Standard Library Not Found

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Cestarian Inhabitant

Oct 26, 2014, 5:15:14 PM10/26/14
I installed haxe the other day, and compiled with "lime test neko" a test hello world project, nothing has changed since then, literally, the project files are the same as they used to be, and no updates were made to haxe, openfl, lime, neko or anything.

But I tried to compile again today and it spits out a "Standard library not found" error. Just to be sure it wasn't some mistake in the project files, I created a new test project and that one wouldn't compile either giving me the exact same error. How do I solve this?

(Naturally the same occurs if I compile with the Linux target or Windows target, if I set flash as target I get "Error: Could not process argument Test.swf
Class name must start with uppercase character") Reinstalling haxe and updating lime had no effect.

I also notice my project file points to a location that doesn't exist. '"path": "/usr/lib/haxe/std"' (There's nothing in /usr/lib/haxe except an empty lib folder and a flixel binary) but since I'm pretty much a first time user, I'm not sure how I could correct this.


Oct 26, 2014, 6:20:04 PM10/26/14
Well.. if there's nothing inside /usr/lib/haxe/std, that would explain the "std lib not found" error - it should be in there. :)

Have you tried reinstalling haxe?

Cestarian Inhabitant

Oct 26, 2014, 9:24:15 PM10/26/14
Yes I tried reinstalling haxe, I said so in the OP. And also, this wouldn't explain how it managed to compile the first time with an identical setup. But I found the problem, the Arch Linux AUR package installs the std folder to /opt/haxe/std for some reason, I just had to symlink that to the right location and now it builds again.

I wonder how the hell it compiled the first time though.
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