Harmony Community Gardens

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Dec 26, 2011, 6:23:57 PM12/26/11
to gg
This is a response to a post on another thread (see "Harmony Festivals",
http://groups.google.com/group/harmonyfl/msg/a6c16c0f07cab58d ).

David Leeman wrote:

Concerning the garden, Mr Schiro writes, "Now that we
have a budding community garden in Harmony (one that's
not quite open, but time will tell)". What exactly
does "not quite open" mean? It sounds like some are
excluded, but Mr Schiro does not say that outright. I
wonder if Mr Schiro could elaborate on that statement
and provide some evidence to back it up. I have been
gardening for more than a year, and as far as I know no
one has ever been turned down. It is my understanding
that any Harmony resident may ask for a plot and start
gardening right away. Is this not correct?

First, I must admit that I am a little leery Dave. You and I often seem to
have different meanings for the same basic terminology. I suspect that this
may be happening again with the term "open".

My use of the term "open" relates to my previous use of its antonym,
"secrecy", as defined in the post "What Constitutes Secrecy in an Open
Society?" (see
http://groups.google.com/group/harmonyfl/msg/5e7e9dd4ebade784 ). In my
opinion, wherever we have "public secrecy" we also lack "openness".

What follows is an example of what I mean (ie. a formerly completely open

Here is the public newsgroup originally established (with my help) by Bill
Fife, Harmony's Activity Director, for the purpose of an open exchange of
ideas related to the proposed new amenity known as the "Harmony Community


As you can see, the gardens newsgroup got started in June of 2008. You can
also see that after many fair and reasonable exchanges by several different
people, all discussion suddenly ceased in March of 2009 (without warning and
without explanation). That is what I was referring to by my last post there
in January of this year (see "Community Garden Resurrected?",
http://tinyurl.com/72k4r93 ). As you may recall, you also made one last
contribution on that thread Dave.

I posted a question to Greg Golgowski, VP of Harmony Development Company:


Your last message to this group was posted on Mar 31,

Yet what follows is an email sent to Harmony residents
by Harmony Development company today.

What's the story Greg?


Greg never responded, but Dave did.

Dave wrote:

It's a secret amenity open to only a few select
residents. That's why you don't know about it.

Of course, I knew that Dave was just kidding (as usual), but then Greg and
Bill Fife suddenly extricated themselves from the gardens forum (the one
that Bill setup and moderated) and neither were ever heard from again.

So while the developer (and Dave) claims that the "Harmony Community
Gardens" amenity is open to all Harmony residents, it's hard to know for
sure since no one is talking openly in an online public forum about whatever
is currently going on there (unlike what they did previously).

Do you see what I mean now by "not quite open" Dave?

Dave Leeman

Dec 26, 2011, 10:54:12 PM12/26/11
to HarmonyFL
Mr Schiro admits he's a "little leery" because he and I "often seem to
have different meanings for the same basic terminology." He's right
to be leery. His world view (at least the part of it that Harmony
occupies) is frequently at odds with reality, and he is generally less
than enthusiastic when I point that out. Also, I point out his
frequent misuse of the English language, as in this latest post, where
he writes about "Public secrecy". In my opinion, public secrecy is an
oxymoron. If it's secret, it's not public. If it's public, it's not
secret. Perhaps Mr Schiro means secrecy FROM the public, but that's
not what he writes. Be that as it may, I highly recommend that you go
to his link about secrecy and read the whole thing. It will give you
an idea of how Mr Schiro's mind works where secrecy is concerned.
Here are some of his ideas.
"He (Shad Tome) also scheduled some secret meetings (ie. unannounced)
with two small subsets of the Harmony community. I was not included in
either meeting (as was the case with several other vocal residents),
so I was not privy to the details."

Mr Schiro claims that these meetings with Mr Tome were secret even
though a huge "subset of the Harmony community" knew about them. I
was one of the "vocal residents" who were not included in the
meetings, but I knew about them well in advance. They were discussed
by me and by many of the people who lived here at that time. There
was nothing secret about them, except that Mr Schiro was "not privy to
the details".

Here again is Mr Schiro.
" He just brought to my attention a slew of posts on the secret
Harmony forum (ie. the Yahoo Group) about the problems at Greensides /
Harmony Tavern."

Here we have a residents only forum which does not allow people
outside Harmony to view posts. Is this secret? According to Mr
Schiro, yes it is. Never mind that at the time of his posting, the
Yahoo group had more than double the members of Mr Schiro's Google
group. Never mind that new residents are encouraged to sign up for it
in order to help them know what's going on. It's still secret. Now
keep in mind that the Yahoo group is mainly a place to hear about
neighborhood watch announcements or a good appliance repair person or
a good baby sitter or pet care. It is not, nor was it ever supposed
to be anything but a place for residents to have conversations about
living in Harmony. So there is no need to allow people from outside
Harmony to read the posts. The Yahoo group is hiding nothing. There
is nothing secret about it. It just does not make itself available to
every person on the planet because there is no need to. That does NOT
change the fact that plenty of people do know about it, and it can in
no way be considered secret, except by Mr Schiro.

Just so we're clear on Mr Schiro's secrecy policy here are his words.

Mr Schiro, "spoke PUBLICLY FOR YEARS about our SECRET amenity".

So, Mr Schiro's "meanings for the same basic terminology" includes
speaking "PUBLICLY FOR YEARS about our SECRET amenity". Does anyone
in this forum agree that you can speak publicly about something for
years and yet it is still a secret? Wouldn't it become NOT SECRET if
you spoke about it publicly for years?

To answer Mr Schiro's last question, yes I see what Mr Schiro mean(s)
now by "not quite open". Mr Schiro has misnamed this thread. It is
not about the garden, or anything that might be wrong with it. It is
about secrecy. Actually, it is about Mr Schiro's idea of what
constitutes secrecy. Mr Schiro does not belong to the garden. (His
wife does) He does no work there. Yet he posts that because there is
no on line forum for him to write his revelations in, it is, to use
his words, "not quite open" (Code for secret). This is kind of like
Mr Schiro asking Ray Walls to canvass the town to find out a good time
to hold meetings Mr Schiro doesn't attend.
Here is Mr Schiro's words about CDD Meetings. You can find them in
his Feb 10th post "Beware CDD Attorneys!"
"I used to attend Harmony CDD meetings until I realized that it is a
total waste of my time attempting to communicate with CDD supervisors
that way."
So Mr Schiro wants to sit at his keyboard instead of attending CDD
meetings, and now instead of going to the garden and getting his hands
dirty, (he let's his wife do that) he wants to sit at his keyboard and
give us his great knowledge about gardening, and there is something
wrong with the garden if he is unable to.

So we have here a complaint, not that the garden isn't available to
all residents, or even that anything is wrong with the garden at all,
but only that Mr Schiro is not part of the conversation.

