Lars Doucet

Jan 28, 2013, 5:11:30 PM1/28/13
Hey there, 

We're specifically looking for someone with Haxe + Flixel experience, so I'm afraid we'll have to pass. Thanks for applying, though!

-- -- Games, Art, Design

Lars Doucet

Jan 28, 2013, 5:12:13 PM1/28/13
to haxelang
(Sorry, that was meant for Oleg, I didn't mean to post it to the googlegroup!)
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