We work for you, not Big Business. Help us keep it that way.

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Hastakshep समाचार पोर्टल

Oct 29, 2017, 4:56:34 AM10/29/17
to hasta...@googlegroups.com
We work for you, not Big Business. Help us keep it that way.

As more and more organizations sell out to massive corporations, flood their sites with advertisements, and modify their reporting to benefit their sponsors, Hastakshep.com remains truly independent.

That independence comes at a cost.

Being reader-supported, truly independent media means our newsletters, our web hosting, our articles, small staff – all of it is funded by readers like you.

We understand that, with all the companies and apps and services competing for your Rupees, another expense is the last thing you want or need.

But if you want media that works for the people, media that works for you and not their sponsors, then directly giving to organizations like Hastakshep.com is the only way to get it.

Don’t let the massive corporations win. Their power is incredible, but it is nothing compared to the power of the informed public.

So, what do you say? Are you ready to join the resistance?

Help keep hastaksep.com online, independent.

If you appreciate the important work we’re doing here at Hastakshep.com, we need you to click here to donate now.

हस्तक्षेप मित्रों के सहयोग से संचालित होता है। आप भी मदद करके इस अभियान में सहयोगी बन सकते हैं।

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इस समूह की सदस्यता समाप्त करने और इससे ईमेल प्राप्त करना बंद करने के लिए, hastakshep+...@googlegroups.com को ईमेल भेजें.
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