On Dec 26, 6:23 pm, "Geo" <IIDIMGRLA...@spammotel.com> wrote:
> This is a response to a post on another thread (see "Harmony Festivals",http://groups.google.com/group/harmonyfl/msg/a6c16c0f07cab58d).
> David Leeman wrote:
>     Concerning the garden, Mr Schiro writes, "Now that we
>     have a budding community garden in Harmony (one that's
>     not quite open, but time will tell)".  What exactly
>     does "not quite open" mean?  It sounds like some are
>     excluded, but Mr Schiro does not say that outright.  I
>     wonder if Mr Schiro could elaborate on that statement
>     and provide some evidence to back it up.  I have been
>     gardening for more than a year, and as far as I know no
>     one has ever been turned down.  It is my understanding
>     that any Harmony resident may ask for a plot and start
>     gardening right away.  Is this not correct?
> First, I must admit that I am a little leery Dave. You and I often seem to
> have different meanings for the same basic terminology. I suspect that this
> may be happening again with the term "open".
> My use of the term "open" relates to my previous use of its antonym,
> "secrecy", as defined in the post "What Constitutes Secrecy in an Open
> Society?" (seehttp://groups.google.com/group/harmonyfl/msg/5e7e9dd4ebade784). In my
> opinion, wherever we have "public secrecy" we also lack "openness".
> What follows is an example of what I mean (ie. a formerly completely open
> activity).
> Here is the public newsgroup originally established (with my help) by Bill
> Fife, Harmony's Activity Director, for the purpose of an open exchange of
> ideas related to the proposed new amenity known as the "Harmony Community
> Gardens":
> http://groups.google.com/group/harmonyflgardens
> As you can see, the gardens newsgroup got started in June of 2008. You can
> also see that after many fair and reasonable exchanges by several different
> people, all discussion suddenly ceased in March of 2009 (without warning and
> without explanation). That is what I was referring to by my last post there
> in January of this year (see "Community Garden Resurrected?",http://tinyurl.com/72k4r93). As you may recall, you also made one last


Dec 27, 2011, 6:52:17 PM12/27/11
to harm...@googlegroups.com
As I said, I am leery about having any kind of discussion with you Dave. In
my experience, you do not communicate in good faith. I have even asked you
before not to mention my wife in this forum (since she is no part of any of
this), yet you lack the simple decency to honor that request. She doesn't
like it Dave. Please stop.

As anyone can see, David Leeman blathers on and on and on, but he doesn't
really say much of any value, IMHO.

Suffice it to say, there are a few folks who would prefer that some things
not be discussed openly and in public. Dave is a defender of that kind of
"open secrecy" (eg. "Let's talk amongst ourselves. Outsiders need not be
concerned about whatever it is we are saying or doing.") I am a defender of
just the opposite: complete openness, transparency and accountability.

That's it in a nutshell. And the more I get Dave talking about it publicly,
the more open it gets. Thanks Dave!

BTW, while my full-time job doesn't really permit me enough time to work in
the community garden, my hands do get dirty now and then. The first
attachment shows my oregano plant in its 4 gallon bucket. Its the same plant
that's been growing there for years now. It's a monster! The other shows my
basil plants growing in milk jugs. The leaves are a little on the smallish
side and the plants are now going to seed. But they are all very healthy
even though there are no holes in the jug bottoms (ie. not necessary,
contrary to popular belief).

2011-12-27 10.06.34.jpg
2011-12-27 10.07.37.jpg


Jan 6, 2012, 10:23:07 PM1/6/12
to harm...@googlegroups.com
Note: This open letter is the culmination of a long exchange of emails
between myself and various members of the new garden group in Harmony. The
full exchange appears at the end of this message. I believe that this sad
result makes my previous point that the new gardens group is "not quite
open". You can decide for yourself.

I am sorry that Marylin et al seem to be equating "openness", "sharing" and
"inclusion" with "trouble". Sadly, this is also what the developer does. We
also seem to have a different understanding of the words "cruel", "kind" and

Where is the cruelty in the offer "I would also like to share whatever
successes or failures I have had with my own home gardening"? Where is the
kindness or caring in the rebuff "I find you to be the kind of person who is
intrusive in something that is none of your business and your kind are not
wanted in our garden community"?

I acknowledge that Marylin and Lisa deserve credit for their efforts at
finally getting the gardens underway. But I am also very disappointed that
they can't be completely open about it in this age of open communications.
Fear of writing something that might offend the developer should not be the
overriding concern of Harmony residents. Such should only be the concern of
developer employees like Greg Golgowski.

Anyway, I get the message folks. So this will be my last email to this
private little "community" garden group.

But before I go, some disclosure is appropriate at this point, don't you
think so Nettie and Dave?

We all understand that resident coordinators like Marylin and Lisa are
beholden to the developer and they must follow developer instructions. But
many folks are likely unaware of the long history that precedes Nettie and
Dave's declared positions on this subject. Here is a link that documents
their mutual membership in another exclusive and secretive group that is
also beholden to the developer, the Harmony Horse Amenity:

Harmony Horse Amenity Q & A - Records

The names of Nettie and Dave appear in private meeting minutes about the
previous "open secret" amenity controlled by the developer. I think that
Nettie and Dave would be happy if the gardens amenity turns out the same
way. That is where this all seems to be headed.

What I feared years ago appears to be happening again. First the developer
turns over some free land to a small group of its supporters. Then it
hinders any public discourse about the group's activities ultimately leading
to the exclusion of certain Harmony residents. This outcome for the
community garden was predicted years ago when Bob Evans made the unilateral
decision to install the gardens amenity on developer land rather than on CDD

I will bore you with no more of this. You can continue to do whatever you
think is right, as will I.

For those of you unfamiliar with the history of the Harmony Community
Gardens dating back to 2008, here it is:


FYI and contrary to Marylin's false claim, the original community gardens
did not fail, as you can read for yourself. It was never allowed to get
started by the developer controlled CDD until it was forced onto developer
land. This was done so that the developer could control access to it. This
fact is documented in CDD meeting minutes (see
http://groups.google.com/group/harmonyfl/msg/30d0e39ef81334d1 ).

For those of you unfamiliar with the history of Harmony, much of it is
documented here:


I will continue to express my opinions about the so-called "Community
Gardens" (aka "Developer Gardens") in this open forum for anyone in Harmony
who may be interested. As stated, I will no longer be emailing to the
private email list. If anyone wants to respond to this (and you also have
the courage to do so in public), please respond in this forum.

Good luck with your gardens and thank you for your time.


From: George Schiro [mailto:9992200...@schiro.name]
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 3:41 PM
To: thelew...@earthlink.net
Subject: Harmony Garden Communications

Hello Lisa,

Nimi is enjoying her new gardening experience very
much. I think that she was hoping to meet more people
at the gardens though. It seems that most folks are
there at times when Nimi is not.

I have visited the gardens myself a few times with Nimi
and we have noticed that folks like Thomas Belieff,
Dick Mower and a few others are having much success
while others are having less.

I think that it would be a great service to the
gardening community as a whole (inside and outside of
the community gardens) for folks to start sharing their
experiences (ie. what works and what doesn't). What do
you think?

I have recently been discussing open communications at
length with Shad Tome, President of Harmony
Development. He has in turn been talking to Greg
Golgowski. Greg says that he has been encouraging
communications within the garden group and he says that
this is already happening by email. Yet Nimi says that
she has only received emails from you.

As I recall, you were a member of the original
community gardens group. Is there any reason not to
encourage people to share their gardening knowledge and
experiences for all to see that way?

Thank you for any feedback that you can offer.


From: lisa [mailto:thelew...@earthlink.net]
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 9:28 PM
To: 'George Schiro'
Cc: 'Marylin Ash-Mower'; 'Greg Golgowski'
Subject: RE: Harmony Garden Communications

Hi George, thanks for your email, I'm glad Nimi is
enjoying the gardening life in Harmony! Thanks for the
suggestions and I will be sure to bounce them off Greg
and Marylin. I am totally inept when it comes to
technical things on the computer, but an email group
would be a good idea because experience has shown that
garden meetings are hard to organize as we are an
eclectic bunch with very different schedules, so an
on-line meeting source would work better. Perhaps we
can start a facebook group or something similar. I
will be in touch if we have a definite avenue to take.

From: George Schiro [mailto:9992200...@schiro.name]
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2011 6:28 AM
To: lisa
Cc: 'Marylin Ash-Mower'; 'Greg Golgowski'; Shad Tome
Subject: RE: Harmony Garden Communications

Thank you Lisa. Please bear in mind that we already
have a group setup for that purpose. The group still
has 23 members and I think that it would a shame for
these people to be left out of whatever comes next.

