Problem with loosing the quality when playing spritesheet

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Nov 28, 2015, 2:57:32 PM11/28/15
to HaxeFlixel
Hello i have a problem with loosing quality in animations for Left, Up, Down (which is on 1, 2 and 3 row of spritesheet), spritesheet is dynamically created but it's not a problem here since if i show entire spritesheet it looks good enough, the problem is with playing anim, every time sprite display one of above direction it display character with bad quality(check images), the only direction which shows good quality is first frame (since i don't have yet more than 1 frame in each direction for characters yet), so my question is how to fix this, since i mean it's something that can't left in game (The previous build which i didn't use FlxAnimationController object and just created bitmapData every time i changed direction didn't have that problem, but to be truthful i don't see any problematic piece of code in FLxAnimationController or FlxFrame so i need a help?

ps. my target is windows
Bad Quality.png
Good Quality.png


Nov 29, 2015, 1:09:33 PM11/29/15
to HaxeFlixel
I partially resolved problem by recreating my own AnimationController which currently show image in good quality in any direction, but my question is that every update i assign to FlxSprite.pixels BitmapData with my frame data, but the method basically recreate sprite, so i ask which bitmapData variable is used to draw sprite on non Blit Render targets (for Blit i believe it framePixels), that i can change only pixels without recreating entire graphic data (which by the way it's quite useless since i have my own data to this, but since i don't know which variable is used i don't get a desired effect, btw i tried to change only chachedGraphic but then it didn't show any graphics)
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