Ordering of Rotating and Coloring ThickArc matters

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Ruben Pieters

Oct 27, 2019, 3:10:59 AM10/27/19
to Haskell Gloss
If I display a ThickArc and rotate/color it, then the ordering of rotating and coloring seems to matter in some circumstances. I don't think this is intended behavior?

Reproduction code:

module Main where

import Data.Function ((&))

import Graphics.Gloss

= ThickArc 0 300 20 5

= ThickArc 0 300 20 5 & Color red & Rotate 90

= ThickArc 0 300 20 5 & Rotate 90 & Color red

:: IO ()
= let
= makeColor 1 1 1 1
in play (InWindow "bug" (100, 100) (100, 100)) bgColor 60 () (\_ -> pic1) (\_ w -> w) (\_ w -> w)

pic1 gives me: an arc from 0 to 300 degrees

pic2 (color then rotate) gives me: which is what I expect, the arc from 0 to 300 degrees rotated 90 degrees
pic3 (rotate then color), however, gives me: which seems to be the arc from 300 to 0 degrees rotated 90 degrees, not what I expected

Ben Lippmeier

Oct 29, 2019, 9:00:54 PM10/29/19
to haskel...@googlegroups.com, Ruben Pieters
Thanks, this will be due to a misguided optimisation in the renderer which is easy to turn off. I should be able to look at it over the weekend.


On 25 Oct 2019, at 10:44 pm, Ruben Pieters <rubenpiet...@gmail.com> wrote:

If I display a ThickArc and rotate/color it, then the ordering of rotating and coloring seems to matter in some circumstances. I don't think this is intended behavior?

Reproduction code:

module Main where

import Data.Function ((&))

import Graphics.Gloss

= ThickArc 0 300 20 5

= ThickArc 0 300 20 5 & Color red & Rotate 90

= ThickArc 0 300 20 5 & Rotate 90 & Color red

:: IO ()
= let
= makeColor 1 1 1 1
in play (InWindow "bug" (100, 100) (100, 100)) bgColor 60 () (\_ -> pic1) (\_ w -> w) (\_ w -> w)

pic1 gives me:<Auto Generated Inline Image 1.png> an arc from 0 to 300 degrees

pic2 (color then rotate) gives me: <Auto Generated Inline Image 2.png> which is what I expect, the arc from 0 to 300 degrees rotated 90 degrees
pic3 (rotate then color), however, gives me: <Auto Generated Inline Image 3.png> which seems to be the arc from 300 to 0 degrees rotated 90 degrees, not what I expected

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<Auto Generated Inline Image 1.png><Auto Generated Inline Image 2.png><Auto Generated Inline Image 3.png>

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