Chicken Little Story Rewriting(Group work) 0321

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Mar 20, 2009, 7:56:58 PM3/20/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop
Please write down your work.


Mar 20, 2009, 9:20:43 PM3/20/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop

王佩蘭 Athena

We are family.
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Mar 20, 2009, 9:47:19 PM3/20/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop
One bright ,Sunny day,Chicken-Little was picking up some corn in the
dirty Bardyard.When he full, he is going to the forest,Suddenly,a corn
from the big oak tree fell down and hit Chicken-Little right on the
top of his head.The Chicken –Little shout:「The sky is falling!I am
going to tell the King!」and away she went.
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Mar 20, 2009, 9:48:23 PM3/20/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop
林芷懷 Kimberly
Evil corn
One bright, sunny day, Chicken- Little is picking up yummy corn in
big Barnyard. She is so happy. Suddenly, a fat corn from the big oak
tree fell down and hit Chicken –Little right on the top of her head.
She is angry and yell:” You evil corn! I’ll tell my mom!” Then, she
runs to her mom’s house and say: “Mom! An evil corn hit me! Help me
hit him back!” Chicken- Little’s mom is a very fat and strong
Chicken. She can hit 10 people at one time. Chicken- Little’s mom
very angry, too. So she goes to the Barnyard with Chicken- Little
start to find the evil corn. But the farmer already picks the evil
corn away. So they can not be able to find it. They are very
and back to the house. They decide to catch the evil corn right away
next time. You may be curious, where does the evil corn go? He is
ready to hit the next out of luck people!


Mar 20, 2009, 9:51:28 PM3/20/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop

One bright, sunny day, Chicken-Little was picking up quickly some
delicious corn in the large Barnyard. There were many insects in the
Barnyard. He makes friends with the insects and play with them.
Suddenly, a beautiful corn from the big oak tree fell down and hit
Chicken-Little right on the top of his head. At last, Chicken-Little
was helped by a clever insect, and then they get married and very
happy forever.

One day, they arranged to go abroad. They had a schedule. First,
they went to Singapore for two days. And then, they decided to go to
the Philippines. Chicken-Little thought Philippines was very
beautiful, so they bought a house at the south of the Philippines.
They played together, they had two children. Several years the two
children had their own business, and have fantastic day.


Mar 20, 2009, 9:54:45 PM3/20/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop

One bright ,sunny day ,Chicken Little was picking a little corn in
the nice Barnyard. Chicken Little walked into a forest. Suddenly ,a
large corn from the big oak tree fell down and hit Chicken Little
right on the top of her head.
Chicken Little was hurt ,and said :”Oh !The blue sky is falling !The
blue sky is falling !I am going to tell the King !And away she went.



Mar 20, 2009, 9:55:27 PM3/20/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop
Barnyard .she is so happy. Suddenly a fat acorn from the big oak tree
fell down and hit
And hit Chicken-Little right on the top of her head. Chicken is very
scared and said
:”Oh! The big sky is falling! The big sky is falling! I’m going to
tell the King’’ And
Away she went.
吳昌軒 Andy


Mar 20, 2009, 9:56:51 PM3/20/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop

羅芝婷 Candy

One bright, sunny day, Chicken-Little was picking up little corn
slowly in the big Barnyard. When she was full, she went to find her
boy friend Chicken-Big. Suddenly, a big corn from the big oak tree
fell down and hit Chicken-Little right on the top of her head and then
Chicken-Little fell down. “Are you ok Chicken-Little?” said Chicken-
Big. “I’m ok! Chicken-Big” said Chicken-Little. “Great! Let’s go to
the play ground and play!” “That’s a great idea! Let’s go Chicken-
Big!” “Ok!”


