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Sebastien V.

Apr 12, 2014, 1:14:15 AM4/12/14
Hello! Is there a donate link/button for HaxeFlixel? I looked around on the front page of the .com and github and didn't see anything. It would be nice to be able to give back in some way, the dev team has put a massive amount of work into HaxeFlixel.


Apr 12, 2014, 9:00:23 AM4/12/14
Hey! Much appreciated that you're willing to give back! Currently, a donation option is not available. Ways of giving something back include contributing to one of the many repositories and being a part of the community. :) 

I will bookmark this thread and post here if anything new comes up.


Apr 12, 2014, 4:46:23 PM4/12/14
I'm not a lawyer, but it should be relatively simple to set a nonstock LLC and apply for a tax-exempt private foundation on the US with about 250$ (you can always force Sam or Lars to do it ]:-} [insert evil laugh here]). On Germany and Australia I think the procedure is pretty similar, won't know anything about other potential countries though. It's not supposed to take too much of someone's time, but it is one problem. There are some more problems regarding interpersonal and global issues (where to register, who will be the directors and how can you get their actual autographs [so, maybe no directors at all?] etc).

I think there's no reason to why the repositories members won't be able to support their part (or full) time efforts via donations (FlashDevelop), indiegogo like sites (Synfig) and income from community developed games (this one is my idea as far as I know, I'll be happy to contribute ideas/design/art/sound or whatever to such projects). Nobody ever talks about money on open-source projects, but I think you can still need and get money, nonetheless...

Samuel Batista

Apr 13, 2014, 9:58:36 PM4/13/14
This is an interesting idea. I'll be thinking about it and discussing it with the other devs. We'll move forward with it if makes sense.

On Saturday, April 12, 2014 4:45:47 PM UTC-4, SruloArt wrote:
I'm not a lawyer, but it should be relatively simple to set a nonstock LLC and apply for a tax-exempt private foundation on the US with about 250$ (you can always force Sam or Lars to do it ]:-} [insert evil laugh here]). On Germany and Australia I think the procedure is pretty similar, won't know anything about other potential countries though. It's not supposed to take too much of someone's time, but it is one problem. There are some more problems regarding interpersonal and global issues (where to register, who will be the directors and how can you get their actual autographs [so, maybe no directors at all?] etc).

I think there's no reason to why the repositories members won't be able to support their part (or full) time efforts via donations (FlashDevelop), indiegogo like sites (Synfig) and income from community developed games (this one is my idea as far as I know, I'll be happy to contribute ideas/design/art/sound or whatever to such projects). Nobody ever talks about money on open-source projects, but I think you can still need and get money, nonetheless...

On Saturday, April 12, 2014 4:00:23 PM UTC+3, Gama11 wrote:
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