slow day or technical problems?

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May 22, 2013, 11:39:02 AM5/22/13
I just realized I haven't received any emails on harp-l since yesterday afternoon.  Is there a problem or something else going on?

Just wondering.


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May 22, 2013, 11:43:34 PM5/22/13
I got a message from the server folks letting me know that our
sendmail was consuming a lot of the cpu on our vps. I got that this
morning and was away from a computer for 12 hrs so I haven't looked
into it yet. I'll go look at the queue and see if I need to kill
anything in it to get things moving. h_l_lo
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May 23, 2013, 9:08:23 AM5/23/13
Cleared the sendmail queue save the one digest that was trying to
send. I hesitated to delete it because I wasn't sure it would
regenerate. The digest process was locked and I couldn't flush the
queue to get it to send. Rimu intervened and killed the process while
I was asleep. Apparently we were using 80% cpu. Looks like Mailman
was smart enough to know the digest hadn't send and tried again, this
one went out in sequence and delivered. Mail looks normal for now and
I've seen a couple of new messages come through this morning. I'll go
log into the server and check the queue to make sure it's happy. This
happened once before but it was literally years ago. No idea why it
choked on that digest. I'll have to figure it out if it happens

Rimu our host would like us to change servers. It looks like we could
get a lot more memory if we did. I cannot run spam assassin currently
because I don't have the resources to do so. More memory would solve
that. We're also running a very old distro and it would be nice to go
a little more modern. What stops me is the threat of breaking things.
I guess if I just migrated and didn't change anything else I could
start with the memory upgrade? h_l_lo

Seth Galitzer

May 23, 2013, 12:11:08 PM5/23/13
Sendmail can be fickle. Glad it was a straightforward fix. I knew something was up when I didn't see any emails overnight. There are always at least a few. I'd say if the hosting provider is offering new hardware and the cost doesn't hurt too much, go for it.

Thanks for keeping things running smoothly. Sysadmins never get enough positive and/or helpful feedback. I should know, that's my day job.


Seth Galitzer
The beatings will continue until morale has improved.

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May 23, 2013, 1:50:39 PM5/23/13
So far so good, nothing locked. Looks like for the same cost I can
have lots more memory and they want me off of the server I'm on sooner
or later and I've just been avoiding the decisions. More memory,
good. Spam Assassin, good. What's to decide? h_l_lo
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