I would be happy to add you, Greg and / or Marylin as a
moderator of the existing group. Then it would be all
setup with nothing else to do other than to add new

Thanks again for your consideration.

From: Marylin Ash-Mower [mailto:mow...@comcast.net]
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2011 9:42 AM
To: Greg Golgowski
Cc: lisa Lewis; Shad Tome; 9992200...@schiro.name
Subject: Re: Harmony Garden Communications

I, for one, am not very techie either and Facebook
eludes me. I think having a garden party after the new
year would be great!. Also the sharing of phone
numbers and e-mails would give new gardeners the
opportunity to ask questions of each other. Dick is in
the garden 5 or more hours each day and he rarely sees
anyone but would be very happy to be there if someone
would like some help.

A heads up to all, I just came from the garden and the
deer had a gourmet meal last night. My entire
strawberry and blueberry patch was decimated along with
everyones tomatoes, beans, beets, carrots, and
everything except lettuce. I hope the water will be
working today and I will see that the scarecrows are
working tonight but it is like closing the barn door
after the horse had fled. I hope new gardeners will
understand that deer are one of the challenges of
having a garden.

From: George Schiro [mailto:9992200...@schiro.name]
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2011 9:57 AM
To: Marylin Ash-Mower; Greg Golgowski
Cc: lisa Lewis; Shad Tome
Subject: RE: Harmony Garden Communications

Thank you for this feedback Marylin. I don't use
Facebook either. I have privacy concerns about it.

What I use is email, email that is also archived online
for others to read at their leisure. And since it
really is just email, anyone with an email address can
participate without having to join Facebook, Google,
Yahoo or anything else. From your perspective, it's
just emails that go from one person to everyone else in
the group. And it works without having to maintain a
long CC list of email addresses and without having to
remember to hit "Reply to All" every time.

Shall I add you and Lisa to the email group that we
already have for the community gardens Marylin?

Let me know and I will add you right away. Once added
your future comments will be automatically emailed to

I really think that many more folks can benefit if we
start sharing openly what works (and what doesn't) in
our gardens, community gardens as well as our gardens
at home.

From: lisa [mailto:thelew...@earthlink.net]
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2011 4:05 PM
To: 'George Schiro'
Cc: 'Greg Golgowski'; 'Marylin Ash-Mower'
Subject: RE: Harmony Garden Communications

Hi George, thanks for your suggestions, and I have
forwarded the info to Greg and Marylin. I know I
personally don't want to be a moderator for an on-line
group and I think I can speak for Marylin that she
shares my feelings on that. My schedule is complicated
and busy and I have learned long ago not to extend
myself further that I can manage (while remaining sane
in the process!) We are considering having a New Year
meeting and getting permission from all the gardeners
to share their private contact info. with each other so
we can start the conversations in that manner for now.
I anticipate this will happen first thing after the New
Year. I will be away for the holidays for a few weeks
and we be unable to access email, so having said that I
will be sure to keep you in the loop as to what we will
implement next year. Thanks George and I hope you and
your family have a great holiday:) Lisa

From: George Schiro [mailto:9992200...@schiro.name]
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2011 4:47 PM
To: lisa
Cc: 'Greg Golgowski'; 'Marylin Ash-Mower'; Shad Tome
Subject: RE: Harmony Garden Communications

I understand Lisa. Here's Greg's private response
earlier sent to you and forwarded by Marylin:


If you go with an on line group of some sort I
still think your idea of Facebook is a good one.
It's more open, is a format that a lot of people
are familiar with and can join or leave easily, as
well as link to other sites if more information
needs to be referenced. In fact, if Florida
gardening information is needed there are a number
of Florida based gardening Facebook pages already
in place and certainly a wealth of qualified advice
on the web.

I still like the face to face approach best of all -
seems like the way a farmer would communicate. :)


While Facebook has privacy issues, if you would prefer
Facebook, that's OK as long as everyone can be included
without the need to have a Facebook account. It should
work, but I'm not sure since I don't use Facebook. FYI,
the features ascribed by Greg as exclusive to Facebook
actually apply to most other electronic media as well.

Please just let Nimi and I know when you add our email
addresses to whatever electronic vehicle you setup.

From: Marylin Ash-Mower [mailto:mow...@comcast.net]
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2011 5:28 PM
To: George Schiro
Cc: Lisa Lewis; Greg Golgowski
Subject: Re: Harmony Garden Communications

Hi George,
I am confused as to what email garden group that you
already have. The only one I know about is the one
Greg, Lisa and I have of all the current gardeners and
some past ones who want to be kept informed. Let's not
confuse everyone by sending out e-mails from other
sources. Thanks.

If Nimi would like any information on how to grow her
garden she is most welcome to contact anyone who has a
garden or the Florida Extension Services who are the
experts. We are all learning what grows in Florida
both in our community garden and our homes.

Dick sees Nimi quite often as he is there most of the
day and she is most welcome to ask him questions.

From: George Schiro [mailto:9992200...@schiro.name]
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2011 5:42 PM
To: Marylin Ash-Mower
Cc: Lisa Lewis; Greg Golgowski
Subject: RE: Harmony Garden Communications

There is no need to be confused. It was started back in
2008 and was originally setup with help from Bill Fife.
Greg and Lisa were members also. Here it is:


It still has 23 members.

For no reason I could fathom everything suddenly became

From: Marylin and Dick Mower <mow...@comcast.net>
To: Traci Gray ; Thomas Belief ; Steve Josephson ; Shad
Tome ; 'Rodrigo mella' ; Richard Mapes ; Nimi Schiro ;
Nettie Bartel ; 'MICHELLE A. CHAMBERS' ; Lisa Lewis ;
Le & Dan Drake ; Joanna Goodhue ; jon...@cfl.rr.com;
Greg Golgowski ; Eric and Jeannie Pfefferkorn ; Dick
Mower ; Deb Walsh ; Dawn Miller ; David Leeman ; Cyndi
Conklin ; 'Cara Walls' ; Bill Fife ; Allan Santacruz ;
Mike Scarborough
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2011 11:35 AM
Subject: Free plants donated by the Spirit Farm

Hi everyone,
Dick has just picked up Cabbage and broccoli plants
donated by Ray at . the Spirit Farm. They need to be
put in the ground today so Dick will be down at the
garden at 2pm sharp for you to get your plants. If you
have any questions, please call me on my cell phone at

From: George Schiro [mailto:9992200...@schiro.name]
Sent: Friday, December 23, 2011 10:11 AM
To: AllanSantacruz; BillFife; CaraWalls; CyndiConklin;
DavidLeeman; DawnMiller; DebWalsh;
EricandJeanniePfefferkorn; GregGolgowski;
JoannaGoodhue; Le&DanDrake; LisaLewis;
MICHELLEA.CHAMBERS; MarylinandDickMower;
MikeScarborough; NettieBartel; NimiSchiro;
RichardMapes; RodrigoMella; ShadTome; SteveJosephson;
ThomasBelief; TraciGray; jon...@cfl.rr.com
Subject: FW: Free plants donated by the Spirit Farm

Hello Folks,

My name is George Schiro. My wife is Nimi. She is a
fellow gardener among you. Her email address was added
to the list of private garden related emails.

Nimi's email account is not very cooperative at times
and she is not always on top of it. Sadly, she missed
out on the opportunity of free plants the other day.
She was told verbally that the plants would be
proffered at noon on Tuesday. So she was actually
headed to the gardens when the email arrived at

To avoid this problem in the future, I would appreciate
your adding my email address to the group email list.
Here it is:


Please be sure to include me in all future
communications and I will be sure to convey the same to
Nimi (in case she misses any herself).

We very much appreciate the opportunity to be involved
with the gardening experience in Harmony and we look
forward to doing whatever we can to help open up this
wonderful amenity to fellow Harmony residents who might
also like to participate.

