Hi, All!
Kath Wissinger asked about specific things to ask for or be aware of when having your bells refurbished. As a Schulmerich representative, I am still amazed at the people I meet who are so excited that I know what a handbell is and that I can pronounce Schulmerich that they just expect that I know what I am doing and trust me implicitly. I go to great lengths to make sure they know that I am competent to work on their bells and pledge to do the best job that I can, offering references.
If you are considering a refurbishment by anyone other than your handbell manufacturer, don't be too shy to ask about their procedure. I talked with one "independent contractor" who admitted that he has a suitcase full of used parts. I have no idea what he charged the customer for these parts - perhaps the same as new. He also used a cordless drill to disassemble and reassemble the bells, which could cause stripped out screws or yokes. I know of others who use some sort of machine to polish the bells - another danger if an abrasive process is used that could remove too much metal. Ask if they notify the manufacturer that they are working on your bells. In other words, just be a smart consumer.
Happy Ringing!
Mrs. Silver D. Woodbury
Silverbell Enterprises
Regional Independent Sales Representative for Schulmerich Bells
Oklahoma - Kansas
- Arkansas - Northern
Authorized Dealer for Murphy Robes in Oklahoma
10012 Carnie Circle, Yukon, OK 73099
405-519-0331 mobile
888-735-5407 toll-free voice and fax
silverbell @cox.net or SWoo...@SchulmerichBells.com
. He also used a cordless drill to disassemble and reassemble the bells, which could cause stripped out screws or yokes.
Happy Ringing!
Mrs. Silver D. Woodbury
Silverbell Enterprises
Regional Independent Sales Representative for Schulmerich Bells
Oklahoma - Kansas - Arkansas - Northern Texas
Authorized Dealer for Murphy Robes in Oklahoma
10012 Carnie Circle, Yukon, OK 73099
405-519-0331 mobile
888-735-5407 toll-free voice and fax
silverbell @cox.net or SWoo...@SchulmerichBells.com
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