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A story :Two friends

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Apr 24, 2009, 2:27:56 PM4/24/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop
一、Read and talk:
1. read the story"Two friends" with students page by page
2. after reading the page ask students to describe the story
3. write down students descriptions on the blackboard.
4. ask students to copy the sentences on the worksheet.

二、Write the story
5. ask students to add more descriptions of their own on the paper.
6. type all the story on the forum.
7.discuss students' stories.

Two friends


Apr 24, 2009, 2:30:57 PM4/24/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop

Two friends: It's fun to read/I'm reading/comics/Two friends


Apr 24, 2009, 9:38:36 PM4/24/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop
One day, there are(were) two men walking in the jungle. They were
talking about the wild life. A man without hair heard something noise
(noisy). Suddenly, a big bear appeared in the jungle. He had giant
ears, long teeth and a dangerous nail. There was a moon shining on
the bear. They saw a big bear and they shouted “help!” The man with
a hair was too scared and climb up to the tall and strong tree.
Another man lying on the grass and pretending to be dead, so the bear
won’t ate him. The man with a hat almost ate by the dangerous bear
but now he was safe. The man without hair was angry to his friend
because his friend left him and climbs up the tree. After that, the
man without hair had never play with his friend again.
Carter 雷政賢


Apr 24, 2009, 9:44:54 PM4/24/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop

Two friends
There were two men in the forest. They were talking about their
Suddenly, there was a big, brown and fat bear in the forest. It had
giant ears, long teeth and a big nose. Then the moon was shining on
the bear.
They saw a big bear, so they shouted” help!” Then the man with one
hair was scared by the bear, so he climbed up to the top of the tree.
The men with a hat thought he could pretending to be dead, then the
bear wouldn’t eat him. Then the bear came next to him, but it just
smelled him.
After two minutes the bear gone, so the men with one hair came down
slowly. Then the men with a hat set down on the grass, and said “that
was so close.”
When the men with one hair came down the tree, he said ‘what did
that bear tell you?” Then the other men was angry, and then he said”
the bear said never trust a friend who leaves you in danger.”
Then the men with one hair said sorry to him, and the other men
forgot him.
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Apr 24, 2009, 9:55:04 PM4/24/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop

Jade 高琳潔
There are(were) two men in the woods. They were talking. Suddenly,
they heard a sound and feel scary. Because there was a big brown bear
nears them, its teeth were sharp, so they felt horrible. They were
scared if the bear eats them, so one of the man climbed on the tree
and did not care about his friend. So his friend was shouting for
help. The man with none hair has no time, so he pretended he was dead.
The bear goes(went) away, so the man with none hair isA(was) not be
eaten. And the bear had said “never trust a friend who leaves you in
danger”, and went away. The man with one hair was sad, so he says
(said) sorry to the man who had no hair.


Apr 24, 2009, 9:56:53 PM4/24/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop

There were two men in the jungle. They were talking about their work.
There was a big, brown and fat bear in the jungle. He had giant ears,
long teeth, shark par and a big nose. There was a bright moon shining
on the bear. The man with one hair was too scared and climbed up to
the tall tree. They saw a big bear and they shouted “help”. The man
with one hair said “He is only pretending to be dead. The bear will
not hurt him.” The bear sniff the man and said ”He was die.” and go
home. The man said “That was close!” The man with one hair said “What
did that bear say to you?” The man was very angry and said “The bear
said, “Never trust a friend who leaves you in danger.” ”
余秉澤 Ben


Apr 24, 2009, 9:57:11 PM4/24/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop

There are(were) two men in the jungle. They were talking about there
job. There was a big, brown and fat bear in the jungle. He had giant
ears long teeth and a big nose .There was a moon shining on the bear.
The man was two(too) scared and climbed up to the tree. They saw a big
bear and they shouted for help. The hat man is(was) only pretending to
be dead. The bear didn’t not hurt him. He say(said) “that was close!”
The hair man say(said) “what did that bear say to you?” The hair man
said” Never trust a friend who leaves you in danger.” The hair man say
(said) “I’m sorry. “ The hat man say(said)” I forgive you.”
Alan 黃亞倫


Apr 24, 2009, 9:57:37 PM4/24/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop

There are two men in the forest. They are talking about their new girl
The hat man’s girl friend is a monster. And the hair man’s girl friend
is a lion. They are all so proud to their girl friends. Suddenly, they
think they hear something. “Crack, Snap…” “What is it?” The hat man
asks. “I don’t know” The hair man answer. “Roar!” Suddenly, a bear
jump out and yell: “Where is my handsome boy friend went!?” The hat
man is afraid of the bear and say:” I did not know anything! Believe
me!” “Oh! The bear gets mad! Let’s run!!” Said the hair man. So, the
two men run quickly. And they run to a tall tree. “Ha! You can’t catch
me! La la la la la la!! Here I am~” The hair man climb up to the tree.
But the hat man didn’t have any power to climb the tree and fell down
to the floor. The bear smell the hat man and say: “Hum… I don’t like
die man” And she left. “It was close.” The hat man is not really die.
The hair man get down the tree and asks: “What the bear tell you?” The
hat man is angry and answer” She said- Never trust a friend who leaves
you in danger.” “Oh! Really? How a smart bear! I want to leave you!”
And the hair man runs away:” Ha! Ha! Ha!” So, they are not friend any
more. How sad!


Apr 24, 2009, 9:57:56 PM4/24/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop

Alice 鄧羽涵
There are two men in the jungle. They were talking about traveled.
There was big brown and fat bear in the jungle. He had giant ears,
long teeth and a big nose. There was a moon shining on the bear. The
man was too scared and climb up the tree. They saw a big bear and they
shouted “help”. The bear was not hurt him. The man says “that was
closed”. And has one hair man says “what did that bear said to you?”
The man said “the bear said, “Never trust a friend who leaves you in
The man is very angry. And the one hair man said “I am sorry.” The man
“I forgive you.”


Apr 24, 2009, 10:04:31 PM4/24/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop

There were two men in the jungle. They were talking about their job.
There was a brown,big and fat bear in the jungle. He had giant
ears ,long teeth and a big nose. There was a moon shining on the
bear . The man was too scared, and climbed up to the tree. They sow
(saw) a big bear and they shouted “ help’’. He was only pretending
to be dead . The bear will not hurt him.

劉怡宣 Elaine


Apr 24, 2009, 10:05:36 PM4/24/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop
Candy 羅芝婷
There were two men in the forest. One of the men had a hat, another
man doesn’t have
a hat. They are talking about their work. Suddenly, a big, fat brown
bear jumped out and shouted at two men. “Yikes!!!” the two men shout
loudly. The man who doesn’t have a hat climbed up to the tree quickly
and forgot his friend. He was only pretending to be dead. The bear
will not hurt him. The man who doesn’t have a hat saw the bear talked
something to his friend. When the man who doesn’t have a hat climbed
down the tree, he asked “What did that bear say to you?” “The bear
said never trust a friend who leaves you in danger!!!” The man who
doesn’t have a hat said “Sorry.” The men had a hat said “I forgive
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Apr 24, 2009, 10:14:31 PM4/24/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop

林亞潔 Cindy
There were two men walking in the jungle. They were talking about
their trip. The man with hair heard the “shap,crack”sound around the
jungle. “Oh! that was the bear hiding in the jungle” said he. The
man with hair shouted” help”. But nobody came to help him. The man
without hair had already climb up to the tree. When the bear came
closer to The man with hair. The man was pretending to be dead. So
the bear didn’t eat him. ”That was closed” said he. The man without
hair asked to the man:”what did that bear say to you?” The man
answered:” the bear said, never trust a friend who leaves you in
danger.” The man without hair heard it and said “sorry” to he.


Apr 24, 2009, 10:16:30 PM4/24/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop

Two friends
There were two men in the forest , they were talking about their
job .Suddenly ,a big、brown bear jump out of the tree. It had giant
ears、long teeth、and a big nose. There was a moon shining on the bear.
They were so scared. The man with hair climbed up to the tall tree.
The man without hair pretended to be die. The bear went away. The
man with hair asked ’’What did that bear say to you? ”The man without
hair answered’’ It said” don’t trust the friend who goes away when you
王敏宜 Joyce


Apr 24, 2009, 10:18:38 PM4/24/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop

.Annie 陳亭宇

There were two men in the forest. They were talking about their job.
Who’s talking? It’s a bird ji ji. There was a big ,brown and fat
bear in the jungle. There was a moon shining on the bear.
“ROARandGRRR”. He had giant ears, long teeth and a big nose. They saw
a big bear and they shouted for help” Yikes! Help!” The man was too
scared and climbed up to the tree. “That was close! What did that
bear say to you?” “The bear said, “Never trust a friend who leaves you
in danger.” “I’m sorry. I forgive you.”