We wish all of you a Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah
and a Happy New Year!


Ps. I am aware of at least one community gardener who
is not included on your email list. Please reach out
again to be sure that everyone is included. Thanks!

Also, I was speaking to Shad recently about garden
related communications in general and he mentioned a
garden meeting to be held sometime after the new year.
I think that Marylin and Lisa mentioned something about
it as well. Please reply with the date, time and
location of this meeting and Nimi and I will do our
best to attend.

From: rescueg...@onebox.com
Sent: Friday, December 23, 2011 11:08 AM
To: George Schiro; AllanSantacruz; BillFife;
CaraWalls; CyndiConklin; DavidLeeman; DawnMiller;
DebWalsh; EricandJeanniePfefferkorn; GregGolgowski;
JoannaGoodhue; Le&DanDrake; LisaLewis;
MICHELLEA.CHAMBERS; MarylinandDickMower;
MikeScarborough; NettieBartel; NimiSchiro;
RichardMapes; RodrigoMella; ShadTome;
SteveJosephson; ThomasBelief; TraciGray;
Subject: RE: Free plants donated by the Spirit Farm

Since it looked like there were more plants than people
wanted, I took more than I needed in order to keep them
from being thrown away. If Miss Nimi still wants some,
she is welcome to some of mine. It looks like they're
all broccoli. Just ask Miss Nimi to e-mail me and make
arrangements to transplant them.

David Leeman
rescueg...@onebox.com - email

From: George Schiro [mailto:9992200...@schiro.name]
Sent: Friday, December 23, 2011 11:19 AM
To: rescueg...@onebox.com; AllanSantacruz;
BillFife; CaraWalls; CyndiConklin; DawnMiller;
DebWalsh; EricandJeanniePfefferkorn; GregGolgowski;
JoannaGoodhue; Le&DanDrake; LisaLewis;
MICHELLEA.CHAMBERS; MarylinandDickMower;
MikeScarborough; NettieBartel; NimiSchiro;
RichardMapes; RodrigoMella; ShadTome;
SteveJosephson; ThomasBelief; TraciGray;
Subject: RE: Free plants donated by the Spirit Farm

Thanks Dave. I'm not sure if broccoli is what she is
looking for, but I will convey the message.

From: George Schiro [mailto:9992200...@schiro.name]
Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2011 6:01 PM
To: rescueg...@onebox.com; AllanSantacruz;
BillFife; CaraWalls; CyndiConklin; DawnMiller;
DebWalsh; EricandJeanniePfefferkorn; GregGolgowski;
JoannaGoodhue; Le&DanDrake; LisaLewis;
MICHELLEA.CHAMBERS; MarylinandDickMower;
MikeScarborough; NettieBartel; NimiSchiro;
RichardMapes; RodrigoMella; ShadTome;
SteveJosephson; ThomasBelief; TraciGray;
Subject: RE: Free plants donated by the Spirit Farm

We never heard anything more about the proposed garden
meeting. So perhaps it makes most sense to continue as
before in the mean time. Thanks anyway!

Please let us know if a meeting actually materializes.

Happy New Year!

BTW Dave, when you saw Nimi in person the other day in
the gardens, you could have reiterated your broccoli
offer at that time. Although she has plenty of broccoli
already, I think that she would have appreciated
hearing from you in person anyway. As I wrote
previously, she doesn't really like email very much.

From: Marylin Ash-Mower [mailto:mow...@comcast.net]
Sent: Sunday, January 01, 2012 11:51 AM
To: George Schiro
Cc: Greg Golgowski; lisa Lewis;
Subject: garden meeting

When a meeting is planned, Nimi will be the first to
know as she is the owner of the garden lot. Lisa is
away, I have been away due to a death, and the holidays
have taken up everyones time. When we all get back and
get settled, we will set a date and have a garden
meeting. I will give Nimi plenty of time to check her
e-mails and we will tell her in person. SHE WIILL NOT
BE LEFT OUT! What is your problem with the broccoli
issue from Spirit Farm? David was kind enough to offer
her some and according to your e-mail she was not
interested as she had plenty. Marylin

From: George Schiro [mailto:9992200...@schiro.name]
Sent: Sunday, January 01, 2012 12:11 PM
To: Marylin Ash-Mower
Cc: AllanSantacruz; BillFife; CaraWalls;
CyndiConklin; DavidLeeman; DawnMiller; DebWalsh;
EricandJeanniePfefferkorn; GregGolgowski;
JoannaGoodhue; Le&DanDrake; LisaLewis;
MICHELLEA.CHAMBERS; MikeScarborough; NettieBartel;
NimiSchiro; RichardMapes; RodrigoMella; ShadTome;
SteveJosephson; ThomasBelief; TraciGray;
Subject: RE: garden meeting

Thank you Marylin. I am sorry about the death in your

Please be sure to include my email address in all
future communications since Nimi's email does not work
well and she may miss some messages.

I look forward to meeting you at the meeting whenever
it is.

From: Eric and Jeannie P [mailto:epand...@ymail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2012 5:39 AM
To: George Schiro
Cc: Marylin Ash-Mower; GregGolgowski; LisaLewis;
NimiSchiro; ShadTome
Subject: Re: garden meeting

Hi George and Happy New Year,

This is the second such email I have been copied on
regarding Nimi's issues with email. This in not
something I care to be included in; this is between you
and the leadership of the community garden. However,
because you have chosen to include me in your pleas to
be included in the distribution list I will provide my
thoughts on the subject. The leadership of this group
has no obligation to include you in any email
distribution list as you are not the gardener on
record. Any issues that Nimi has with her email is her
responsibility to address, not anyone's else's. In
this day and age if anyone has issues with their email
it is extremely easy to fix or replace so I suggest you
go that route rather than the one you are taking here.

Your immediate attention to this matter is greatly


Sent from my iPhone

From: George Schiro [mailto:9992200...@schiro.name]
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2012 7:10 AM
To: Eric and Jeannie P
Cc: AllanSantacruz; BillFife; CaraWalls;
CyndiConklin; DavidLeeman; DawnMiller; DebWalsh;
EricandJeanniePfefferkorn; GregGolgowski;
JoannaGoodhue; Le&DanDrake; LisaLewis;
MICHELLEA.CHAMBERS; MarylinandDickMower;
MikeScarborough; NettieBartel; NimiSchiro;
RichardMapes; RodrigoMella; RoySampson; ShadTome;
SteveJosephson; ThomasBelief; TraciGray;
Subject: RE: garden meeting


Thank you for your honest feedback. It is appreciated.

First, please understand that total openness is one of
my objectives. While Nimi does have email problems and
I would like to help her avoid a repeat of the issue
she experienced the other day, I would also like to
know what is going on with the community garden since I
have been involved since 2008.

Having just a few people "in the know" and out of the
earshot of everyone else is not something that I can
agree with. That is why I will always respond to
everyone whenever I am communicated with on this topic.
If someone would prefer not to see such emails, please
delete them unread.

That said, there are bigger issues going on here than
my wife's email Jeanne, but I agree with you. I will
not mention it again.

You wrote:

The leadership of this group has no obligation
to include you in any email distribution list
as you are not the gardener on record.

I strongly disagree with you on this point Jeanne. I
must insist that I be included on the garden email list
since I am a resident of Harmony and I have every right
to know what is going on in my community, especially
related to amenities that I take a personal interest in
(ie. gardening). Likewise, everyone else in Harmony has
the same right to know.

If folks are having success with certain crops I want
to know. If folks are having problems with certain
gardening techniques, I also want to know. I would also
like to share whatever successes or failures I have had
with my own home gardening.

