Selling Handbell Set

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Derek Hakes

May 2, 2024, 5:12:31 PM5/2/24
Hello, Handbell -L Friends!

I have decided to make a painful decision and sell my set of handbells. I originally purchased it for solo usage, but I am not getting any usage out of the set. As a result, I am making it available for someone who might get better use of the equipment.

I am asking $10,000 for the entire set, which includes:

Schulmerich handbells (G4-G7): approximately two to three years old
Three three-foot foam pads
Several mallets, ranging for usage from G4-G7
Bell tree (including carrying case)
Maintenance tools

If you are interested, please reply privately to this email.

Derek Hakes


 Derek Hakes (MSCIN, MSLXD)

  Exceptional Learners Resource Teacher, Indiana Math and Science Academy North

  7435 N. Keystone Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46240

  (C) 317-259-7300

  Managed by Concept Schools 


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