How many active [x]harbour/xBase developers all over the world?

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Francesco Perillo

Oct 24, 2017, 6:20:11 PM10/24/17

I was thinking about the number of active developers all over the world using Harbour, xHarbour or other xBase inspired/derivated languages...

100? 500? 1000? More than 1000?

My idea is that there are between 300 and 400 developers using "xbase" language in production, with or without the use of other languages.

Which is your number?

Angel Pais

Oct 24, 2017, 7:01:10 PM10/24/17
I' say a numnber more close to 5.000
On the commercial side: Alaska has more than 1000 subscribers, dBase the same, Xailer and Fivewin another thousand.
On the open source side I woul add easely another 1000.
The big problem with xbase community is its fragmentation.

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Mel Smith

Oct 24, 2017, 11:34:21 PM10/24/17
to Harbour Users
   I have only 337 at this moment who have registered and downloaded from my site.

   Although many hundreds of different IPs have been logged as viewing my site.


José Luis Sánchez Navarro

Oct 25, 2017, 12:31:46 AM10/25/17
to Harbour Users

I think that around 2000 would be an approximate number.

When I publish a post at Harbour Magazine I publicite it here, at FWH forums and Facebook Harbour group.I have around 600-800 reads of every post, andmy survey was answered by 660 persons. I also think that our big problem is frgmentation, andI created Harbour Magazine as a meeting point of the Harbour community. Until today NONE has accepted my invitation to write about Harbour in the publication.

How can we pretend have a growing community if no one writes about Harbour ? How many Harbour blog/sites do you know that is still active? I don't know any other that mine.

If anyone want to collaborate with me at Harbour Magazine, you are welcome  !!!

Kind regards,
José Luis 


Oct 25, 2017, 4:22:01 AM10/25/17
to Harbour Users
Well, there is a reason. Harbour (and other xBases probably too) is used by single developers and small teams only. It's not bad, it's only a proof that being little you can still create and maintain quite large and sophisticated applications with it. But single persons and small teams don't have much spare time to write about Harbour, contribute, etc. And their free time, they want to keep it for the family, friends... Contributions are not also backed by larger companies, while there are some that use Harbour or Harbour based apps.

There are notable exceptions of course, more lately Viktor Szakats and Przemyslaw Czerpak invested huge amount of their time. Uncountable many thanks!
Kudos to all the contributors...

The best thing is, that it's not forgotten and maybe we can bring some successful collaboration platform in the future.

What else, Harbour is very portable between platforms, while the pressure today is to be platform-dedicated.

Kind regards, 

Massimo Belgrano

Oct 25, 2017, 6:15:36 AM10/25/17
IMO many many users using harbour or clipper  with an old download
and not post any messages 
in  last week  Nightly have bee downloaded from 77 users and it was more active in past  so multiplicating for 20 years 

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Massimo Belgrano
Delta Informatica S.r.l. (Cliccami per scoprire 

José Quintas

Oct 25, 2017, 7:30:10 AM10/25/17
How many xbase products/addons exists?

- Clipper
- Visual Objects
- Harbour 3.2
- Harbour 3.4
- xHarbour open
- xHarbour comercial
- foxpro
- visual foxpro
- xbase++
- flagship
- Fivewin
- HMG Extended
- HMG 3
- QT Contribs
- Xailer
- HWGui
- And others

If you consider 50 developers using each product/addon, will be more than 1.000 developers.
I think there are more than 1.000 developers only in Brazil, some of them do not knows about Harbour.

As described on another message: one big problem is fragmentation.
Another big problem is consider each library as a individual product, when it is only a "addon".

A big problem:

Harbour oficial:  3.0
Harbour 3.2 nigthtly: one version on each day
Harbour 3.4 snapshot: one version on each change

Libraries: how to have a Harbour version? send own Harbour version. If do not do this, may be works on Harbour today version, but not on Harbour tomorrow version.... and if is a comercial library, user can't change Harbour version without a new version of the library.

Fragmentation is not only on one product or another, but on product versions too.

José M. C. Quintas
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Oct 25, 2017, 9:00:29 AM10/25/17
to Harbour Users
Hello Everyone

As mentioned there are too many small developers who just cater to a closed circle.

Can not go by the number of downloads. The windows setup...exe is available on CDs which come bundled with several 100s of free software.