If someone has an excess of something that perhaps they
would like to share or trade, everyone should know
(whether you have a community garden or a home garden).
If the Harmony Institute is giving away plants,
everyone in Harmony should be made aware of this. If
deer are destroying crops, everyone should know right
away so that they can act quickly and perhaps take
suggestions from everyone else with ideas and an

If you would prefer to be left out of such discussions
Jeanne, that is certainly your choice. Simply delete
the emails unread. But since you have been reading (and
now you have responded, which is good), then perhaps we
can agree on more than we know.

Anyway, one thing that hopefully we can all agree on is
that using "CC" is not the best way to communicate
openly. Someone will invariably be left out. (eg. Roy
Samson has a community garden plot and an email address
and yet he has been excluded from all prior garden
related emails, including the one about the free


From: Marylin Ash-Mower [mailto:mow...@comcast.net]
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2012 2:14 PM
To: George Schiro
Cc: Eric and Jeannie P; AllanSantacruz; BillFife;
CaraWalls; CyndiConklin; DavidLeeman; DawnMiller;
DebWalsh; GregGolgowski; JoannaGoodhue;
MikeScarborough; NettieBartel; NimiSchiro;
RichardMapes; RodrigoMella; RoySampson; ShadTome;
SteveJosephson; ThomasBelief; TraciGray;
Subject: Re: garden meeting


Your response to Jeannie was totally uncalled for and

We are a community of kind, caring, and supportive
gardeners. Our garden is a happy place where our
plants grow with positive energy from all our
gardeners. Harmony has spent a great deal to time and
money to create to create and support a beautiful place
for which we are all extremely grateful.

From the information I have gathered from your e-mails,
I find you to be the kind of person who is intrusive in
something that is none of your business and your kind
are not wanted in our garden community. Your e-mails
tell me you are just the opposite of all our gardeners
and I have heard that you were one of the reasons the
garden failed the last time. I WILL NOT LET IT FAIL
E-MAILS and I highly suggest that all the gardeners do
the same as your e-mails are very divisive and
upsetting. As co-coordinator I WILL NOT TOLERATE THAT.

If you want information about gardening, I suggest you
get your information from the internet or go to the
Florida Extension Service at Heritage Park like the
rest of us do.

I will let you know right now that I WILL NOT BE ADDING


From: rescueg...@onebox.com
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2012 2:41 PM
To: Marylin Ash-Mower; George Schiro
Cc: Eric and Jeannie P; AllanSantacruz; BillFife;
CaraWalls; CyndiConklin; DavidLeeman; DawnMiller;
DebWalsh; GregGolgowski; JoannaGoodhue;
MikeScarborough; NettieBartel; NimiSchiro;
RichardMapes; RodrigoMella; RoySampson; ShadTome;
SteveJosephson; ThomasBelief; TraciGray;
Subject: Re: garden meeting

While I admit that my views are slanted and my
perceptions are colored, I wholeheartedly support Miss
Marilyn and I hope others voice their support for her
as well.

David Leeman
rescueg...@onebox.com - email

From: NETTIE R. BARTEL [mailto:nrba...@temple.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2012 8:03 PM
To: rescueg...@onebox.com
Cc: Marylin Ash-Mower; George Schiro; Eric and
Jeannie P; AllanSantacruz; BillFife; CaraWalls;
CyndiConklin; DawnMiller; DebWalsh; GregGolgowski;
JoannaGoodhue; Le&DanDrake; LisaLewis;
MICHELLEA.CHAMBERS; MikeScarborough; NimiSchiro;
RichardMapes; RodrigoMella; RoySampson; ShadTome;
SteveJosephson; ThomasBelief; TraciGray;
Subject: Re: garden meeting

Hi Fellow Gardeners:

I completely support Marylin's insistence that as
gardeners we not tolerate divisiveness and attempts to
create conflicts among each other. We don't need anyone
who wants to stir up trouble. The whole point of
gardening is to promote serenity and to live in harmony
with nature--that includes members of our own species!
Let's remember where we live--in HARMONY!

Nettie Bartel

From: lisa [mailto:thelew...@earthlink.net]
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2012 9:24 AM
To: 'NETTIE R. BARTEL'; rescueg...@onebox.com
Cc: 'Marylin Ash-Mower'; 'George Schiro'; 'Eric and
Jeannie P'; 'AllanSantacruz'; 'BillFife';
'CaraWalls'; 'CyndiConklin'; 'DawnMiller';
'DebWalsh'; 'GregGolgowski'; 'JoannaGoodhue';
'MikeScarborough'; 'NimiSchiro'; 'RichardMapes';
'RodrigoMella'; 'RoySampson'; 'ShadTome';
'SteveJosephson'; 'ThomasBelief'; 'TraciGray';
Subject: RE: garden meeting

Hello Everyone,

As a co-coordinator of the garden, I too agree with
Marylin�s stance. Our garden has been successful thus
far because it evolved at its own pace. We started out
with a sandlot and now have a beautiful place to
connect with nature. Our garden is a selling point for
our wonderful community and I feel once we bring
politics, conspiracy theories or passive-aggressive
confrontations to our �garden family� will we
eventually fail.

Greg, Marylin and I are working on having some kind of
regular garden meeting/gathering at some point in the
New Year where we can swap success (or failureL)
stories, share recipes, or just catch up with fellow
gardeners. I am not in favor of an internet forum as
it defeats the reason for forming a garden�to get away
from electronic devises and be outside in the fresh
air. I am confident we will succeed because our busy
world today has made many of us want to �unplug� with
cyberspace and connect with nature.

Thank you all for your time in reading this and I wish
everyone a prosperous and blessed New YearJ

Lisa Lewis

From: Mr. & Mrs. P's Computer
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2012 9:47 PM
To: Marylin Ash-Mower
Cc: George Schiro; AllanSantacruz; BillFife;
CaraWalls; CyndiConklin; DavidLeeman; DawnMiller;
DebWalsh; GregGolgowski; JoannaGoodhue;
MikeScarborough; NettieBartel; NimiSchiro;
RichardMapes; RodrigoMella; RoySampson; ShadTome;
SteveJosephson; ThomasBelief; TraciGray;
Subject: Re: garden meeting

Thank you Marilyn for saying what has needed to be said
for so long. Blocked.


Dave Leeman

Jan 16, 2012, 11:08:20 PM1/16/12
to HarmonyFL
Forum members, I bring you the latest episode of "Mr George Schiro's
How to win friends and influence people."
Here is the story "in a nutshell". There is a community garden in
Harmony. Mr Schiro is not a member of the garden. There is an email
list of gardeners. Since Mr Schiro is not a member of the community
garden, he is not on the list. Mr Schiro asked to be on the list, and
was refused. Mr Schiro insisted that he be included in the list and
was again refused. Mr Schiro is angry.

That is the whole story. The garden is open to all residents. No one
has been excluded. There is a Google forum for the garden (in
addition to this one) that anyone can join, where anyone can post. No
one is excluded. So what's the problem?

However, Mr Schiro's account is factually challenged. Let's go
through his post and see where the discrepancies are.

