Come join us at our new venue,
the Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel in Marlborough, Massachusetts.
Friday September 10 through Sunday September 12
Flea Market: Fri 12-5, Saturday 9-5, Sunday 9-1
Exhibition Hall: Saturday 9-5, Sunday 9-1
Forums & Seminars: See our schedule
Online ticketing for Northeast HamXposition 2021 is available Wednesday, August 11th. You can order General Admission, Flea Spaces, and tickets for the Friday and Saturday dinner events.
* Tech in a Day * VE Exams * W1A Special Event * W1B Special Event * Nashua Area Radio Club's Ham Bootcamp * NEQRP Symposium *
FRIDAY and SATURDAY night movie: "Contact" at 9PM
All convention attendees are eligible to win at
our grand prize drawing on Sunday
Grand prize. Yaesu FTDX-10
First prize. RFinder B1
Second prize Icom IC-7300
Third prize. Yaesu FTM-300
Join your fellow hams for a delicious DXCC/Contest dinner on the first night of the convention! Adrian Ciuperca, KO8SCA, will recap his recent DXPedition and IARU Contest activities/activations from the Market Reef, Aland and Brando Islands.
Adrian is a keen DXer with DXCC 317, 9BDXCC, IOTA and a passionate contester who competed in WRTC 2018 in Wittenberg, Germany.
All dinner attendees are eligible to win a Yaesu FTM-300 door prize.
Enjoy dinner as our guest speaker, Dr. Philip J. Erickson, W1PJE, discusses his group's latest HamSCI's latest ionospheric science investigations Haystack Observatory, a radio observatory operated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He is a member of ARRL, RSGB, and TAPR, vice president of the Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club.
All dinner attendees are eligible to win a Yaesu FTM-300 door prize.