Fwd: Cuts could kill

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Luis Oyola

Mar 7, 2011, 11:56:34 AM3/7/11
to Harvey Milk Day of Action
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From: "Sheila Nix, ONE.org" <one-...@list.one.org>
Date: Mar 7, 2011 11:32 AM
Subject: Cuts could kill
To: "Luis Oyola" <l.c....@gmail.com>

Dear Luis,

Here's something most Americans don't know: less than 1% of the US budget is devoted to programs that help fight extreme poverty in developing countries.

1%. That's it.

Yet poll after poll shows that most Americans think this percentage is much higher, and right now the Senate is seriously weighing significant cuts to these programs that make up such a small percent of our federal budget.

This will not solve America's fiscal crisis, and it will cost lives. Please click below to automatically add your name to more than 97,000 people who are calling on the Senate to restore this essential funding:


The petition reads:

Dear Senators,

Please do not cut cost-effective, proven programs that fight HIV/AIDS, hunger and preventable disease in this year's budget. These programs—which make up less than 1% of the budget—save millions of lives, strengthen our national security, and help lift people out of poverty for the long-term.

While these programs make up only a tiny portion of the US budget, they are the lifeline for millions of people in the world's poorest countries. Cuts to this one percent would mean thousands of people won't be able to start AIDS medication, thousands of moms won't be able to take medicine to make sure their babies are born HIV-free, millions of people won't be able to sleep under a bed net to beat back the deadly malaria mosquito.

So let's be clear about what we're talking about here: If the Senate votes to cut this funding, so much of the progress we've made in ending extreme poverty will be reversed.

Please tell your Senators that making cuts to this 1% isn't worth the lives it will cost:


Sheila Nix
U.S. Executive Director, ONE


frankie cook

Mar 7, 2011, 12:31:25 PM3/7/11
to l.c....@gmail.com, Harvey Milk Day of Action

***Please Forward Widely***

Next Planning Meeting:

Wednesday, March 9 at 6 pm

DC 37 Headquarters, 125 Barclay Street (@ West St.), Room 6

Take the 1/2/3 or A/C to Chambers St, the E to Park Place, or the N/R to City Hall

All Are Welcome!

Wisconsin and Egypt have shown the way… Now it’s New York’s turn!

State Of Emergency Protest:

Day Of Rage Against The Cuts
Student / Labor / Community Rally Against Budget Cuts

Thursday, March 24 at 5 PM
Rally at City Hall at 5 PM, March to Wall Street at 6 PM 

Jobs, Not Layoffs!
Affordable Housing Now!
No Cuts to Social Services!
No Union-Busting or Privatization!
Stop the School Closings!

End Mayoral Control and Fire Cathie Black!

Extend the Millionaire's Tax!
Close Corporate Tax Loopholes!
Bring Back the Stock Transfer Tax!

Endorsed by (list in formation):
the CUNY Mobilization Network, DC37, the Bail Out The People Movement, the Freedom Party, the December 12th Movement, the Coalition for Public Education/Coalición por la Educación Pública, Queens College STAND, Students Without Borders, Social Workers for a Free CUNY, the Freedom Socialist Party, Radical Women, and the South Bronx Community Congress



To endorse or for more information, email marc...@gmail.com.

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