Fwd: Speaking at the March Against Hate this Saturday

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kris lew

Oct 20, 2010, 11:15:24 AM10/20/10
to Harvey Milk Day of Action
Hey All,
I'm helping to organize this emergency march and rally against Fox that's set to happen this Saturday, October 23rd starting at 11:00 a.m. on 8th Ave. and 59th Street on Central Park.
If you don't already know about it, please consider blessing the contingent with your strength and presence! If you think you might be moved to even say a few words, that would be amazing and very welcome!!! Please see the message below and contact me if you'd like to speak!
Thank you!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kris lew <kle...@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 11:00 AM
Subject: Speaking at the March Against Hate this Saturday
To: kle...@gmail.com
Cc: Leia Petty <leia....@gmail.com>

Hi Everyone,
Thank you so much for endorsing this urgent call to March Against Hate this Saturday, October 23rd, beginning at 11:00 a.m. at 8th Ave & 59th St. 
All endorsers of this action are invited and encouraged to speak at this rally! You would have 3 to 5 minutes to speak, with that range of time subject to change depending upon how many endorsers will commit to speaking.
We need many strong voices to push back against these infuriating outbreaks of right-wing/Fox-fueled anti-LGBTQ, anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant hate - so again, you are all encouraged to speak and help make sane perspectives heard!
If you would like to commit to speaking on Saturday, please email me at kle...@gmail.com.
As a heads-up, we are currently organizing a meeting time for this Friday 10/22 at around 6:00 p.m. We will most likely meet in person at The Center, 208 West 13th Street, Manhattan, but I will send a follow-up email to confirm, once arrangements have been solidified. At any rate, we will definitely reconnect in person or at least by phone to confirm speaker details before Saturday.
Thank you!!
In Strength and Solidarity,

kris lew

Oct 20, 2010, 12:00:25 PM10/20/10
to Harvey Milk Day of Action
Thanks to a few responses, I just realized that it might help for me to send you the actual text to the action (sorry for the lapse in brain power!), so it follows below! There will also be a pre-rally meeting at The Center this Friday 10/22 at 6 p.m., I'll send out the official confirmation as soon as I confirm with them.
ALSO, for you who prefer to do your anti-hate yelling after sundown, Eddie F. tells me that there is an anti-gay bashing demo at Pier 45 (Chirstopher St) on the same day - Saturday 10/23 - at 8:00 p.m.
I think it would be great for the HM people to represent and be at one or the other!
EMERGENCY Call to Action:
New Yorkers Say Stop the Bigots, Stop the Hate!
Hold Fox News Accountable!


Rally at South Central Park Gate  (59th and 8th Ave)
March to Fox News Headquarters (6th Ave b/w 47th and 48th)

Over the past few months there has been an escalation of hate crimes and bigotry growing throughout our city and country. In particular Muslims, immigrants, and LGBT (lesbian, gay bisexual, and transgendered) people have come under attack and been vilified by hate-mongering politicians such as Paladino and encouraged by media outlets such as Fox News. We must stand together to say no to hatred and violence no matter what group of people is targeted.

Fox news must be held accountable for their hate. On the View, Bill O'Reilly said that "Muslims killed us on 9/11." This type of racism encourages violent retaliation against all Muslims.  When bigots like Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck and others from FOX NEWS attack gays, muslims, and immigrants each day on mainstream television, we should not be surprised when these attacks begin to take place.

In the past month, at least six LGBT people have committed suicide. A Muslim boy was beaten in his school while being called a "terrorist." Hate crimes and harassment have increased against Latinos in schools, workplaces and on the streets. The progressive community needs to come together and take a stand against hatred in all its forms. If we do not stand up to this hate, it will continue to grow!

Join an ad-hoc committee in saying

Spread the word far and wide!

Join a mass organizing conference call for the march. Individual activists as well as representatives from organizations are welcome.

Saturday, October 16th, 1PM
Conference call Info: (661) 673-8600
Access code: 698198#

We would like as many individuals and organizations to sign on to the call to show our unity in stopping this bigotry from spreading. If you are interested, email:marchaga...@gmail.com.

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