Apr 24, 2009, 10:22:27 PM4/24/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop


There is an ogre Grack in the swamp. He is along, because he doesn’t
have friends. There are two robbers hiding for the police. And they
are hiding in the swamp. They are happy when Grack sees them. Grack is
very happy, and he is saying ‘hello’ to them, but they are scared of
him and run away. Then Grack is not really happy. And he runs and
says “sorry, I shouldn’t act badly, but they doesn’t listen carefully.
“Now, they use their sword to hurt him, but he doesn’t feel, and now
he’s mad. They run away, but he can run faster than a horse. However,
one man wear his running shoes and says “ I don’t have to run faster
than Grack does , I only have to run faster than you do.”



Apr 24, 2009, 10:24:33 PM4/24/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop

Two friends
The man was too scared and climb up to the tree. They saw a big bear
and they shouted for help. There were two men in the park. He is only
pretending to be dead. The bear won’t hurt him that was close.


Apr 24, 2009, 10:30:27 PM4/24/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop

TWO Friends
There were two men in the woods. They were talking about their job.
There was a big bourn and fat bear in the woods. He had giant ears,
long teeth, and a big nose. There was a moon shining on the bear.
The man was too scared and climb up to the tree. They saw a big bear
and they shouted “Help”.
And one hair man is climb up the tree. And no hair man is seems die,
and bear is go away. No hair men say that was close!!! , and angry say
“Never trust a friend who leaves you in danger.”
One hair man say I’m sorry .No hair man say I forgive you!!



Apr 24, 2009, 10:33:01 PM4/24/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop

Two friends
Today, two man walked in the jungle. There were tree, grass and bird.
They were talking about their work. There was a big, brown bear in the
jungle. The man was too scared and climbed up to the tree. They saw a
big bear and they shouted for “help”. The man who wore a hat said “He
is only pretending to be dead. The bear won’t hurt him”and said “That
was close!” The man who didn’t wear a hat said “What did that bear say
to you?’’ says “The man who wore a hat said , “The bear tell me never
trust a friend who leaves you in danger”.


Apr 24, 2009, 10:38:45 PM4/24/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop

There were two men in the forest. They were talking about their job.
There was a big brown and fat bear in the jungle. The men was too
scared and climbed up to the tree. They
saw a big bear and they shouted for “help!”. The two men shouted
“Yikes” the men shouted “Help!” The thin men was only pretending to be
dead . The bear didn’t hurt him.” The tall men said “That was close! “
The thin men said “What did that bear say to you? The tall men said
“The bear tell me never trust a friend who leaves you in danger.”

Angela 陳秀容


Apr 24, 2009, 10:40:49 PM4/24/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop
There were two men in the woods. They were talking about their work,
suddenly there was a big brown and fat bear in the woods, and he had
giant ears, a big mouth, and long teeth. The men was too scared and
climbed up to the tree, they saw a big bear and they shouted “help”.
The big bear talked to the men something; another man thought another
man is only pretending to be dead. The bear will not hurt him. Soon,
the bear went away. One man asked to his friend “What did the men talk
to you?” His friend said “The bear said never
trust a friend who leaves you in danger.”
Bonnie 陳嘉妤


Apr 24, 2009, 10:54:21 PM4/24/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop

One day there were two men in the jungle. They were talking about
their work and they heard something. It’s a bear. He had grant ears
long teeth and a big nose. These two men were scared. One man was on
the tree and the other man shouted HELP . One man is pretending to be
dead the bear did not eat him. They were safe.



Apr 24, 2009, 11:02:31 PM4/24/09
to Happy Writing Work Shop
Willy 林鼎維
One day, there were two friends walking in the jungle. They were
talking about the big and strong dinosaur and the dangerous bear.
Suddenly, a man heard some noise. Because there was a strong and
dangerous bear appear in the jungle. It was a bright moon shining on
the bear. The dangerous bear had sharp teeth, long nail and scare
At that time, they were shouted “help!” in the jungle. Now, the bear
was coming. And a man with a hair was climbed on the tree. Another man
was lying on the grass and pretending to be dead. After that, the bear
was going. And a man with a hat was almost eaten by the dangerous
bear, but he was safe. Later, a man with a hat said, “Just now bear
said, never trust a friend who leaves you in danger!” Later, the man
with a hair was said sorry for him. After then, they were nice friend
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