In India, for 20+ years, we were all using dBase, FoxBase, FoxPro in one vertical. And Clipper in another vertical and rest of xbase in another vertical. There seems to be very very huge migration to Harbour as it became popular through word of mouth itself. At the lowest estimate there must be 10,000 developers in India catering to customers. If a machine is loaded with licensed is always followed by a bunch of free software including "Libre Office", etc. Such Installation CDs which comes with all free software will certainly have Harbour. Sometime back it also had FlagShip's free single user version too.

I also have several friends in US who had seen Harbour running on several small establishments.


Pritpal Bedi

Oct 25, 2017, 5:07:25 PM10/25/17
to Harbour Users

This will be extremely difficult to estimate.
Everybody is guessing from their experiences and beliefs.
It is even more difficult to measure it as Harbour's echo-system is fragmented.

But for sure there are 630 unique developers using Harbour if not more.
The latest version of HbIDE's download statistics from SourceForge.
And also I am sure that not every Harbourean uses HbIDE.

Pritpal Bedi
a student of software analysis & concepts

PS: From my city - Ludhiana - in India, there are at least 5 developers using Harbour - stat from 2005.

Mel Smith

Oct 25, 2017, 6:00:06 PM10/25/17
to Harbour Users

On Wednesday, October 25, 2017 at 3:07:25 PM UTC-6, Pritpal Bedi wrote:

PS: From my city - Ludhiana - in India, there are at least 5 developers using Harbour - stat from 2005.

Hi Pritpal

   and from my download database, I count 17 people who have registered and downloaded from India.

   I also 'guess' that several of my 337 registered users, themselves become a downloading source (i.e., sub-repositorians). But, I cannot definitely establish/confirm  this 

Mel Smith

Oct 28, 2017, 6:13:42 PM10/28/17
to Harbour Users
Hi All:

   Below is a listing of the people who have registered at my site:  showing the COUNTRY of their IP address, and the number of people from that country.

   Sorry about the formatting.

- Mel Smith

Country              Users
Algeria                 1
Argentina              17
Australia               5
Austria                 2
Barbados                1
Belarus                 2
Belgium                 3
Bolivia                 4
Brazil                 62
Bulgaria                2
Canada                  8
Chile                   4
China                   2
Columbia                4
Congo                   1
Costa Rica              1
Croatia                 4
Czech Republic          1
Dominican Republic      1
Ecuador                 3
Finland                 1
France                  3
Germany                10
Greece                  1
Hungary                 7
Iceland                 2
India                  17
Indonesia               9
Ireland                 2
Italy                  25
Japan                   1
Latvia                  1
Malaysia                2
Mexico                 12
Morocco                 1
Netherlands             5
New Zealand             1
Nicaragua               1
Panama                  1
Peru                    4
Philipines              2
Poland                 16
Portugal                2
Russia                  6
Serbia                  7
Singapore               1
Slovenia                1
South Africa            1
South Korea             1
Spain                  19
Switzerland             3
Taiwan                  4
Trinidad                1
Turkey                  1
U.K.                    3
USA                    25
Ukraine                 3
Uruguay                 2
Venezuela               6
Total all countries = 338

Gilbert Karweru

Oct 29, 2017, 12:56:33 AM10/29/17
to Harbour Users
Hi Mel,

+1 from Kenya


Oct 29, 2017, 5:10:59 AM10/29/17

Hi all

+1 from Poland

Alain Aupeix

Oct 29, 2017, 5:46:07 AM10/29/17
+1 From France (Linux)

Possible to count by OS ?

> *From: *Mel Smith
> *Sent: *Sunday, 29 October 2017 01:13
> *To: *Harbour Users
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> *Subject: *[harbour-users] Re: How many active [x]harbour/xBase
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Alain Aupeix
U.buntu 12.04 | G.ramps 3.4.9-1 | H.arbour 3.2.0dev (2016-12-16 10:05) |
Hw.Gui 2.20-3 (2630)

Mel Smith

Oct 29, 2017, 10:27:22 AM10/29/17
to Harbour Users
Hi Gilbert, Alain, and bb2003:

   I have no record of any of you being registered on my site.  So, if you wish to become part of my stats, please visit, then send me an email with your Name, and external IP address.  


Roberto Borges

Oct 29, 2017, 12:34:05 PM10/29/17
to Harbour Users
Brasil xBase Home. lol

Alain Aupeix

Oct 29, 2017, 3:31:55 PM10/29/17
No need for me as on your site is only for Windows users, and I only use
Linux computers.


