Passover - four more things: Benji Elson's Omer class; new poem; Haggadah News, hyssop (you can use oregano)

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David Seidenberg

Apr 21, 2024, 7:47:12 PMApr 21
You are invited to join Rabbi and Psychotherapist Benji Elson for the second cohort of The Dance of the Omer Course 2024 to bring some new light into your life! 

(And don't forget to download's Omer Counter:

The Dance of the Omer Course is an immersive and transformative 8-week Sefirat Haomer Journey into the Kabbalistic Sefirot & their guiding power.

⌚ When?
Sefirat Haomer
Sundays, April 21st - June 9th
Online from the comfort of your home.

Apply and register TODAY here!


Hyssop and its substitutes; another poem

Haggadah of the Inner Seder has been updated for this year -- use it as a leader's guide or a study guide to understand the deep structure for the seder. Includes questions and discussion related to this year's events.
Hyssop at the seder?

If you can't find hyssop, you can represent it with sprigs of oregano or thyme, which are close relatives and which are also sometimes used in za'atar. Also here's the link again to "Put hyssop on your seder plate" (TOI).

Another poem for this Pesach. What to know before reading: 1) Yoreh can mean, teaches, shoots, or early rains. 2) Yoreh yoreh Yadin yadin is what appears on rabbinic ordination certificates, empowering the person to teach and to judge.

"Yoreh u-Malqosh u-Vokheh (Trigger warning)" 
Yoreh, that’s the early rain, fall’s rain, hitting dry ground
like arrows — drops that strike, percuss
— we answer those strikes, planting sprigs
like bullets they pierce earth, but spaced evenly,
like a little geometric prayer: may these shoots pricking the soil
strike root and thrive
            yoreh yoreh, shooting up shooting up
Yoreh, that rain we prayed for. But
before we could pray, bullets.
Bullets that sprayed, sprigged the people,
            hearts pierced, pelvises shattered
Yoreh yoreh,
they shoot, we shoot
So it goes. Missiles drumming concrete, artillery shells collapsing shells of buildings
(did you know you can’t accurately aim artillery shells?)
Concrete pounds everything
where it falls — flesh and other relics of life, whole clans, 
            wiped out, from a single strike,
exterminated ever after from the rolls of the living
An IDF soldier, they say, shoots and cries, yoreh uvokheh,
Look, see — he is mourning the life of each fallen enemy
or at least mourning that he had to do the killing.
Well, maybe not, we have seen, it doesn’t always work that way IRL
Will we ever get that late rain called malqosh,
the one that dances the loamy ground?
Sweetening already sweetened soil, or bringing home every captive? And then 
ending winter, folding into dew?
Ana Hashem, please…

But the soil, still bitter, maror has taken over a garden ordained
for dying, to receive so many bloods
consecrated like the priest, who afterword goes around 
sprinkling purifying blood
Yoreh, he will teach, the priest will teach us, the rabbi will teach us,
to separate life from death, clean from corrupt, uplifted from fallen
Yoreh Yoreh, he will teach, he will teach
Yadin Yadin, He will judge, He will judge

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