Is there a way to finish "normally" animate / simulate?

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Evgenii Cherkashin

Oct 27, 2022, 8:49:00 AM10/27/22
to Haskell Gloss

I don't see a way to make the IO action / function to return. I am
currently calling os exit from the step function when I need to
terminate the animation, but this has a number of downsides. Not least,
it causes ghci to terminate, which makes debugging/developing under ghci
more difficult.

I could imagine that raising an exception in the step function, and
catching it in the calling code might work? Would it be cleaner though
to have the step function return a Maybe {Picture|model}, and terminate
the outer loop when it returns Nothing?

Am I missing something obvious?



Eugene Crosser

Nov 1, 2022, 6:15:32 AM11/1/22
to Haskell Gloss
On Thursday, 27 October 2022 at 14:49:00 UTC+2 Eugene Crosser wrote:
I could imagine that raising an exception in the step function, and
catching it in the calling code might work?
And it actually does not work! This code
  catch (animateFixedIO screenmode black (step beg end datap fh) ctrl)
        (\e -> putStrLn $ "caught exception" ++ (show (e :: FinishException)))
  putStrLn $ "After animation"
behaves as if `catch` was not used when the step function runs `throwIO`. I just get
<interactive>: Finish
<interactive>: interrupted
<interactive>: warning: too many hs_exit()s
under ghci, and
animate: Finish
when running compiled program.
So, any advice please?


Jørn Lode

Nov 2, 2022, 7:50:32 PM11/2/22
to Haskell Gloss
I think it's just an oversight (or a consequence of the API being designed to be very simply -- in this case, too simple for your use case). I patched gloss so I was able to exit by returning `Nothing` from the event handler function: . (In the previous commits, you can see I also patched it to assume that I'm using freeGLUT, because GLUT doesn't provide a way to exit cleanly anyway).
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