Creating Macros

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Dinko Pavicic

Mar 19, 2016, 9:06:01 AM3/19/16
to Haxe
Hi all,
I'm trying to fiddle with macros to build Maps filled with asset data but I totally suck at it.

I have a JSON with asset data grouped by the locale and also by the build target ( within the each locale ), something like this:

assets: {

  en: {
    html: [
         name: "textureA",
         type: "texture",
         resource: "some_url_to_a_texture.png"
         isLoaded: false
         name: "meshA",
         type: "mesh",
         resource: "some_url_to_a_texture.fbx"
         isLoaded: false
    ios: [
         name: "textureA",
         type: "texture",
         resource: "some_url_to_a_texture_ios.png"
         isLoaded: false
         name: "meshA",
         type: "mesh",
         resource: "some_url_to_a_texture_ios.fbx"
         isLoaded: false
    android: [
         name: "textureA",
         type: "texture",
         resource: "some_url_to_a_texture_android.png"
         isLoaded: false
         name: "meshA",
         type: "mesh",
         resource: "some_url_to_a_texture_android.fbx"
         isLoaded: false
  fr: {
    html: [
         name: "textureA",
         type: "texture",
         resource: "some_url_to_a_texture.png"
         isLoaded: false
         name: "meshA",
         type: "mesh",
         resource: "some_url_to_a_texture.fbx"
         isLoaded: false
    ios: [
         name: "textureA",
         type: "texture",
         resource: "some_url_to_a_texture_ios.png"
         isLoaded: false
         name: "meshA",
         type: "mesh",
         resource: "some_url_to_a_texture_ios.fbx"
         isLoaded: false
    android: [
         name: "textureA",
         type: "texture",
         resource: "some_url_to_a_texture_android.png"
         isLoaded: false
         name: "meshA",
         type: "mesh",
         resource: "some_url_to_a_texture_android.fbx"
         isLoaded: false


I have a class like this where I would like to create and populate Map(s) with asset data via macros

class AssetService
    /** Map with structure something like this:

     [ localeName =>  [
       assetName => asset, 
       assetName => asset,
       assetName => asset,
       localeName =>  [
       assetName => asset, 
       assetName => asset,
       assetName => asset,
    private var _assets:Map<String, Map<String, Asset>>;

And a class for the assets, something like this
class Asset
  public var name:String;
  public var locale:String;
  public var resource:String;
  public var type:String;

My macro starts something like this ... It successfully load that json and parses it into an object but I really don't know how to create Maps with macros and set them to appropriate fields:

#if macro
class AssetMetadataBuilder

macro public static function build()
trace( "------- ASSET COMPILER ------- " );
switch ( Context.getType("test.AssetService" ))
case TInst(cl,_):
var cl = cl.get();
var meta = cl.meta;

// Get assets config ... loads the assets.json file and parses it
var assetsData = AssetMetadataBuilder.loadAssetConfig();

                                ..... need to create and populate Maps with macros here ... I'm a dumbass

I tried to find similar stuff on the group but didn't have any luck. If anybody have any pointers about this I would be really grateful.
Many thanks in advance!


Dinko Pavicic

Mar 19, 2016, 9:10:54 AM3/19/16
to Haxe
I messed up the post subject, it should be 'creating Maps with macros'. 
Sorry for that

Yoni Gueta

Mar 19, 2016, 1:28:24 PM3/19/16
to Haxe

i think this can do what your'e looking for:

in your example, just replace your classes with typedefs and feed it to CompileTime.parseJsonFile("myJson.json")

Dinko Pavicic

Mar 20, 2016, 6:30:34 PM3/20/16
to Haxe
Thanks, not exactly what I'm looking for but it's nice for macro learning purposes.

Domagoj Štrekelj

Mar 21, 2016, 12:14:22 PM3/21/16
to Haxe

I recently attempted something similar myself, though not with maps. There were some pitfalls, but nothing I couldn't overcome with some help from the good people frequenting the Haxe IRC channel.

What follows is a brief explanation of Haxe macro programming as I understand it. Feel free to move straight on to the code sample if you're not new to macros!

