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45 Days to HamXposition 2022!

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Bob, K1IW

Jul 11, 2022, 5:50:50 PM7/11/22
to Northeast HamXposition

In just 45 days, HamXposition 2022 will begin.


We start on Friday with the large outdoor flea market and our newest addition - Joe Eisenberg's kit building workshop from 1 to 4.  In this group activity, you will be building a high quality FM receiver.   On Friday evening we have the DXCC and contesting dinner.


On Saturday, we start the day with the opening ceremony featuring ARRL CEO David Minster. The flea market continues, but we add a top-notch speakers & forums program and the exhibit hall:

  *Nashua Amateur Radio Society Expo

  *NEQRP Symposium

  *ARES Academy

  *A wide variety of other Amateur Radio topics.

  *Access to ARRL staff and New England and Hudson division leaders


In the evening, we have the Saturday evening grand banquet with keynote speaker kit-building guru Joe Eisenberg.


Sunday the flea market, exhibition hall, and forums continue, followed by the closing ceremony with lots of door prizes.



A few other items:


* Advertising space is still available in our printed program.  If your company or non-profit is interested, let me know


* Have an unlicensed friend who wants to be ham?  We have a one-day Tech program and three VE exam sessions available at the convention (see our website for details).


* Our event station W1A is available to operate on all three days - Elmer help is available if you are new and want to be shown the ropes.  Contact us as to arrange a time slot.


* Minuteman Repeater Association will be operating a Fox Box on 145.63.  Try your skill at the direction-finding aspect of our hobby.




We hope you'll plan on being there.  Tickets for admission, dinners, and flea spaces can be ordered in advance on our website:


Main Webpage:

Ticket Ordering:


Admission and flea spaces can also be purchased at the gate.








Bob - K1IW


HamXposition 2022



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