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Re: Digest for - 1 Message in 1 Topic

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Richard Owen

Oct 23, 2012, 12:02:34 PM10/23/12
Thanks Bill,
John (Concilius) where do you stand? If you are still willing to be the lead, and now the sole lead, let us know what kind of financial and volunteer support you would need to make it viable. I think there are a lot of people willing to help.


On Oct 23, 2012, at 2:30 AM, wrote:

> John Concilius

b boggs

Oct 23, 2012, 1:45:47 PM10/23/12
Thank you, Bill!


On Tuesday, October 23, 2012,  <> wrote:
>   Today's Topic Summary
> Group:
> Harp-L transition plan -- status update? [1 Update]
>  Harp-L transition plan -- status update?
> "William Lifford, CP" <> Oct 17 09:58PM -0400  
> Hello listowner and others on the meta list,
> Where do we stand with the whole Harp-L transition plan? As I recall,
> our listowner was going to work towards spelling out in more detail what
> he was looking for in a future listowner. But I don't recall hearing
> any more to that end.
> For a while, John Concilius and myself were trying to figure out if we
> could band together and share listowner/moderation duties in order to be
> able to preserve Harp-L. We had agreed to talk more if we hadn't heard
> anything from the listowner by September 15th. I have been slammed with
> both work and home responsibilities and haven't had the time to get back
> to John or the rest of the meta list regarding this. That said, with my
> workload at my job being completely overwhelming, and showing no signs
> of abating, I'm afraid I must withdraw any offer of helping out with
> Harp-L's listownership or moderation of the list. I'm still more than
> willing to contribute financially, but I am not on my computer every
> day, so I don't see how I would possibly have the time to read all of
> the posts or tend to the other duties of keeping the list running.
> Perhaps I misunderstood or misinterpreted one of the prior posts, but it
> seemed to me that perhaps fjm was considering staying on as
> listowner/moderator as long as the financial responsibility was no
> longer uniquely his. Is this the case? Or did I just get the wrong idea?
> Additionally, I know that the finances of Harp-L are secure until
> January or so, and that there were some plans underway to continue
> financing the list. Again, I've heard nothing new, just that some
> aspects of this were being discussed. Again, I'm certainly willing to
> contribute a substantial portion of the list's annual cost if need be.
> I hope I am not being a pain in the ass about all of this; my apologies
> if I am a nuisance. Maybe there are lots of dealings behind-the-scenes
> that I have not been part of; is this the case? It's totally fine with
> me either way, I just want to know if the list is dying out when fjm
> leaves. Or if he's definitely leaving, etc. etc. etc.
> Thanks for hearing me on this,
> Bill Lifford
> --
> William Lifford, CP
> Progressive O&P, Inc.
> 1111 Willis Avenue
> Albertson, NY 11507
> 516-338-8585
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