Don Lowenstein

Oct 30, 2017, 10:11:00 AM10/30/17

+ 1 from Missouri, USA

Rick Lipkin

Oct 30, 2017, 11:03:16 AM10/30/17
to Harbour Users

Marketing would help a lot .. The mainstream programmer is in the dot net camp and uses an IDE to push buttons to create code. I am absolutely amazed why so many Corporations, State and Federal governments want to create c# web sites for their application needs .. and if you look historically almost EVERY data breach and hack has been from a Penetration or lack of security in Database web applications. This article in seems to confirm my point:

 I would like to see a re-branding to say ... "It's just not xBase any more" .. we have evolved from dBase, evolved from Clipper .. time to re-market and re-brand the language.

Rick Lipkin

Why Do Web Developers Keep Making The Same Mistakes? (

An anonymous reader quotes HPE Insights:Software developers and testers must be sick of hearing security nuts rant, "Beware SQL injection! Monitor for cross-site scripting! Watch for hijacked session credentials!" I suspect the developers tune us out... The industry has generated newer tools, better testing suites, Agile methodologies, and other advances in writing and testing software. Despite all that, coders keep making the same dumb mistakes, peer reviews keep missing those mistakes, test tools fail to catch those mistakes, and hackers keep finding ways to exploit those mistakes. One way to see the repeat offenders is to look at the Open Web Application Security Project Top 10, a sometimes controversial ranking of the 10 primary vulnerabilities, published every three or four years by the Open Web Application Security Project... It boggles the mind that a majority of top 10 issues appear across the 2007, 2010, 2013, and draft 2017 OWASP lists... 

It's sad that eight out of 10 of the issues from 2013 are still top security issues in 2017. In fact, if you consider that the draft 2017 list combined two of the 2013 items, it's actually nine out of 10. Ouch... What can you do? Train everyone better, for starters. Look at coding and test tools that can help detect or prevent security vulnerabilities, but don't consider them silver bullets. Do dynamic application security testing, including penetration testing and fuzz testing. Ensure admins do their part to protect applications. And finally, make sure you establish a culture of security-aware programming and deployment.

Carlos Mora

Oct 31, 2017, 8:38:37 AM10/31/17
to Harbour Users

Someone exposed in /. his opinion, but in no way it is the only opinion.

From the same thread in /.:

| "Why do drivers keep making the same mistakes? It looks like eight of the top ten causes of death on the highway are the same as they were in 2013."

| Um because this shit is difficult, and if you don't know anything about it, it's easy to ask vapid generalized questions that seem meaningful.

Wed Developers, desktop developers, Kernel developers, Propietary OS developers, all of them keep making the same mistakes. ¿Aren't you tired of installing security updated every week? More than 20 years writing Windows kernel and they keep making mistakes, and you make the same mistake and keep programming on the same insecure OS.

So in Windows environment, as in 2013, the source of vulnerabilities is still MS, and it has not changed,  so It seems that we all are guilty of being stupid and persisting in the mistake, not only web programmers...

George Razutov

Oct 31, 2017, 8:03:04 PM10/31/17
to Harbour Users
Hi Mel,
The number as of 6 Harbour users in Russia don't seem to be realistic.
(x)Harbour part of Russian forum (Russian-speaking and not too informative) still shows up to 71 views per message for recent themes. The forum is in Russian, so this gives us the minimum estimation of Russian-speaking (x)Harbour users. Sure not every visitor views every message, and I believe that most of Harbour users don't visit that forum for months and years. So the real number of Harbour users in Russia should be much more than 71.

воскресенье, 29 октября 2017 г., 1:13:42 UTC+3 пользователь Mel Smith написал:
Hi All:

   Below is a listing of the people who have registered at my site:  showing the COUNTRY of their IP address, and the number of people from that country.

   Sorry about the formatting.

- Mel Smith

Country              Users
Russia                  6 

Mel Smith

Oct 31, 2017, 8:47:39 PM10/31/17
to Harbour Users
Hi George:
My stat shows how many users *registered* on my web site.

So, it seems that nearly all those 70+ users may have visited the site, but never took the time to register for a download.

I have several ( usually six or seven) new unknown visitors each nite who vist, sniff around, and leave without registering --- as is they right !


