Please see daisy chain of emails below.
This is not an official message from the Osceola County School Board or the Osceola County School District. I am responsible for all content above the Terry Andrews email.
Cindy Hartig and her band of fools are causing greater damage faster than anyone ever could have anticipated. See the Tom Long emails, he’s as big an idiot as anyone in this group. I thought there might be some hope for him at the Board meeting 6/19/12, clearly he has shown his true colors after all. Long, Hartig, Horn and Melendez are all incompetent. Two Superintendent’s resigned within less than 17 months because these idiot board members actually are dumb enough to support and believe things that come from Cindy Hartig-who twists facts to suit her needs all with the blessing of these imbeciles. Now you see why I dropped out of the County Commission race, I cannot leave the district to these fools.
Terry, you’ve done your best under horrible circumstances. As one person told me this week “Cindy Hartig is a vile human being”. Mike Grego tried to, but alas he to resigned. I encourage all of you to thank Terry for his service and request that he considers staying at least until 12/31/12. At least that way Hartig will have no input into who succeeds him. She is the most horrible person I’ve ever had to deal with for such a prolonged period. At least the voters can put an end to her time as the most destructive school board member Osceola has ever had. She and her idiot band of supporters are doing all they can to sink this school system either on purpose or through total incompetence. Take your pick. Oh, wait they might Censure me-I forgot they already did that. Bring it on you morons.
We all need to support Tim Weisheyer enthusiastically. Put up signs in your yard, put a sticker for him on your car. Write letters to the editor about why Hartig is horrible for our school district. Letters need to go to with your name, address, and phone #. They do not print all that, they only use that to verify that you are who you say you are. Letters are best sent in MS Word, try to keep to 500 words or less. None of us could have ever anticipated how bad Hartig could be, she is a cancer on the school district-that the voters in her district need to cut out of this school system on election day 8/14/12. Don’t forget her and her band of fools scammed everyone with a bogus national Superintendent search to put Terry into this job. Julius you need to lose badly too, for your support for her over the past two years. Julius Melendez is no leader-he is a follower of Cindy Hartig. None of these four are worthy of being elected, our first grade students are a zillion times smarter than Long, Hartig, Melendez, and Horn individually and combined. These four don’t care about our students even a little bit, don’t believe anything they say. None of them can be trusted.
Jay Wheeler/Osceola County School Board-District One
From: Terry Andrews []
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2012 6:45 PM
To:; Cindy Hartig; Julius Melendez; Jay Wheeler; Thomas E. Long; Barbara Horn
Cc: Mark Munas; John Boyd; Melba Luciano; Tom Phelps; William Collins; Clyde Wells; Tammy Otterson; Dana Schafer; Suzanne Roy; Betty Hittman; Tonya Culver; Beth Rattie; Bettye Hobbs; Bill Coffman; Daryla Bungo; David Groover; Debra Neill; Diane Nichols; Diane Rivers; Frank Telemko; Gary Bressler; Holly Willis; Janice Castro-Franceschi; Jim Hendrix; John Boyd; John Campbell; Jon Davis; Karen Bracy; Karen M. Bracy; Linda Harwood; Mark Munas; Maryann Rodriguez; Matthew Phillips; Melba Luciano; Nadia Winston; Nina Wehmeyer; Penny Collins; Randy Shuttera; Rene Clayton; Rita Loeding; Scott Knoebel; Shana H. Rafalski; Sheri Turchi; Stacy Burdette; Susan E. Cavinee; Terry Andrews; Virginia Scott; Wendy Honeycutt; Zundra Aubrey; Anna Campbell; Beth Rattie; Charles M. Lisby; Cindy Chiavini (SCMS); Cindy Mohen; Daryla Bungo; Dywayne B. Hinds; Evelith Olmeda Garcia; John Boyd; Jon Davis; Maritza Luciano; Mark Munas; Michael Allen; Nina Wehmeyer; Paula Evans; Penny Collins; Randy Shuttera; Rene Clayton; Terry Andrews; Wendy Honeycutt; Zundra Aubrey; Belynda L. Pinkston; Beth Rattie; Charles M. Lisby; Daryla Bungo; Grover Butler; Jeanette Eddy; Jim DiGiacomo; John Boyd; Larry Meadows; Laura Rhinehart; Mark Munas; Nate Fancher; Nina Wehmeyer; Pamela A. Tapley; Penny Collins; Pete Hodges; Randy Shuttera; Robert Studly; Sheryl Alexander; Terry Andrews; Thomas Runnels; Stuart Singer;
After much consideration, it is with sincere regret, that I have revised my retirement date as Superintendent of Osceola School District to October 31, 2012.