Mr Schiro writes this.
"I am sorry that Marylin et al seem to be equating "openness",
"sharing" and
"inclusion" with "trouble". Sadly, this is also what the developer

Mr Schiro is incorrect. "Marylin et al" (which includes me) do NOT
equate openness, sharing, and inclusion with trouble. It is Mr Schiro
himself who is equated with trouble. Many Harmony residents have
experienced Mr Schiro's twisted world view, bad manners, and personal
attacks and can be forgiven for not wanting to suffer more of the
same. As usual, Mr Schiro senses that people dislike him, but is
unable to discern that it is his actions which cause this dislike.
Instead he blames "developer secrecy" and "supporters of the

Mr Schiro acknowledging that "Marylin and Lisa deserve credit for
their efforts at finally getting the gardens underway" sounds nice,
but Mr Schiro gets his facts wrong. The Developer got the garden
going, not Marylin and Lisa. It was the Developer who suggested
making their failed pumpkin patch into a community garden. It was the
developer who paid to get pipe laid so there is running water at each
plot. It was the Developer who had the garden tilled with a tractor
at their expense. Marylin and Lisa volunteered to be coordinators
after the garden became a reality.
Mr Schiro writes
"But I am also very disappointed that they can't be completely open
about it in this age of open communications. Fear of writing
something that might offend the developer should not be the overriding
concern of Harmony residents."
So we again see the attitude that nothing is "completely open" unless
Mr Schiro is included. Never mind that there is a garden forum that
anyone can join, where anyone can post, there's an email list that Mr
Schiro is not on so there must be something secret going on. Also,
how does Mr Schiro make the connection that people who will not let
him join their list somehow have an "overriding concern" that they
might write "something that might offend the developer"? Seems like
their overriding concern is to avoid Mr Schiro.
Mr Schiro writes,
"What I feared years ago appears to be happening again. First the
developer turns over some free land to a small group of its supporters
(the horse owners). Then it hinders any public discourse about the
group's activities ultimately leading to the exclusion of certain
Harmony residents. This outcome for the community garden was predicted
years ago when Bob Evans made the unilateral decision to install the
gardens amenity on developer land rather than on CDD land."
Once again, there's what Mr Schiro writes and then there's... the rest
of the story. First, Mr Schiro posted on Dec 14th that Bob Evans
"made the secret horse deal with a few residents in exchange for their
silence". How is it that Mr Evans needs to "silence" his
"supporters"? Wouldn't you be silencing your critics? Mr Schiro
apparently wants to have it both ways. First the horse people were
critics who needed a deal for their silence, now they are supporters
who aid the developer.
Second, there are no "supporters" of the developer. Mr Schiro is
simply displaying his manichaen view of Harmony, in that you are
either with him or you are with the developer. Since the gardeners
are against including him on their email list, they must be with the
developer. So the developer did not "turn over some free land to a
small group of its supporters" as Mr Schiro contends, they allowed the
land to be used by any resident willing to put in the work.

Next Mr Schiro states that the developer "hinders any public discourse
about the group's activities". Last time I checked, the garden
coordinators were residents (Miss Marylin and Miss Lisa) not developer
employees, and he provides no evidence whatsoever that they or the
developer are hindering discourse other than that he is not on the

Finally, Mr Schiro writes that these travesties will ultimately lead
"to the exclusion of certain Harmony residents (from the garden).
Shouldn't Mr Schiro provide us with the names of these "certain
Harmony residents"? Where is his famous documentation? Who if anyone
has actually been excluded from the garden? I have been a member from
the beginning and I have never once heard of someone being excluded.
Perhaps Mr Schiro could have these people post their stories here in
this public forum so the whole world can see what scoundrels the
developers are for keeping them out of the garden.
Update: Since this was written, Mr Schiro has posted his "Living in
Fear in Harmony" on Jan 9th. It is possible that, because of the
"threatening letter" he received that he is indeed excluded from the
Harmony Community Garden. As far as I know, no other person has been
(or will be) excluded.