Antonio Linares

Nov 1, 2017, 2:40:51 AM11/1/17
to Harbour Users

FWH 17.07 announcement was read 799 times

FWH 17.09 490 times


Daniele Campagna

Nov 3, 2017, 12:54:24 PM11/3/17

All xbase developers are invited to join

D. Campagna

Roberto Borges

Nov 3, 2017, 1:44:28 PM11/3/17
to Harbour Users

Em terça-feira, 24 de outubro de 2017 19:20:11 UTC-3, fperillo escreveu:

George Razutov

Nov 3, 2017, 8:18:57 PM11/3/17
to Harbour Users
Thanks for invitation, Daniele.
What I am expected to do there?
Should I buy the domain, or join Navy, or Australian army?

Andi Jahja

Nov 4, 2017, 1:00:12 AM11/4/17
I'd rather go for airline attendants :)

Alejandro Padrino

Nov 4, 2017, 11:21:03 AM11/4/17
to Harbour Users
Spaniard dBase/Clipper developer since 1991 year, starting with dBase III+ and Clipper '87. Before xBase language I started as developer with Basic 6502 chipset language in 1988. When I started new project to develop always think all in xBase language. But don't found stable work after 29 years loving programming. I love the xBase language.

Currently using Harbour 3.0 (Linux & Windows). I have professional licenses for dBase Plus 10.3, Visual FoxPro 6.0 (Visual Studio 6.0 Suite), C3 Compiler 2.0, dBase 7.01, and Clipper 5.30c.

Professional licenses for not xBase compilers are Delphi 4.01 (also Delphi 10.1 free license) and Visual Studio 6.0.

All these for using mainly Harbour, C3, Lazarus/FPC and FreeBasic. Choosing Linux environment always I can do.

Developed High-Security Cryptography & Communication Protocols in xBase language since 2001 year. Military software security level is less than I was do using xBase language.

Alejandro Padrino

Nov 4, 2017, 11:54:59 AM11/4/17
to Harbour Users


Nov 4, 2017, 12:59:46 PM11/4/17
to Harbour Users
On a purely technical/administrative note it would be really nice to see
Harbour communities endorsing HTTPS on its various websites. So far
it seems almost none of them support it, not even those that require
password for registration or distribute binaries or sources that are meant
to be received intact on the user's end.

Certificates can be generated free via Let's Encrypt since last spring, so
cost should no longer be an issue.

Examples: (this one is defaced by hackers since years)

Kudos for Xailer, FiveWin and for doing the
right thing and implemeting HTTPS.

For those interested, here's a list of resources that can help to get


Patrick Mast

Nov 4, 2017, 3:03:01 PM11/4/17
to Harbour Users
Hey Viktor,

On a purely technical/administrative note it would be really nice to see
Harbour communities endorsing HTTPS on its various websites. So far
it seems almost none of them support it, not even those that require
password for registration or distribute binaries or sources that are meant
to be received intact on the user's end.

Certificates can be generated free via Let's Encrypt since last spring, so
cost should no longer be an issue.

Examples: already uses HTTPS




Nov 4, 2017, 6:39:36 PM11/4/17
to Harbour Users
Hi Patrick,

Good news, I didn't know! Can you implement it for the .org
site as well? I'd be glad to update links to it to be secure.



Nov 5, 2017, 7:42:17 AM11/5/17
to Harbour Users
Hi Patrick,

Besides, also (without www.)
isn't working. The latter has some misconfiguration (it was the address
I tried). Can you fix them?


Daniele Campagna

Nov 5, 2017, 3:13:03 PM11/5/17
You shouldn't be redirected at all. is a registered domain name, so should
show the site homepage. (Maybe you are using some search engine instead
of directly writing the URL in the address bar?)


Daniele Campagna

Nov 5, 2017, 3:15:57 PM11/5/17
I suspect you are getting something unexpected. :-)
You tried and got Australian Army????

Francesco Perillo

Nov 5, 2017, 3:35:21 PM11/5/17
You wrote xdevelopers....

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Diego Fazio

Nov 6, 2017, 11:10:42 AM11/6/17
to Harbour Users
Your site is?


El miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2017, 0:34:21 (UTC-3), Mel Smith escribió:
   I have only 337 at this moment who have registered and downloaded from my site.

   Although many hundreds of different IPs have been logged as viewing my site.


George Razutov

Nov 6, 2017, 3:07:59 PM11/6/17
to Harbour Users
Hi Daniele,
I visited, as you suggested, and found a lot of great offers there, including joining Navy, Australian army, Airport attendants etc.
But while I was trying to choose the best of them to improve my Harbour skills, you posted some more messages where you changed the address to  www.xdevelopers,org, and it really seems to be about xBase developers.

