Is it possible to applicatively lift `Pipes a b m r` into `Pipes (ZipList a) (ZipList b) m r`?

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Louis Pan

Aug 22, 2016, 9:35:50 PM8/22/16
to Haskell Pipes
Say I have a `Pipes a b m r` called 'p'.

How do I convert it to a `Pipes (ZipList a) (ZipList b) m r`?
That is, I want to apply the pipe 'p' and apply zip-wise to an input ziplist, without losing the state of each pipe in the ziplist.

The reason I want this, is that I want to run multiple attoparsec parsers in parallel in one pass of a file.

My approach for this is to use Control.Foldl  to combine the attoparsec parsers into a `Control.Foldl.Fold ByteString [PartialParseResult]`, then convert it (using Control.Foldl.purely Pipes.Prelude.scan) to a `Pipe ByteString [PartialParseResult]`

My other requirement is that I want to look at intermediate parser output (eg. each line of a file as it's parsed), in order to summarise each line, in a stateful way as I'm keeping track of the current line number.

My approach for this is to use Control.Foldl.Fold for the summary logic, and then convert it to a pipe. I am able to create a `Pipe PartialParseResult AnalysisResult m r` for this.

However, how do I connect a `Pipe ByteString [PartialParseResult] m r` to a `Pipe PartialParseResult AnalysisResult m r`?



Louis Pan

Aug 22, 2016, 9:45:51 PM8/22/16
to Haskell Pipes
One approach I can think of is the use Pipes.Concurrent to manually split the ZipList and then combine then results. Is there a nicer way?

Gabriel Gonzalez

Aug 22, 2016, 11:20:24 PM8/22/16
I would do what you're already doing with `Control.Foldl.Fold`.  That's the approach I usually recommend for this.

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Louis Pan

Aug 23, 2016, 1:01:54 AM8/23/16
to Haskell Pipes
Sorry, could you please elaborate? I'm a bit slow.

How do I use Control.Foldl.Fold to convert `Pipes a b m r` into `Pipes (ZipList a) (ZipList b) m r` ?

Louis Pan

Aug 23, 2016, 2:24:03 PM8/23/16
to Haskell Pipes
I managed to convert between `P.Producer (ZipList a) m r` and `ZipList (P.Producer a m ()` using the StateT trick used in Pipes.Parse

Does the following code make sense? Am I breaking any laws?

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
import qualified Pipes as P
import qualified Pipes.Lift as PL

-- ZipList Traversable is only in
sequenceAZipList :: Applicative f => ZipList (f a) -> f (ZipList a)
sequenceAZipList xs = ZipList <$> sequenceA (getZipList xs)

-- | Similar to Pipes.Parse.Parser, except it stores a ZipList of Producers.
type ZipParser a m r = forall x . StateT (ZipList (P.Producer a m x)) m r

-- | Draw one element from each underlying Producer, returning 'Nothing' if any of the producers are empty
drawZ :: Monad m => ZipParser a m (Maybe (ZipList a))
drawZ = do
  ps <- get
  rs <- lift (sequenceAZipList ( <$> ps))
  case sequenceAZipList rs of
    Left _ -> pure Nothing
    Right rs' -> do
      put $ snd <$> rs'
      pure . Just $ fst <$> rs'

-- | Push back a Ziplist element onto the underlying ZipList of Producers
unDrawZ :: Monad m => ZipList a -> ZipParser a m ()
unDrawZ as = modify (\ps -> appendA <$> ps <*> as)
  appendA p a = do
    r <- p
    P.yield a
    pure r

toZipList :: Monad m => P.Producer (ZipList a) m r -> m (ZipList (P.Producer a m ()))
toZipList p = execStateT (toZipParser p) (pure (pure ()))
  toZipParser :: Monad m => P.Producer (ZipList a) m r -> ZipParser a m r
  toZipParser p' = do
    r <- lift $ p'

Louis Pan

Aug 24, 2016, 6:16:29 AM8/24/16
to Haskell Pipes
My code doesn't stream properly - it forces consumption of the original producer before outputting anything. :(

Louis Pan

Aug 26, 2016, 6:37:46 AM8/26/16
to Haskell Pipes
I think I understand what you mean by using Control.Fold.Foldl.

It's not possible to "applicatively" lift a Pipe from "Pipe a b m r" to "Applicative f => Pipe (f a) (f a) m r", but it is possible to lift a Control.Foldl.Fold from "Fold a b" to "Applicative f => Fold a b -> Fold (f a) (f b)" (see below).

This means it's better in my case to code the consumer as a Fold (and then convert it to a Pipes Parse), as opposed to a Pipe Consumer.

-- requires a function to force the applicative to prevent space leaks.
liftFold :: Applicative f => (forall x. f x -> f x) -> L.Fold a b -> L.Fold (f a) (f b)
liftFold f (L.Fold step begin done) = L.Fold step' begin' done'
  step' xs as = f (step <$> xs <*> as)
  begin' = pure begin
  done' xs = done <$> xs

forceZipList :: ZipList a -> ZipList a
forceZipList (ZipList xs) = ZipList (forceFoldable xs)

forceFoldable :: Foldable t => t a -> t a
forceFoldable xs = case foldr seq () xs of
      () -> xs

liftZipList ::  L.Fold a b -> L.Fold (ZipList a) (ZipList b)
liftZipList = liftFold forceZipList

I've confirmed this prevents space leaks by profiling with "+RTS -h -p" and using hp2ps.

However, I'm a novice with the significance of using seq and $!.

Am I doing anything dangerously? Is there something I should be careful of?

Gabriel Gonzalez

Aug 26, 2016, 12:15:25 PM8/26/16
Yeah, what you wrote looks correct.  The general idea is that you compose `Fold`s and then convert to a `Pipe` at the last minute.

There's another related type which also has nice properties for this sort of thing, which is basically a mealy machine.  I usually encode it like this:

{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}

data Scan a b = forall m . Monoid m => Scan { begin :: s, step :: s -> a -> (s, b) }

instance Category Scan where ...
instance Arrow Scan where ...
instance Functor (Scan a) where ...
instance Applicative (Scan a) where ...

    :: (forall x. LensLike (State x) s t a b)
    -> Scan a b
    -> Scan s t
focus k (Scan s f) = Scan s (Control.Lens.mapAccumLOf k f)

Then you can use `focus traverse` to lift a `Scan` to work on anything that is `Traversable` (like `ZipList`):

focus traverse :: Traversable t => Scan a b -> Scan (t a) (t b)

Louis Pan

Aug 29, 2016, 7:49:03 PM8/29/16
to Haskell Pipes
Hi Gabriel, thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.

Is your Scan encoding available anywhere? The closest thing I can find is ekmett's "strict Mealy Machine" at'.html but it looks quite different.

Gabriel Gonzalez

Aug 30, 2016, 12:00:43 PM8/30/16
The closest thing is the mealy machine type from this library, which is equivalent, although possibly less efficient (and missing the `focus` utility):

This is something I've been meaning to write up in a small library at some point, but I keep forgetting.

Mitchell Rosen

Dec 6, 2016, 2:07:46 PM12/6/16
to Haskell Pipes,
This library would be awesome to have!
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