Mar 20, 2009, 9:57:38 PM3/20/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop
林珈妤 Jamie
No.1 group
One bright, sunny day, Chicken-Little was picking up some awesome
corn in the terrific Barnyard.
There were many flowers and trees in the Barnyard. Then her father
arrived, he said. “What are you doing?” And Chicken-Little answered.
“Dad I’m eating corn.” “Don’t eat too much.” Her dad said.
Suddenly, a corn from the big oak tree fell down and hit Chicken-
Little right on the top of her head.
Then she went home, and told her dad and mom. “Dad, mom the beautiful
sky is hitting me.” “What hitting you?” Her dad and mom said. “That’s
right!” Chicken-Little said. “That’s can’t happened!” “Don’t tell
lie!” Her dad and mom said to her. “Ok, I believe you.” Chicken-Little
Nine years later
Chicken-Little has been married to a very nice chicken, and they
already have some chick. They are happy right now.


Mar 20, 2009, 9:58:09 PM3/20/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop

劉怡宣 Elaine
One bright, sunny day, Chicken-Little was picking up yummy corn in the
nice Barnyard. She is so happy. Suddenly, a fat acorn from the big oak
tree fell down and hit Chicken-Little right on the top of her head.
Chicken is very afraid and said:Oh! The gigantic Sky is falling! The
Sky is falling! I am going to tell the King! And away she went.


Mar 20, 2009, 9:58:29 PM3/20/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop


One bright, sunny day Chicken-Little was picking up some corn in the
Barnyard. There were many dead chickens in the Barnyard. He was
picking up corns and looking at the dead chicken. Then he said hello
to the dead chicken. He was very happy. And he wave good-bye to the
dead chicken. Suddenly, a dirty corn from the big oak tree fell down
and hit Chicken-Little right on the top of his head. Chicken yelled
shit and said” Oh! The blue Sky is falling! The blue Sky is falling!
I am going to tell the King!” she said and away she went.


Mar 20, 2009, 9:58:49 PM3/20/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop

One bright,sunnyday, Chicken-Little was picking up quickly some
delicious corn in the perfect barnyard. Suddenly a big corn from the
big oak tree fell down and hit Chicken-Little right on the top of her
head. Chicken yelled Ouch and said:”Oh!The blue sky is falling ! The
blue is falling! I am going to tell the King!” And away she went.


Mar 20, 2009, 9:59:01 PM3/20/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop
One bright, Sunny day, Chicken-Little was picking up slowly some
delicious corn in the dirty Barnyard. Chicken-Little was not
carefully, he eat some dust in the dirty Barnyard and had a
stomachache. At last , Chicken-Little was in the hospital everyday,
he was very sad. But some of the friends visited him and played with
him, so he was not bored anymore.

高琳潔 Jade
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Mar 20, 2009, 10:00:27 PM3/20/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop
陳亭宇 Annie
One bright, Sunny day, Chicken-Little was picking up a little corn in
the nice Barnyard. Chicken- Little walkrd in to a forest. Suddenly, a
large corn from the big oak tree fell down and hit Chicken-Little
right on the big top of her head.
Frightened Chicken-Little was very afraid.


Mar 20, 2009, 10:01:37 PM3/20/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop
One bright, sunny day, Chicken Little was picking up some delicious
corn very quickly in the dirty Barnyard. There were many flies in the
dirty Barnyard. Chicken Little was playing and talking with dirty
flies. She was very happy. Suddenly, an yummy corn from the big oak
tree fell down and hit Chicken Little right on the top of her head.
After then, she was very afraid of the corn!
One day, she watched a watermelon. She was picking up slowly then
hides it. That night, She was enjoy her party very much. She ate, ate
and ate. Suddenly, she was hit by the corn again. She was die, of
林鼎惟 Willy
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Mar 20, 2009, 10:03:27 PM3/20/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop
One bright, Sunny day, Chicken-Little was picking up some corn in the
dirty Barnyard. There were many bees in the dirty Barnyard, and the
Chicken-Little ran and ran. He said to the bee :{ don't bite me}!
Suddenly an big corn from the tall oak tree fell down and hit Chicken-
Little right on the top of his head, and he death.
陳嘉妤 Bonnie
> > Frightened Chicken-Little was very afraid.- 隱藏被引用文字 -
> - 顯示被引用文字 -


Mar 20, 2009, 10:03:28 PM3/20/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop

曹詠晴 Diana
One bright, sunny day, Chicken-Little was picking up quickly some
delicious corn
In the big Barnyard.There were many birds and trees in the big
Barnyard. Chicken-Little said to the birds”Goodmorning everyone!” The
bird in the tree said”Oh! Chicken-Little. Could I have some of your
corn please? “The Chicken-Little said,”OK! Come down and enjoy the
corn!”Then, the bird and Chicken-Little ate corn happily together in
the big Barnyard. They had a wonderful morning!


