Thank you, Bill!
On Tuesday, October 23, 2012, <> wrote:
> Today's Topic Summary
> Group:>
> Harp-L transition plan -- status update? [1 Update]
> Harp-L transition plan -- status update?
> "William Lifford, CP" <> Oct 17 09:58PM -0400
> Hello listowner and others on the meta list,
> Where do we stand with the whole Harp-L transition plan? As I recall,
> our listowner was going to work towards spelling out in more detail what
> he was looking for in a future listowner. But I don't recall hearing
> any more to that end.
> For a while, John Concilius and myself were trying to figure out if we
> could band together and share listowner/moderation duties in order to be
> able to preserve Harp-L. We had agreed to talk more if we hadn't heard
> anything from the listowner by September 15th. I have been slammed with
> both work and home responsibilities and haven't had the time to get back
> to John or the rest of the meta list regarding this. That said, with my
> workload at my job being completely overwhelming, and showing no signs
> of abating, I'm afraid I must withdraw any offer of helping out with
> Harp-L's listownership or moderation of the list. I'm still more than
> willing to contribute financially, but I am not on my computer every
> day, so I don't see how I would possibly have the time to read all of
> the posts or tend to the other duties of keeping the list running.
> Perhaps I misunderstood or misinterpreted one of the prior posts, but it
> seemed to me that perhaps fjm was considering staying on as
> listowner/moderator as long as the financial responsibility was no
> longer uniquely his. Is this the case? Or did I just get the wrong idea?
> Additionally, I know that the finances of Harp-L are secure until
> January or so, and that there were some plans underway to continue
> financing the list. Again, I've heard nothing new, just that some
> aspects of this were being discussed. Again, I'm certainly willing to
> contribute a substantial portion of the list's annual cost if need be.
> I hope I am not being a pain in the ass about all of this; my apologies
> if I am a nuisance. Maybe there are lots of dealings behind-the-scenes
> that I have not been part of; is this the case? It's totally fine with
> me either way, I just want to know if the list is dying out when fjm
> leaves. Or if he's definitely leaving, etc. etc. etc.
> Thanks for hearing me on this,
> Bill Lifford
> --
> William Lifford, CP
> Progressive O&P, Inc.
> 1111 Willis Avenue
> Albertson, NY 11507
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