пятница, 3 ноября 2017 г., 19:54:24 UTC+3 пользователь Daniele Campagna написал:

Mel Smith

Nov 6, 2017, 3:30:27 PM11/6/17
to Harbour Users
My site is NOT ( as Viktor posted earlier) My site name is derived from the commonly pronounced golf term which is pronouned loosely and regularly as 'hoozahway' meaning: Who is farthest away from the hole ? Because that person normally hits his ball first. In my earlier days 8 years ago on my golf sites ( and, that meant that my site name was actually used several times per day by most all golfers -- giving my site name high usage but for a different purpose.
btw, as of this. morning, I currently have 342 people registered on my site.
Also, I looked over Viktor's links on how to get my site to https, and I can't handle it for the time being. Too complex for me :(

-Mel Smith

Daniele Campagna

Nov 6, 2017, 9:24:16 PM11/6/17
Il 11/06/2017 09:07 PM, George Razutov ha scritto:
Hi Daniele,
I visited, as you suggested, and found a lot of great offers there, including joining Navy, Australian army, Airport attendants etc.
My bad! I typed the wrong TLD. :-(

But while I was trying to choose the best of them to improve my Harbour skills, you posted some more messages where you changed the address to  www.xdevelopers,org, and it really seems to be about xBase developers.

Yes, sorry for the mistake. is a work in progress but already usable. It allows f.e. to present yourself and your works.


Jan 9, 2018, 6:32:11 AM1/9/18
to Harbour Users

Well, 578 unique visitors at Harbour-project on GitHub, in a date range from 27/12/2017 to 09/01/2018.
Not so bad, I'd say...

Mel Smith

Jan 9, 2018, 1:05:54 PM1/9/18
to Harbour Users
Hi Pete:

   As of this morning I had 350 registered users who have accessed my download site.  This is a small fraction of the many users of Harbour language.


Jeff Stone

Jan 12, 2018, 4:48:30 PM1/12/18
to Harbour Users
My thoughts may be way off on this, but I believe there are thousands of former Visual FoxPro programmers who would love to adopt Harbour but are either unaware of it or have concluded that the effort to migrate programs to Harbour is too difficult. (For background purposes, I was an original Dbase beta-tester when it was provided free of cost with Osborne CPM machines in the early 1980s.  I then switched to Clipper and then to Visual FoxPro [VFP] in the 90's.)  VFP developers that have invested extensive effort into screen interfaces will be the most resistant to adopt Harbour because it lacks WYSIWYG capabilities and is not readily apparent that HMG, FiveWin, etc are related.

As a VFP developer, I was resistant to switch to dBase, Lianja, FiveWin or Alaska, after having been burned by Microsoft dropping VFP, because our applications are so extensive that I didn't want to ever have to do another conversion. So, the open source nature of Harbour gave it the greatest appeal.

The next aspect of Harbour that gave me pause was the lack of an interpretive interface -- no command prompt. Unlike many developers, our development is all for internal purposes.  We also use VFP for doing lots of data conversion as we get over 3MM data records each month from various clients in dozens of different and constantly changing formats.  The interpretive interface/command prompt  in VFP is very easy for our non-programmers to use to add/extract/delete records from tables that we use to hold client data and doesn't require programmers to write routines for them to handle simple data. activities.  So, even though Harbour lacks the interface, I was so paranoid that VFP at some point will not work on a new evolution of Windows that I converted all of our larger applications to make them work Harbour and continue to work in VFP at the same time.  (There are some fundamental differences in syntax and functionality between Harbour and VFP. Others and I have posted about some of these differences and what we had to do to convert code.)  Fortunately, our screen interface use is relatively small, and I built screens in HMG from scratch as I could not figure out a way to convert interface code.

Today, office staff still continue to use VFP, and I still make most changes to code using VFP because the interface is easier to use and the debugging capabilities are better. However, I sleep better knowing that our code is still usable and will stay that way even if VFP becomes unusable.  If we did development for clients, as opposed to ourselves, we would completely switch over to Harbour since VFP applications would not be acceptable to our clients.



