Robert Brook
unread,Apr 2, 2008, 3:50:57 PM4/2/08Sign in to reply to author
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to Hansard Prototype
We're taking a break for a couple of weeks, until the third week in
April. The good news is that further funding has been secured to
enable us to get back to work on putting the rest of the information
we have online - that is, back to 1804 or thereabouts.
This will take some time. We're getting a couple of servers we'll have
to spend some time configuring, then parsing all that new XML,
indexing it and making sure the whole thing still hangs together.
Current estimates indicate we'll have the larger data set up around
the end of May, but we'll only really know once we start working on
it. It might take longer.
Rest assured that we'll keep you informed about how the work is