loadGraphicFromTexture not supported for Sprite Group?!

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Shaun Michael K. Stone

Jul 5, 2015, 8:51:56 AM7/5/15
to haxef...@googlegroups.com
So I am trying to create a GameObject class that extends from FlxTypedSpriteGroup because I want one sprite for the animation, and another for the shadow of the sprite. I want to use the shadow as the collision object instead of the main player sprite as it causes complications with collision. I was shocked to find that this isn't supported:

* This functionality isn't supported in SpriteGroup
* @return this sprite group
override public function loadGraphicFromTexture(Data:Dynamic, Unique:Bool = false, ?FrameName:String):FlxSprite 
FlxG.log.error("loadGraphicFromTexture() is not supported in FlxSpriteGroups.");
return this;

So the question is, when or will this ever be possible? Because it has now blocked my game development. It seems bizarre that something like this isn't supported.



Jul 5, 2015, 9:46:49 AM7/5/15
to haxef...@googlegroups.com
It's just a container, you can't "loadGraphic" into a bunch of FlxSprites :)

You need to create these FlxSprites (player, shadow), add them to the SpriteGroup and then handle collisions only with the shadow FlxSprite instead of the all SpriteGroup.
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