Mel Smith

Jan 12, 2018, 6:34:24 PM1/12/18
to Harbour Users
Hi Jeff:

On Friday, January 12, 2018 at 2:48:30 PM UTC-7, Jeff Stone wrote:
My thoughts may be way off on this, but I believe there are thousands of former Visual FoxPro programmers who would love to adopt Harbour but are either unaware of it or have concluded that the effort to migrate programs to Harbour is too difficult. (For background purposes, I was an original Dbase beta-tester when it was provided free of cost with Osborne CPM machines in the early 1980s.  I then switched to Clipper and then to Visual FoxPro [VFP] in the 90's.)  VFP developers that have invested extensive effort into screen interfaces will be the most resistant to adopt Harbour because it lacks WYSIWYG capabilities and is not readily apparent that HMG, FiveWin, etc are related.

   I went from dBase III Plus to FoxBase, then to FoxPlus, then to Clipper, then to xHarbour.  And I now use both Harbour 3.2, and xHarbour. I did use VFP as a side-line many years ago.   I still have a VFP (extended version) realease from Jun 8, 1993 !  (and of course, it doesn't work on my 64-bit Asus machine.).

   I really miss the finger-twiddling ease that I had with FoxBase for quickly adding, deleting, packing, and modifying structures.

   For twiddlings database now, I I use ...\harbour\bin\hbrun.exe  in a batch file.  It allows me 'some' twiddling, but not much.

   So, we older Fox fans are doing a bit of suffering, and having to build new tools to ease some of the pain.

-Mel Smith

Serge Girard

Jan 13, 2018, 5:35:02 AM1/13/18
to Harbour Users
Difficult to say how many. But I know Clipper is still being used. Yesterday I got a joboffer with some DBF-Clipper requirements. If anyone is interested I will forward this request.

Op zaterdag 13 januari 2018 00:34:24 UTC+1 schreef Mel Smith:

Mario H. Sabado

Jan 13, 2018, 5:47:04 AM1/13/18
Hi Serge,

Would you mind forwarding to me the job details at mhsabado at



Jan 13, 2018, 5:52:10 AM1/13/18

Can you send to me too?


13 січня 2018, 12:35:06, від "Serge Girard" <>:
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Jeff Stone

Jan 15, 2018, 5:05:03 PM1/15/18
Hi Mel,

I think a community effort to enhance hbrun.exe and perhaps expand the HMG debugger could go a long way to drawing in many more users to Harbour and derivatives, especially if we can nail down more of the Clipper/VFP differences so that former VFP users can simply issue a "SET" command to get Harbour to conform to VFP syntax.  It would be a nice way to stick it to Microsoft as I maintain they acquired Foxpro with the intent of driving Nantucket, Ashton-Tate and Boreland out of the xBase market so that they could then discontinue Foxpro.  Why sell one product that does user interfaces, data management, and reporting, when you can sell three?


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Mel Smith

Jan 15, 2018, 7:00:42 PM1/15/18
to Harbour Users

Jeff said:
I think a community effort to enhance hbrun.exe and perhaps expand the HMG debugger could go a long way to drawing in many more users to Harbour and derivatives, especially if we can nail down more of the Clipper/VFP differences so that former VFP users can simply issue a "SET" command to get Harbour to conform to VFP syntax.  It would be a nice way to stick it to Microsoft as I maintain they acquired Foxpro with the intent of driving Nantucket, Ashton-Tate and Boreland out of the xBase market so that they could then discontinue Foxpro.  Why sell one product that does user interfaces, data management, and reporting, when you can sell three?

Hi Jeff :

   I don't know (or have completely forgotten) the HMG debugger.   But I did use HMG Extended for many years (but years ago).  So , I can't comment on that.

   Richard Visscher (of PageScript32) offered to help with older VFP tools but I politely declined -- saying I'm now building my own tools under (x)Harbour. I told him I'm successfully using my ADDFIELD(...) function to insert/append new fields in an active database that is being accessed over the internet.  Will be building a DELFLD() function shortly (a very simple task) to complement the ADDFLD() module. I have another executable -- MODREAL.EXE that appends records and offers browsing on *local* development databases. I had to build this because HBRUN has a real difficulty in scrolling *very* wide Character fields. Some of my fields are up to 240 characters wide, and HBRUN 'runs of out gas' (i.e., fails to scroll) past about 70 characters or so.  So, in my MODREAL.EXE, I can scroll to/fro in these very wide character fields with ease, and see what I'm typing.  Perhaps there is a simple way to do this in HBRUN.EXE -- but I haven't found it ??

   But, my three main 'apps' are entirely based on client/server over the internet.  For the Client I use HTML, Javascript, and CSS. On the server side it is totally (x)Harbour running as a CGI under Apache.


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