It was clear to me at the June 19th School Board meeting that the allegations set forth by Ms. Hartig and Ms. Horn were actually taken into consideration by two of the other Board members. For the record, I deny these unproven, damaging and false accusations. If I have not proven objectively to this Board, my accomplishments and intentions for this district over the last year, then there is no point in continuing. Ms. Hartig will go to any lengths (please see attached/below sent to three of the four other Board members) and will not stop until she has ruined me and in that process, ruined the forward progress the district has made to date and continue to hurt innocent people.
As stated during the June 19th Board meeting, I am very proud of the faculties, staff and students of this county and wish them all continued success. It has been an honor to serve in this district.
Terry Andrews, Superintendent
School District of Osceola County
817 Bill Beck Blvd.
Kissimmee, FL 34744-4492
Phone: 407-870-4008
Fax: 407-870-4010
Extension: 66019
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----- Original Message -----
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&t
From: "Terry Andrews" <>
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2012 17:56:05 +0000
To: <>
Subject: Re: complaints
Hi Tom,
NO. That is not true.
Where in the world did you hear that one?
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&t
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2012 10:38:06 -0400
To: <>; Terry Andrews<>
Subject: Fw: complaints
Is it true that you brokered a deal with Pam Tapley that you would renew her if she then resigned in a few weeks?
I do not believe we can afford to lose her.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&t
From: "Usher L. Brown" <>
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2012 07:10:02 -0400
To: <>; Thomas E. Long<>; <>; <>
Subject: FW: complaints
The complaint against District employees must be filed with the Superintendent in writing.
I’m not certain Board policy allowing for harassment complaints against employees will cover a complaint by one Board member against another. In any event, I would recommend hiring outside counsel to do this. I’ll follow up with you to discuss.
From: Cindy L. Hartig []
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 5:59 AM
To: Usher L. Brown
Cc:;; Cindy L. Hartig
Subject: complaints
Importance: High
Please take this email and forward to Mr. Long, Ms. Horn and Mr. Melendez for me.
Please make sure you let me know what you need as the clock is ticking on the action against Mr. Wheeler as per Florida Stature.. you have maybe 16 days left.
Please make sure the investigation into the facilities two people is done as well, I filed that with you months ago.
Also, keep in mind that Terry renewed Pam as long as she leaves in a couple of weeks, our 54,000 students will suffer even more when this happens.
Melba will stand no chance with out Julius here.
If nothing happens to Mr. Andrews till after grades come out which is Nov or Dec, Julius is gone. So I hope the board will be happy with Mr. Munas as the superintendent.
The distortion of words by Mr. Andrews and picking out only the parts of a meeting that fit is yet another violation of his contact and both the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduit.
I would encourage everyone to go back and listen to the admission of non truths Mr. Andrews told last night, and then let your conscience be your guide.
I hope this board and their egos are happy, grades come out shortly for elementary school and if action is not taken before Nov the district will have status quo. I for one will do my best to ensure that does not happen.
I made a mistake when I agreed to appointing Mr. Andrews and I will stick my neck out to correct my mistake.
I will support the staff and others in hostile work complaints and suits.
Cindy Lou
Your guess is as good as mine. Since Long and Horn got elected in 2010, and they anointed Cindy Hartig to be Board Chair things have gone from bad to worse. Logic, and the well being of our students does not seem to have an application any more for the people I am embarrassed to serve with at present. Your analysis is as good as any. The good news is that Hartig has a strong opponent in her district in the August elections, and Melendez is running for (try not to laugh to loudly) US Congress. Seeing how Tom Long has been elected to represent you, I encourage you to contact him to see if he can persuade Andrews to stay until 12/31/12. You may also attempt to persuade him not to allow Hartig to participate in a Superintendent selection. She poisoned the process once. If you do contact Long, use small words and speak real slow-he’s not very bright. What we need if Terry Andrews sticks to his schedule is an acting or interim Superintendent until Hartig and Melendez are both gone, then whoever replaces them deserve to participate in the hiring of our next Superintendent. JW