count the omer online tonight 9 PM EST

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David Seidenberg

Jun 2, 2024, 9:23:34 PMJun 2
Hi Chevra,

I will be counting the Omer online tonight at 9 PM. Usually I organize counting online several times during the Omer period, but this is the first time I'm doing it this year. I will do one more counting online next week.

Link for zoom will be password=Kabb

I also wrote a column on the IDF, in Gaza "A second Nakba, and there's no evading responsibility". Here's a link to read or to share: 

WIshing you all a good week,

David S

P.S. In recognition of the news last week about the trial, I want to share below neohasid's prayer for democracy with you, if you want to use it as we approach the election, as the Israeli populace protests to force elections and bring home the hostages, and as people around the world call for ceasefire. I've tweaked it a bit to connect to current realities, so send feedback about any suggestions/changes:

"May You tear out autocracy, tyranny and despotism, ruin those who cheat and deceive, and upend and overthrow those who oppress the vulnerable and those who hold captive hostages. may they all be freed. Make the reign of the arrogant disappear from all lands.

"May the people attacking democracies everywhere stumble and fail, and may their plans be as nought. Stop them, humble them, bring on their downfall, soon, in our days.

"May You give to all peoples the strength and will to pursue righteousness and seek peace as a unified force, so that violence be uprooted, and healing, good life and peace may flourish.

תְעַקֵּר רוֹדָנוּת וְטִירוּנִיָא וָעָרִיצוּת
וּתְשַׁבֵּר רַמַאִים
וּתְמַגֵּר עֹשְׁקֵי נִדְכָּאִים וְשׁוֹבֵי חֲטוּפִיםִ
שֶׁיִהְיוּ כֹֻּלָם מְשׁוּחְרָרִים
תַעֲבִיר מֶמְשֶׁלֶת זָדוֹן מִן הָאָרֶץ
תַּכְשִׁיל פּוֹגְעִים בְּדֵמוֹקרָטִיָה וְתָּפֵר תַחְבּוּלוֹתָם
תְכַלֵּם וְתַשְׁפִּילֵם וְתַכְנִיעֵם בִּמְהֵרָה בְיָמֵינו

תִּתֵּן לְכָל אֻמּוֹת הָעוֹלָם הָכֹּחַ וְהַרָצוֹן
לִרְדֹף צֶדֶק וּלְבַקֵּשׁ שָׁלוֹם כְּאַגֻדָה אַחַת
לֲעַקֹר חָמָס וּלְהַצְמִיחַ רְפוּאָה וְחַיִים טוֹבִים וְשָׁלוֹם
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