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More than 1 presence detector per room

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May 29, 2018, 5:34:02 AM5/29/18
to Happy Bubbles

i currently have a setup with 1 presence detector and 2 ibeacon attached to keyring.
My use case is not room presence detector (currently) but more an "at home" presence relying on fact that if you are in/out your house keys are in/out.

Detector is placed near the entrance and it seems to be not fully reliable to detect ibeacon presence when keys are at home in the key-holder which is placed 7-8m away across a couple of thick walls.

I was wondering if i could use 2 presence detectors with the same location name to make sure that at least one of the two is detecting the ibeacon.
will it work in the presence server?


Jun 20, 2018, 2:34:38 PM6/20/18
to Happy Bubbles
Sorry for the late reply. That's an interesting idea, I have never tried something like that. It could work I suppose, but make sure the MQTT client ID's are still unique for each detector. I'm not sure what same hostname would do on your network but the presence server may not mind.

If you try it, please let me know how it goes, good luck!

Dustin Arbogast

Jun 20, 2018, 2:44:11 PM6/20/18
to Happy Bubbles
Are you using this with home assistant?

I've done something similar, so I have 8 bubbles I'm using for room presence but also a huge part of my home/away (I use biasien sensor with a couple other things)

I created a separate sensor that basically says if I'm in any room make that sensor state home. If I'm not in a room it gets marked away. That sensor is what goes for home
/ Away. Works flawless.

If this what your going for let me know I'll share the relevant configs

Michele Spinolo

Jun 20, 2018, 5:10:15 PM6/20/18
to Dustin Arbogast, Happy Bubbles
This is exactly what I need!

Can you share your configuration?

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Adrian Bishop

Jun 26, 2018, 11:50:13 PM6/26/18
to Happy Bubbles
i would also be interested in the config you use
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