HamScience Zoom Telecon: 22 August, 2000 UTC

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Gary Mikitin, AF8A

Aug 21, 2024, 8:46:16 PM8/21/24
to HamSCI

Greetings All - On Thursday we'll be holding our weekly HamSCIENCE Zoom telecon:  August 22nd at 2000 UTC, or 4PM ET.  

Today’s speaker will be Jonathan Rizzo, KC3EEY, who will be giving us a basic introduction to the world of VLF (Very Low Frequency) natural radio science. If you’ve ever wondered what radio signals might be present at 8 kHz (yes, RF at 8000 Hz!) Jonathan will get us started.  Jonathan will be joining us at about 4:30, so we may run over our usual 5PM end time.

A photo of the KC3EEY/W2NAF VLF Observatory in Springbrook Twp, PA can be found here:  https://hamsci.org/sites/default/files/pages/hamsci_workshop_2022/posters/1600z-P10%20Jonathan%20Rizzo%20KC3EEY.pdf

We’ll start this week with 'roundtable' discussions of current work and activities related to HamSCI's science efforts.  If you have interesting observations or findings from your work, news of grants or recently published works, feel free share them.

Recall that the main purpose for this telecon is to cover the science aspects of HamSCI's activities.  Comments, questions, planning related to the science aspects of any of the HamSCI's many projects are welcome.  These Zoom sessions are typically recorded and made available on HamSCI's YouTube channel at a later date.


New attendees are always welcome. 

Link and Call in info below.  

73 de Gary, AF8A


Meeting ID: 286 316 405

Passcode: hamsci

Dial in:

  +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

   +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

   +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)

   +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)


Aug 22, 2024, 11:45:08 AM8/22/24
to ham...@googlegroups.com

Thank you!

I also wanted to post a link to my latest poster I presented at CEDAR last year. It showcases the VLF system, some signals and some analysis done on them. It is linked here


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