Today on Omer Counter

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David Seidenberg

May 22, 2024, 7:27:00 PMMay 22
from Omer Counter today (

Lovingkindness within Splendor / Pesach Sheni

"You once explained, when we dance, we are actually praying, flowing like willow limbs...toes touching earth, creating communities...connected by heartbeats. And so we will always see you praying and dancing, from one planet to the other, in a rhythm known only to angels and lovers of cosmic dust. Pray on, Shani, pray for us while we are here rooted, pleading and lacking in merit... whispering mi ani, mi ani (who am I?)." ~ Rabbi Hanna Yerushalmi, "Like Prayer", for Shani Louk z"l

"When, God forbid, there are Divine judgments affecting the Jewish people, through dancing and hand-clapping these Divine judgments can be mitigated. [This is because] dancing and hand-clapping are drawn from the spirit that is in the heart, as can be seen from experience, because by means of joy in the heart a person dances and claps their hands...and this what it means when it says, “And [Jacob] lifted his feet and he went”—it means that his heart lifted his feet out of joy)—because by means of the spirit that is in the heart comes dancing. ~ Rebbe Nachman, Likutei Moharan 1:10

Today is Pesach Sheni, the full moon one month after Passover, when people who missed the Passover sacrifice last month had a second chance to do it. Rabbi Leiah Lin Moser once talked about Pesach Sheni in relation to the experience of being a trans person, and the challenge of wanting to redo one's experiences and milestones of childhood that felt wrong when they happened the first time. What moments could use a redo in your life? How can we use our imagination and spirit to "redo" the past?
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