App gets only rendered correctly after resizing window

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Adrian Sieber

Feb 22, 2020, 5:25:09 PM2/22/20
to Haskell Gloss
I wrote a simple app which loads an image and lets me mark a few points on it. However, initially the image is displayed in a weird scaled down way and only when I resize the window does it snap to the correct size. I attached a screencast of it. You can find the code here, but I don't think it's a bug on my side. If I remember correctly, an early version of it from a year ago, didn't have the problem. Any tips on how I can fix this would be highly appreciated!

Adrian Sieber

Feb 23, 2020, 6:59:01 AM2/23/20
to Haskell Gloss
I also tried out the examples in the gloss repository. And all of them are broken as well 😔. Looks like a bug was introduced in a recent version of gloss …

Ben Lippmeier

Feb 23, 2020, 6:16:25 PM2/23/20

On 23 Feb 2020, at 10:59 pm, Adrian Sieber <> wrote:

I also tried out the examples in the gloss repository. And all of them are broken as well 😔. Looks like a bug was introduced in a recent version of gloss 

More likely a recent version of GLFW or one of the other libraries we depend on. There haven’t been any changes to gloss itself for several months. You might want to try downgrading GLFW or GLUT (whichever lib you use)


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