Mr Schiro writes about my "membership in another exclusive and
secretive group that is also beholden to the developer, the Harmony
Horse Amenity". This is another of his lies. The whole story was
posted in this public forum by me back in 2006 soon after it
happened. The whole story was also posted by me in 2008 and 2009. Mr
Shiro has written that he "Spoke publicly for years about the secret
horse amenity". There is no secret. It is public knowledge. It has
been from the beginning, and even if it wasn't, how could Mr Schiro
speak publicly about it for years and it still be a secret?
Mr Schiro writes that he, "think(s) that Nettie and Dave would be
happy if the gardens amenity turns out the same way (as the horses).
That is where this all seems to be headed."
Oh really? He thinks that? Based on what exactly? This
characterization of us as mean spirited, selfish, and unkind comes
from nowhere but his own personal dislike for us, and his penchant for
attacking people who disagree with him. It has no basis in reality.
I will not speak for myself but, unlike Mr Schiro, Miss Nettie is one
of the nicest people in town. She has been a great addition to this
community, and is a friend to many. To slander her by saying she
hopes the garden will turn out badly (without a shred of evidence to
back up that opinion) just shows how low Mr Schiro is willing to go.
If you read Miss Nettie's email, you see that she seeks harmony. Mr
Schiro sows only discord. Who would you want in your garden group?
Mr Schiro includes his email exchange with the garden people. At the
end he includes one of his posts to this forum which includes a couple
of digs at me personally. He writes that he is "leery about having
any kind of discussion with" (me). In (his) experience, (I) do not
communicate in good faith."
So we are led to believe that Mr Schiro communicates "in good faith",
while I do not. Let's have a few examples of Mr Schiro's "good faith"
Mr Schiro posted (in the request for Fred Hawkins thread), "Starwood /
Harmony Development Company is a very secretive organization". In his
next post, he states that there are people who "network and schmooze
with developer (Starwood) employees and others who have access to
In my post on the Request for Fred Hawkins thread, I wrote, "lots of
residents here in Harmony are aware of what this mailing is about".
In the Message to Jim Warren thread Mr Schiro wrote that I talk "about
how everyone in Harmony but (Mr Schiro) knows what the developer is up
In addition, in my post on the Message to Fred Hawkins thread I wrote,
"I have discussed this with a number of fellow Harmony residents, so
they know about it as well." In his reply to that post he wrote, "So
whatever information Dave has about this public hearing, as usual he
is keeping it to himself."
And of course, let's not forget that Mr Schiro left out significant
facts in his "What's wrong with the CDD?" post about his Freedom of
Information Request. He then slandered the board members by comparing
them to the "sleaziest tobacco attorneys" when they had done nothing
wrong. Was that "communicating in good faith? Were any of those
examples "communicating in good faith?" I leave it to the readers to
decide for themselves.
> Harmony Horse Amenity Q & A - Recordshttp://tinyurl.com/ltkdg8
>     From: lisa [mailto:thelewisho...@earthlink.net]
>     Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 9:28 PM
>     To: 'George Schiro'
>     Cc: 'Marylin Ash-Mower'; 'Greg Golgowski'
>     Subject: RE: Harmony Garden Communications
>     Hi George, thanks for your email, I'm glad Nimi is
>     enjoying the gardening life in Harmony! Thanks for the
>     suggestions and I will be sure to bounce them off Greg
>     and Marylin.  I am totally inept when it comes to
>     technical things on the computer, but an email group
>     would be a good idea because experience has shown that
>     garden meetings are hard to organize as we are an
>     eclectic bunch with very different schedules, so an
>     on-line meeting source would work better.  Perhaps we
>     can start a facebook group or something similar.  I
>     will be in touch if we have a definite avenue to take.
>     Thanks,
>     Lisa
>     From: George Schiro [mailto:99922008harm...@schiro.name]
>     Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2011 6:28 AM
>     To: lisa
>     Cc: 'Marylin Ash-Mower'; 'Greg Golgowski'; Shad Tome
>     Subject: RE: Harmony Garden Communications
>     Thank you Lisa. Please bear in mind that we already
>     have a group setup for that purpose. The group still
>     has 23 members and I think that it would a shame for
>     these people to be left out of whatever comes next.
>     I would be happy to add you, Greg and / or Marylin as a
>     moderator of the existing group. Then it would be all
>     setup with nothing else to do other than to add new
>     folks.
>     Thanks again for your consideration.
>     From: lisa [mailto:thelewisho...@earthlink.net]
>     Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2011 4:05 PM
>     To: 'George Schiro'
>     Cc: 'Greg Golgowski'; 'Marylin Ash-Mower'
>     Subject: RE: Harmony Garden Communications
>     Hi George, thanks for your suggestions, and I have
>     forwarded the info to Greg and Marylin.  I know I
>     personally don't want to be a moderator for an on-line
>     group and I think I can speak for Marylin that she
>     shares my feelings on that.  My schedule is complicated
>     and busy and I have learned long ago not to extend
>     myself further that I can manage (while remaining sane
>     in the process!) We are considering having a New Year
>     meeting and getting permission from all the gardeners
>     to share their private contact info. with each other so
>     we can start the conversations in that manner for now.
>     I anticipate this will happen first thing after the New
>     Year. I will be away for the holidays for a few weeks
>     and we be unable to access email, so having said that I
>     will be sure to keep you in the loop as to what we will
>     implement next year.  Thanks George and I hope you and
>     your family have a great holiday:)  Lisa
>     From: Marylin Ash-Mower [mailto:mowe...@comcast.net]
>     Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2011 5:28 PM
>     To: George Schiro
>     Cc: Lisa Lewis; Greg Golgowski
>     Subject: Re: Harmony Garden Communications
>     Hi George,
>     I am confused as to what email garden group that you
>     already have. The only one I know about is the one
>     Greg, Lisa and I have of all the current gardeners and
>     some past ones who want to be kept informed.  Let's not
>     confuse everyone by sending out e-mails from other
>     sources.  Thanks.
>     If Nimi would like any information on how to grow her
>     garden she is most welcome to contact anyone who has a
>     garden or the Florida Extension Services who are the
>     experts.  We are all learning what grows in Florida
>     both in our community garden and our homes.
>     Dick sees Nimi quite often as he is there most of the
>     day and she is most welcome to ask him questions.
>     Marylin
>     From: George Schiro [mailto:99922008harm...@schiro.name]
>     Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2011 5:42 PM
>     To: Marylin Ash-Mower
>     Cc: Lisa Lewis; Greg Golgowski
>     Subject: RE: Harmony Garden Communications
>     There is no need to be confused. It was started back in
>     2008 and was originally setup with help from Bill Fife.
>     Greg and Lisa were members also. Here it is:
>    http://groups.google.com/group/harmonyflgardens
>     It still has 23 members.
>     For no reason I could fathom everything suddenly became
>     secretive.
>     From: Marylin and Dick Mower <mowe...@comcast.net>
>     To: Traci Gray ; Thomas Belief ; Steve Josephson ; Shad
>     Tome ; 'Rodrigo mella' ; Richard Mapes ; Nimi Schiro ;
>     Nettie Bartel ; 'MICHELLE A. CHAMBERS' ; Lisa Lewis ;
>     Le & Dan Drake ; Joanna Goodhue ; joni...@cfl.rr.com;
>     Greg Golgowski ; Eric and Jeannie Pfefferkorn ; Dick
>     Mower ; Deb Walsh ; Dawn Miller ; David Leeman ; Cyndi
>     Conklin ; 'Cara Walls' ; Bill Fife ; Allan Santacruz ;
>     Mike Scarborough
>     Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2011 11:35 AM
>     Subject: Free plants donated by the Spirit Farm
>     Hi everyone,
>     Dick has just picked up Cabbage and broccoli plants
>     donated by Ray at . the Spirit Farm.  They need to be
>     put in the ground today so Dick will be down at the
>     garden at 2pm sharp for you to get your plants.  If you
>     have any questions, please call me on my cell phone at
>     603-731-0637
>     Thanks,
>     Marylin
>     From: George Schiro [mailto:99922008harm...@schiro.name]
>     Sent: Friday, December 23, 2011 10:11 AM
>     To: AllanSantacruz; BillFife; CaraWalls; CyndiConklin;
>     DavidLeeman; DawnMiller; DebWalsh;
>     EricandJeanniePfefferkorn; GregGolgowski;
>     JoannaGoodhue; Le&DanDrake; LisaLewis;
>     MICHELLEA.CHAMBERS; MarylinandDickMower;
>     MikeScarborough; NettieBartel; NimiSchiro;
>     RichardMapes; RodrigoMella; ShadTome; SteveJosephson;
>     ThomasBelief; TraciGray; joni...@cfl.rr.com
>     Subject: FW: Free plants donated by the Spirit Farm
>     Hello Folks,
>     My name is George Schiro. My wife is Nimi. She is a
>     fellow gardener among you. Her email address was added
>     to the list of private garden related emails.
>     Nimi's email account is not very cooperative at times
>     and she is not always on top of it. Sadly, she missed
>     out on the opportunity of free plants the other day.
>     She was told verbally that the plants would be
>     proffered at noon on Tuesday. So she was actually