Mar 20, 2009, 10:03:48 PM3/20/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop

鄧羽涵 Alice
One bright, sunnyday, Chicken-Little was picking up delicious in the
big Barnyard.
She went outside, because she wanted to make new friends.
Suddenly, an alien corn from the big oak tree fell down and hit
Chicken-Little right on top of her head. Chicken looked and said:” Oh!
The huge Sky is falling! The huge Sky is falling! I am going to tell


Mar 20, 2009, 10:04:42 PM3/20/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop

林亞潔 Cindy
One bright, sunny day, Chicken-Little was picking up some yummy corn
quickly in the clean barnyard. There were many animals playing in
the barnyard. So Chicken-Little played with them in the barnyard
happily. Suddenly, a corn from the big oak tree fell down and hit
Chicken-little right on the top of her head. The humorous Chicken
felt scared and said:” Oh! The huge sky is falling! The huge sky is
falling! I am going to tell the king!” The Little-Chicken went out
the barnyard quickly. Because she wanted to go to the palace to tell
the king what the terrible things happened to her.
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Mar 20, 2009, 10:05:53 PM3/20/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop

陳俐穎 Michelle

One bright, sunny day, Chicken-Little was picking up some corn in the
pig Barnyard. Chicken-Little walks into the forest Suddenly, a little
corn from the big oak tree fell down and hit Chicken-Little right on
the top of her head. Chicken angry and said :”Oh! The large Sky is
falling! The large Sky is falling to tell the King! And away she went.


Mar 20, 2009, 10:05:58 PM3/20/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop


Mar 20, 2009, 10:06:04 PM3/20/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop
One bright, sunny day, Chicken –Little was picking up some delicious
corn happily in the great Barnyard. There were lots of beautiful
flowers, and many animals were playing. The sky was blue and the
clouds were white, how wonderful that day was! Just then, he saw his
best friend-Little bear. Chicken-Little ran to Little Bear and asked
him ”Can I play with you ?” “Of course.” So he played with Little Bear
all the day until they must went home. Suddenly, an heavy corn from
the big oak tree fell down and hit Chicken-Little right on the top of
his head. Then corn was hurt his head! Chicken-Little was so afraid
that he ran home.

曾筠媗 Christy


Mar 20, 2009, 10:06:12 PM3/20/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop

vicky 曾琬育

A Chicken- Little
One bright, sunny day, Chicken-Little was picking up a little corn in
the nice Barnyard.Chicken-Little was very beautiful, so every chicken
like her But she was bad, she liked money and she didn’t like boys.
Suddenly, a large corn from the big oak tree fell down and hit Chicken-
Little right on the top of her hear.
Chicken was angry and said:’’Oh! The Sky is falling! The Sky is
falling! I am going to tell King !’’ And away She went.


Mar 20, 2009, 10:07:01 PM3/20/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop

One bright, sunny day, Chicken- Little was picking a yummy corn in
the nice Barnyard. She is so happy. Suddenly, a
fat corn from the big oak tree fell down and hit Chicken Little
right on the top of her head.
Chicken is very afraid and said:”Oh! The blue sky is falling! The
blue sky is falling! I am going to tell the King! And away she went.


Mar 20, 2009, 10:07:23 PM3/20/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop

紀晴 Angelina

One bright, sunny day, Chicken-Little was picking up happily some
delicious corn in the large barnyard. There were many cute birds,
beef, and butterfly in the big barnyard. Chicken-Little said to the
cute bird good morning. The bird said hello! Can you give some food?
The Chicken little said Ok! Come here, we together eat corn and very
happy today.The birds said good bye .


