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Harmony's going to be on the radio!

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Harmony Turbines Company Updates

Mar 3, 2023, 10:41:24 PM3/3/23
to Harmony Turbines Company Updates

Happy Friday Harmony community!  Only 10 days to go until our campaign closes (March 13th!)  

We were invited to do a radio show Monday morning, March 6th.  You can listen to it live sometime between 8:45am - 9:45am EST via this link:  LIVE Radio Show

We had to laugh this morning when, during our team huddle, Tracy suddenly piped up saying, "It's gonna be a great day today! My donut's smiling at me!"  We thought you'd enjoy a picture of what she's referring to (lol!)

We continue working on developing the first prototype of our generator.  Matt's been machining like a maniac, Tracy and Cheryl were resin printing a few parts and Nate and Chris were working on more design features as well.  It's been a great week!  We had some wind yesterday, so we took Harmony out for a spin and grabbed a cool shot of it partially open in the wind.

Join our crowdfunding round; become part owner for as little as $200!

Once again, thank you to everyone who supports us and continues to follow our journey!

~The Harmony Turbines Team

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