>     headed to the gardens when the email arrived at
>     11:35am.
>     To avoid this problem in the future, I would appreciate
>     your adding my email address to the group email list.
>     Here it is:
>     99922008harm...@schiro.name
>     Please be sure to include me in all future
>     communications and I will be sure to convey the same to
>     Nimi (in case she misses any herself).
>     We very much appreciate the opportunity to be involved
>     with the gardening experience in Harmony and we look
>     forward to doing whatever we can to help open up this
>     wonderful amenity to fellow Harmony residents who might
>     also like to participate.
>     We wish all of you a Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah
>     and a Happy New Year!
>     'Geo
>     Ps. I am aware of at least one community gardener who
>     is not included on your email list. Please reach out
>     again to be sure that everyone is included. Thanks!
>     Also, I was speaking to Shad recently about garden
>     related communications in general and he mentioned a
>     garden meeting to be held sometime after the new year.
>     I think that Marylin and Lisa mentioned something about
>     it as well. Please reply with the date, time and
>     location of this meeting and Nimi and I will do our
>     best to attend.
>     From: rescuegreyho...@onebox.com
>     Sent: Friday, December 23, 2011 11:08 AM
>     To: George Schiro; AllanSantacruz; BillFife;
>     CaraWalls; CyndiConklin; DavidLeeman; DawnMiller;
>     DebWalsh; EricandJeanniePfefferkorn; GregGolgowski;
>     JoannaGoodhue; Le&DanDrake; LisaLewis;
>     MICHELLEA.CHAMBERS; MarylinandDickMower;
>     MikeScarborough; NettieBartel; NimiSchiro;
>     RichardMapes; RodrigoMella; ShadTome;
>     SteveJosephson; ThomasBelief; TraciGray;
>     joni...@cfl.rr.com
>     Subject: RE: Free plants donated by the Spirit Farm
>     Since it looked like there were more plants than people
>     wanted, I took more than I needed in order to keep them
>     from being thrown away.  If Miss Nimi still wants some,
>     she is welcome to some of mine. It looks like they're
>     all broccoli.  Just ask Miss Nimi to e-mail me and make
>     arrangements to transplant them.
>     --
>     David Leeman
>     rescuegreyho...@onebox.com - email
>     201-406-0244
>     From: George Schiro [mailto:99922008harm...@schiro.name]
>     Sent: Friday, December 23, 2011 11:19 AM
>     To: rescuegreyho...@onebox.com; AllanSantacruz;
>     BillFife; CaraWalls; CyndiConklin; DawnMiller;
>     DebWalsh; EricandJeanniePfefferkorn; GregGolgowski;
>     JoannaGoodhue; Le&DanDrake; LisaLewis;
>     MICHELLEA.CHAMBERS; MarylinandDickMower;
>     MikeScarborough; NettieBartel; NimiSchiro;
>     RichardMapes; RodrigoMella; ShadTome;
>     SteveJosephson; ThomasBelief; TraciGray;
>     joni...@cfl.rr.com
>     Subject: RE: Free plants donated by the Spirit Farm
>     Thanks Dave. I'm not sure if broccoli is what she is
>     looking for, but I will convey the message.
>     From: George Schiro [mailto:99922008harm...@schiro.name]
>     Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2011 6:01 PM
>     To: rescuegreyho...@onebox.com; AllanSantacruz;
>     BillFife; CaraWalls; CyndiConklin; DawnMiller;
>     DebWalsh; EricandJeanniePfefferkorn; GregGolgowski;
>     JoannaGoodhue; Le&DanDrake; LisaLewis;
>     MICHELLEA.CHAMBERS; MarylinandDickMower;
>     MikeScarborough; NettieBartel; NimiSchiro;
>     RichardMapes; RodrigoMella; ShadTome;
>     SteveJosephson; ThomasBelief; TraciGray;
>     joni...@cfl.rr.com
>     Subject: RE: Free plants donated by the Spirit Farm
>     We never heard anything more about the proposed garden
>     meeting. So perhaps it makes most sense to continue as
>     before in the mean time. Thanks anyway!
>     Please let us know if a meeting actually materializes.
>     Happy New Year!
>     BTW Dave, when you saw Nimi in person the other day in
>     the gardens, you could have reiterated your broccoli
>     offer at that time. Although she has plenty of broccoli
>     already, I think that she would have appreciated
>     hearing from you in person anyway. As I wrote
>     previously, she doesn't really like email very much.
>     From: Marylin Ash-Mower [mailto:mowe...@comcast.net]
>     Sent: Sunday, January 01, 2012 11:51 AM
>     To: George Schiro
>     Cc: Greg Golgowski; lisa Lewis;
>     rescuegreyho...@onebox.com
>     Subject: garden meeting
>     George,
>     When a meeting is planned, Nimi will be the first to
>     know as she is the owner of the garden lot. Lisa is
>     away, I have been away due to a death, and the holidays
>     have taken up everyones time.  When we all get back and
>     get settled, we will set a date and have a garden
>     meeting.  I will give Nimi plenty of time to check her
>     e-mails and we will tell her in person.   SHE WIILL NOT
>     BE LEFT OUT!   What is your problem with the broccoli
>     issue from Spirit Farm?  David was kind enough to offer
>     her some  and according to your e-mail she was not
>     interested as she had plenty. Marylin
>     From: George Schiro [mailto:99922008harm...@schiro.name]
>     Sent: Sunday, January 01, 2012 12:11 PM
>     To: Marylin Ash-Mower
>     Cc: AllanSantacruz; BillFife; CaraWalls;
>     CyndiConklin; DavidLeeman; DawnMiller; DebWalsh;
>     EricandJeanniePfefferkorn; GregGolgowski;
>     JoannaGoodhue; Le&DanDrake; LisaLewis;
>     MICHELLEA.CHAMBERS; MikeScarborough; NettieBartel;
>     NimiSchiro; RichardMapes; RodrigoMella; ShadTome;
>     SteveJosephson; ThomasBelief; TraciGray;
>     joni...@cfl.rr.com
>     Subject: RE: garden meeting
>     Thank you Marylin. I am sorry about the death in your
>     family.
>     Please be sure to include my email address in all
>     future communications since Nimi's email does not work
>     well and she may miss some messages.
>     I look forward to meeting you at the meeting whenever
>     it is.
>     From: George Schiro [mailto:99922008harm...@schiro.name]
>     Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2012 7:10 AM
>     To: Eric and Jeannie P
>     Cc: AllanSantacruz; BillFife; CaraWalls;
>     CyndiConklin; DavidLeeman; DawnMiller; DebWalsh;
>     EricandJeanniePfefferkorn; GregGolgowski;
>     JoannaGoodhue; Le&DanDrake; LisaLewis;
>     MICHELLEA.CHAMBERS; MarylinandDickMower;
>     MikeScarborough; NettieBartel; NimiSchiro;
>     RichardMapes; RodrigoMella; RoySampson; ShadTome;
>     SteveJosephson; ThomasBelief; TraciGray;
>     joni...@cfl.rr.com
>     From: Marylin Ash-Mower [mailto:mowe...@comcast.net]
>     Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2012 2:14 PM
>     To: George Schiro
>     Cc: Eric and Jeannie P; AllanSantacruz; BillFife;
>     CaraWalls; CyndiConklin; DavidLeeman; DawnMiller;
>     DebWalsh; GregGolgowski; JoannaGoodhue;
>     Le&DanDrake; LisaLewis; MICHELLEA.CHAMBERS;
>     MikeScarborough; NettieBartel; NimiSchiro;
>     RichardMapes; RodrigoMella; RoySampson; ShadTome;
>     SteveJosephson; ThomasBelief; TraciGray;
>     joni...@cfl.rr.com
>     From: rescuegreyho...@onebox.com
>     Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2012 2:41 PM
>     To: Marylin Ash-Mower; George Schiro
>     Cc: Eric and Jeannie P; AllanSantacruz; BillFife;
>     CaraWalls; CyndiConklin; DavidLeeman; DawnMiller;
>     DebWalsh; GregGolgowski; JoannaGoodhue;
>     Le&DanDrake; LisaLewis; MICHELLEA.CHAMBERS;
>     MikeScarborough; NettieBartel; NimiSchiro;
>     RichardMapes; RodrigoMella; RoySampson; ShadTome;
>     SteveJosephson; ThomasBelief; TraciGray;
>     joni...@cfl.rr.com
>     Subject: Re: garden meeting
>     While I admit that my views are slanted and my
>     perceptions are colored, I wholeheartedly support Miss
>     Marilyn and I hope others voice their support for her
>     as well.
>     --
>     David Leeman
>     rescuegreyho...@onebox.com - email
>     201-406-0244
>     From: NETTIE R. BARTEL [mailto:nrbar...@temple.edu]
>     Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2012 8:03 PM
>     To: rescuegreyho...@onebox.com
>     Cc: Marylin Ash-Mower; George Schiro; Eric and
>     Jeannie P; AllanSantacruz; BillFife; CaraWalls;
>     CyndiConklin; DawnMiller; DebWalsh; GregGolgowski;
>     JoannaGoodhue; Le&DanDrake; LisaLewis;
>     MICHELLEA.CHAMBERS; MikeScarborough; NimiSchiro;
>     RichardMapes; RodrigoMella; RoySampson; ShadTome;
>     SteveJosephson; ThomasBelief; TraciGray;
>     joni...@cfl.rr.com
>     Subject: Re: garden meeting
>     Hi Fellow Gardeners:
>     I completely support Marylin's insistence that as
>     gardeners we not tolerate divisiveness and attempts to
>     create conflicts among each other. We don't need anyone
>     who wants to stir up trouble. The whole point of
>     gardening is to promote serenity and to live in harmony
>     with nature--that includes members of our own species!
>     Let's remember where we live--in HARMONY!
>     Nettie Bartel
>     From: lisa [mailto:thelewisho...@earthlink.net]
>     Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2012 9:24 AM
>     To: 'NETTIE R. BARTEL'; rescuegreyho...@onebox.com
>     Cc: 'Marylin Ash-Mower'; 'George Schiro'; 'Eric and
>     Jeannie P'; 'AllanSantacruz'; 'BillFife';
>     'CaraWalls'; 'CyndiConklin'; 'DawnMiller';
>     'DebWalsh'; 'GregGolgowski'; 'JoannaGoodhue';
>     'Le&DanDrake'; 'MICHELLEA.CHAMBERS';
>     'MikeScarborough'; 'NimiSchiro'; 'RichardMapes';
>     'RodrigoMella'; 'RoySampson'; 'ShadTome';
>     'SteveJosephson'; 'ThomasBelief'; 'TraciGray';
>     joni...@cfl.rr.com
>     joni...@cfl.rr.com
>     Subject: Re: garden meeting
>     Thank you Marilyn for saying what has needed to be said
>     for so long.   Blocked.
>     Jeannie-----Original Message-----
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