Haxe macros are an interesting exercise in meta-programming. We have been conditioned to write code to solve a problem; much like we are conditioned to "solve for X" in algebra by any means we see fit. Writing macros, however, puts the code into focus - we write code to reduce the number of steps required to reach a solution. These steps are expressions or Haxe source code, in simple terms.

Let's take for example your issue of outfitting an existing class with a variable of the map type. We know the data we want the map to store, and more importantly we know how to declare and initialize maps. Here is a simple map with Int keys mapped to String values:

var myMap : Map<Int, String> = [ 1 => "One", 2 => "Two", 3 => "Three" ];

We can see a pattern: key => value. And patterns are great for us programmers. We can exploit them to write less code, which is literally what happens when writing a macro.

Each one of those patterns is an expression, which means that the map is essentially an array of expressions. So here is what we need to do (in "pseudocode"):

myMap : Array<Expression> = [];

for (pair in dataset)
.push(pair.key => pair.value);

Here is where it gets tricky because now we actually have to write a macro. For the sake of brevity I won't go into detail and let the actual asset loading macro do the talking.


import haxe.macro.Context;
import haxe.macro.Expr;
import haxe.macro.Type;

using haxe.macro.Tools;

class AssetServiceBuilder
    public static macro function build() : Array<Field>
        // The build fields of the class being built
        var fields = Context.getBuildFields();
        // The asset data we want to store into a map
        var assetData : AssetData = haxe.Json.parse("res/assets.json"));
        // The array of expressions representing the final map of assets
        var assets = [];
        // We use reflection to iterate through fields of the anonymous object that is assetData
        for (locale in Reflect.fields(assetData))
            // This is akin to assetData[locale] or assetData.locale
            var l : AssetData.AssetLocaleData = Reflect.field(assetData, locale);
            // The array of expressions representing the internal map of assets per platform
            var localAssets = [];
            for (platform in Reflect.fields(l))
                var p : AssetData.AssetPlatformData = Reflect.field(l, platform);
                // I'm only looking at the assets for a single platform to avoid duplicate keys
                if (platform == "ios")
                    for (entry in p)
                        // Note the use of `macro` and expression reification (`$v{}`)
                        localAssets.push(macro $v{} => new Asset($v{locale}, $v{}, $v{entry.resource}, $v{entry.type}));
            // Note the use of `macro` and expression reification (`$a{}`)
            assets.push(macro $v{locale} => $a{localAssets});
        // We "push" (add) a new field to the class
            // Think of this as the line position that will be referenced on error
            pos: Context.currentPos(),
            // Field name
            name: "_assets",
            // We won't be adding any metadata
            meta: null,
            // The field will be a variable of the Map<String, Map<String, Asset>> type, and will contain the array of expressions making up a map
            kind: FieldType.FVar(macro : Map<String, Map<String, Asset>>, macro $a{assets}),
            // We won't be adding any documentation
            doc: null,
            // We'll give it private visibility
            access: [Access.APrivate]
        // Once the build macro is done it needs to return the context's build fields
        return fields;

Here is a comprehensive gist.

I would recommend building with -D dump=pretty when writing macros because the AST-like dump of the macro result is enlightening. In this case, it looks kind of like this:

class AssetService{
private _assets(var) : Map<String, Map<String, Asset>>

= {
var _g = new haxe.ds.StringMap();
var value;
var _g1 = new haxe.ds.StringMap();
var value1 = new Asset("en","textureA","some_url_to_a_texture_ios.png","texture");
var value1 = new Asset("en","meshA","some_url_to_a_texture_ios.fbx","mesh");
value = _g1;
var value;
var _g2 = new haxe.ds.StringMap();
var value1 = new Asset("fr","textureA","some_url_to_a_texture_ios.png","texture");
var value1 = new Asset("fr","meshA","some_url_to_a_texture_ios.fbx","mesh");
value = _g2;


I hope this was helpful!



Pozdrav iz Osijeka :) Ako želiš s nekim "lokalnim" razgovarati o Haxeu, slobodno mi se javi!

Dinko Pavicic

Mar 22, 2016, 6:57:06 PM3/22/16
to Haxe

I don't know how to thank you for putting so much effort in this explanation! Many thanks, this really helps !!!

Nice to see that there's Haxers in Croatia.

Take care,
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