Array operations get slower inside loop

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Ethan Brooks

Sep 27, 2017, 10:25:35 PM9/27/17
to Haskell Repa
I have the following code:

#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resolver lts-8.12 script --optimize
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -Werror #-}

module Main
  ( main
  ) where

import qualified Data.Array.Repa as R
import Data.Array.Repa (Array, DIM1, (+^), D, Z(..), (:.)(..), (!))
import Data.Time
import Prelude hiding (sum)
import qualified System.Random as Random

n :: Int
n = round (1e6 :: Double)

addLargeRandomArrays :: Array D DIM1 Int -> Array D DIM1 Int
addLargeRandomArrays array = array +^ array'
    i = array ! (Z :. 0) -- use the first element in the array as the random seed
    array' =
      R.fromListUnboxed (Z :. n) . take n $ Random.randoms (Random.mkStdGen i) -- random array

main :: IO ()
main = do
  start <- getCurrentTime
  loop start zeros
    zeros = R.fromFunction (Z :. n) $ const 0 -- all zeros
    loop prev array = do
      let array' = addLargeRandomArrays array
      sum <- (! Z) <$> R.sumP array'
      now <- getCurrentTime
      print (diffUTCTime now prev, sum)
      loop now array'

For some reason, the execution time for each iteration of the loop keeps getting slower:


This is causing serious performance issues for one of my applications. Please help. Thank you.

Mike Ledger

Sep 28, 2017, 2:17:33 AM9/28/17
to Ethan Brooks, Haskell Repa
D is used for "delayed" arrays. Is it possible you're accumulating "delays" (thunks? I don't know about repa internals) in 'loop'?

I'd try force the array to the 'U' representation on each iteration or just start with a U array to begin with. See computeUnboxed{P,S}


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Alex Mason

Sep 28, 2017, 9:07:23 PM9/28/17
to Haskell Repa
I believe Mike is correct, by using delay representations, you're building lots of functions which look like (\i -> arr1 ! i + arr ! 2), then \i -> (arr1 ! 1 + arr2 !) + arr3 ! i) etc.This is because the definition of a Delayed array is:

instance Source D a where
 data Array D sh a
        = ADelayed  
                (sh -> a)

i.e., it is just a shape and a function which can return a value of type a for each index in that shape, so in your example you're building up a function whose complexity grows linearly. To fix it, you need to force the result into some form of manifest representation, such as Unboxed. You can do this by using:

addLargeRandomArrays :: Array D DIM1 Int -> Array U DIM1 Int
addLargeRandomArrays array = computeUnboxedS (array +^ array') 
                       -- or computeUnboxedP if you find parallelism helps at this array size

To get the most out of Repo, you should probably read the paper:

Ethan Brooks

Sep 29, 2017, 2:35:59 PM9/29/17
to Mike Ledger, Haskell Repa
Ok. This makes perfect sense. Moreover, this really explains what the issue was in the original code. Thank you.

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