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[Harp-L] Fourteen mic's for sale

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chicago bluesman

Oct 7, 2018, 5:00:07 PM10/7/18
Since the loss of my good friend, Barrelhouse Chuck, in December of 2016 I have been working with his widow to manage his collection of all things blues. The vinyl has been sold, the keyboards sold, most (but not all) of his large collection of posters/photos/autographs has been sold, most of the amps also sold, eventually we'll figure out something to do with the '78's as well as his blues library.

While Chuck was a piano player he absolutely loved blues harp and had a cool assortment of amps and mic's. I've gone through Chuck's mic collection and have prepared a pdf document listing some 15 mic's--a few of which are my own, which I'm also selling. Actually, there are only 14 for sale--I learned from Chuck's widow she wants to hold off selling a mic which Chuck always said belonged to Big Walter. But there's a nice pic of the Big Walter mic in the list! Anyway, the collection includes nicely modified JT-30's, some classic blues harp mic's which will be familiar to many players and a few oddball microphones that Chuck picked up along the way. Maybe half of the mic's in the collection are currently functional--a number of them need to be repaired/restored.

If you think you're interested in purchasing any of the mic's please email me offline and I'll send you a pdf doc which includes descriptions, photos and prices.




Oct 9, 2018, 10:24:11 AM10/9/18
to chicago bluesman,
Chuck please send me a copy

John Hurley
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