Mar 20, 2009, 10:07:28 PM3/20/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop
林昀 Wendy One bright, sunny day ,Chicken –Little was
picking up expensive corn softly in the comfortable Barnyard. There
were many healthy plants in the Barnyard. Chicken Little was picking
the corn and smell the healthy plants . Then she said ‘Hello’ to the
healthy plants ,but they didn’t answer her ,so she was
lonely .Suddenly, a corn from the big oak tree fell down and hit
Chicken Little right on the top of her head. However she was angry and
she ran away quickly .She cried loudly after she went home .She told
her dad and her mom. And they went to the Barnyard to yell at the
healthy plants, but the plants didn't remember


Mar 20, 2009, 10:09:45 PM3/20/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop

One bright sunny day, Chicken-Little was picking up some yummy some
slowly in the nice Barnyard. A yummy corn from the big oak tree fell
down and hit Chicken looked up and said:” oh! The big Sky is falling!
The big Sky is falling! 陳秀容 Angela


Mar 20, 2009, 10:09:52 PM3/20/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop


Mar 20, 2009, 10:10:49 PM3/20/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop
vicky 曾琬育
Chicken- Little
One bright, sunny day, Chicken-Little was picking up a little
corn in the nice Barnyard.Chicken-Little was very beautiful, so every
chicken like her But she was bad, she liked money and she didn’t like
boys. Suddenly, a large corn from the big oak tree fell down and hit
Chicken-Little right on the top of her hear.
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Mar 20, 2009, 10:11:41 PM3/20/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop
One bright, sunny day, Chicken -Little was picking up some delicious
corn happily in the great Barnyard. There were lots of beautiful
flowers, and many animals were playing. The sky was blue and the
clouds were white, how wonderful that day was! Just then, he saw his
best friend-Little bear. Chicken-Little ran to Little Bear and asked
him "Can I play with you ?" "Of course." So he played with Little Bear
all the day until they must went home. Suddenly, an heavy corn from
the big oak tree fell down and hit Chicken-Little right on the top of
his head. Then corn was hurt his head! Chicken-Little was so afraid
that he ran home.
曾筠 媗Christy

> > children had their own business, and have fantastic day.- 隱藏被引用文字 -
> - 顯示被引用文字 -


Mar 20, 2009, 10:11:14 PM3/20/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop

賴文茹 Lily

One bright,sunny day,Chicken-Little was picking up slowly some yummy
corn in the dirty Barnyard. There were many flies and spiders in the
dirty Barnyard. Chicken-Little fought with a spider. Because the
spider is thin, so Chicken-Little was a winner. She was proud!
Suddenly, a corn from the big oak tree fell down and hit Chicken-
Little right on the top of her head. After then, she was sick,she was
very unhappy , and she saw the corn is very angry.


Mar 20, 2009, 10:12:04 PM3/20/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop

沈瑀彤 sally
One bright, sunny day, Chicken-Little was picking up some corn in the
nice Barnyard.
There were many flowers in the Bamyard. Suddenly, a ball was right
beside him , he picked up the ball and played with his friends. He was
happy .


Mar 20, 2009, 10:16:24 PM3/20/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop

薛育婷 Amy
One bright, sunny day, Chicken- Little was picking up some corn in the
beautiful and nice Barnyard. There were many animals in the beautiful
and nice Barnyard. She was playing with the animals. They were all
very happy. Suddenly, a big corn from the oak big tree fell down and
hit Chicken- little right on the top of her head. Chick-Little is
very sad, she says:「Oh! The Sky is falling!I am going to tall the


Mar 20, 2009, 10:16:49 PM3/20/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop

鍾宏偉 Owen

One bright sunny day Chicken-Little was picking up wonderful corn in
the great barnyard She was clever and happy. Suddenly ,an improper
corn from the big oak tree fell down and hit Chicken-Little right on
the top of her head.
Chicken was wet and said ”Oh! The sick sky is falling the sky is
falling! I am going to tell the king the sky is ill “and away she
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