Smalltalks 2010 --- Registration and invitation

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Andres Valloud

Sep 24, 2010, 2:57:22 AM9/24/10

======== INGLES

The Fundaci�n Argentina de Smalltalk (FAST) invites you to the 4th
Smalltalk Conference of Argentina, to be held on November 11, 12 and 13,
2010 at the Concepci�n del Uruguay site of the Universidad Tecnol�gica
Nacional. Everyone, including teachers, students, researchers,
developers and entrepreneurs, are welcome as speakers or attendees.
Registration is free and now open at

The goal of the conference is to strengthen the Argentine and
international Smalltalk community through the exchange of works,
experiences and anecdotes connected with this technology or related
matters. Renowned members of the international Smalltalk community will
visit the conference. Moreover, this edition of the conference will
have a Research Session with publications reviewed by an international
committee, as well as an Industry Track for those preferring a more
relaxed environment. We look forward to see your submissions. You can
propose papers or talks know through our website, or by sending an email

See you there!

======== SPANISH

La Fundaci�n Argentina de Smalltalk (FAST) los invita a la 4ta
Conferencia de Smalltalk de Argentina, a realizarse desde el 11 al 13 de
Noviembre del 2010 en la sede de Concepci�n del Uruguay de la
Universidad Tecnol�gica Nacional. Esperamos verlos a todos entre la
audiencia o como oradores, ya sean profesores, estudiantes,
investigadores, desarrolladores o empresarios. La registraci�n es
gratis y est� disponible en

El objetivo de la conferencia es afianzar los v�nculos entre las
comunidades Smalltalk de Argentina y del mundo, a trav�s del intercambio
de trabajos, experiencias y vivencias conectadas con esta tecnolog�a.
De hecho, este a�o nos visitar�n personalidades de renombre de la
comunidad internacional. Adem�s, en esta edici�n de la conferencia
tendremos un track de investigaci�n formal con publicaciones y referato
de un comit� internacional. Tambi�n tendremos un track de industria
para aquellos que prefieran un ambiente m�s informal. Pueden enviarnos
sus propuestas de charlas o papers mediante nuestra p�gina web, o
envi�ndonos un mail

Nos vemos en la conferencia!

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