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10 Years Of Vacations!

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Joel Moss Levinson

May 23, 2013, 10:56:55 AM5/23/13
It's been a long time since I've written to this email group for votes, saving up asking for something really worthwhile, and this is it! One of five finalists to win ten years of vacations to Florida!

The first round was an essay, the second was a video contest, but now we're in a phase that is up entirely to votes - and your help would mean the world! (also, I think the video came out super cute and features Hubie's first appearance :-)

Please vote daily through June 10th (if everyone on this list voted every day religiously, I think it would be enough to bring home the win!)

Thank you!!!

Video title:
"Bring 'Em Up Right" by Joel L., Culver City.
(you'll have to like their facebook page, you can undo that easily after the contest is over if you want.)
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