Feedback for Survive mode

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Rick N

Mar 6, 2016, 5:31:47 PM3/6/16
to Hardcode (VR Game)
Thanks for taking the time to produce and refine one of the best VR games so far.

I really like the Collect mode of the game, I feel like it's fluid and has a nice reasonable and attainable amount of challenges with some good variety and stays interesting because progress is made.

As for the Survive mode, I like being able to shoot at something, but the rooms are too small and the robots keep coming from all directions, so I end up spinning around and shooting so much that I find myself getting sick.
And it is too repetitious, it seems like the level goes on forever. Also, I have run into glitches where I become part of a wall or obstacle.

I would suggest bigger rooms and less robots and obstacles. Maybe even different detailed scenery, different refined weapons and different targets so we could advance through rooms like in Collect mode. At this point, I have played to a score of 32 points in Survive mode and I don't think I want to play it any more unless something changes.

Again, great job with the game. Let me know what you think about my ideas, I'll be happy to give more feedback.


Mike Farlenkov

Mar 6, 2016, 7:06:05 PM3/6/16
to Hardcode (VR Game)
Hi Rick!
Thank you very much for playing HARDCODE and for your feedback!

I completely agree with you that Survive mode need a lot of improvements and I am working on it. 
New enemy types, level-up system etc.

"advance through rooms like in Collect mode" - it is exactly what Breakthru mode is. Check it out :)
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