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Hardcode 2013 reminders and updates

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Hardcode 2013

Feb 1, 2013, 7:13:12 PM2/1/13
Hi All!

We hope you are having fun putting your coding skills to the test!  We've been answering some questions and made a few additions to the FAQ (browser support and use of Cloud SQL); so, check it out.  We also want to remind you:
  • If you are a minor, you need to include an email address for your parent in your individual registration form.  This is required as part of the parental consent process.  If you need to, please go back to the registration site to update your information.
  • As noted previously, the private code repositories have been set up.  If you requested one and still do not have access, be sure to contact us.
  • A final reminder that the deadline for Round 1 has been moved to one week later and is now February 22.  But don't wait until the last minute! ;-)
That's it for now.  May the source be with you!

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