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Hardcode 2013 new deadline, and other updates.

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Hardcode 2013

Jan 23, 2013, 12:37:12 PM1/23/13
Hi there!

We hope you are having fun so far!  We have received a couple of questions and suggestions in the past couple days; so, we wanted to give you some important updates:

  1. Good news!  We are moving the Round 1 deadline to one week later (that is, the Round 1 applications must now be submitted by February 22; previously, the deadline was February 15).  You now have one more week to add final touches and extra features to your application!  This change was made based on feedback from schools and students.  This is the last time we will extend the deadline; so, work hard to get things done by then!
  2. Related to the previous update, we will also move the announcement of finalists to one week later.  So, now finalists will be announced on March 8.
  3. We have added one more optional feature.  Accessibility (O-J-04) which will recognize developers who implement their frontend in a way that facilitates the use by screen readers and other accessibility technologies.
  4. If you want to use a private code repository, remember to request it if you haven't done so already before the end of the week!
  5. A quick reminder that we will be scoring the design of each feature as well as implementation.  Therefore, it is recommended that you maintain a design document in the wiki of your code site, or in a public google doc so the judges can understand the intent behind your implementation.
  6. We have updated the FAQ with a couple of questions that came up regarding the use of third party libraries and web frameworks as well as the use of the team registration site.  Check them out!

That is it for now!  We will keep you updated as more things come up.

Hardcode 2013 Organizers

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