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Can I throw in the fact that I have noticed rain clouds apparently affecting Internet and phone signals. I believe that is the microwave band, but I thought it was interesting
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In my experience with C band reception, clouds and precipitation had little effect on SNRs, especially when the signal was quite strong. Many times I've had very heavy precipitation and thick clouds, C band reception was only marginally affected, if at all, especially if reflector gain was quite good. It was obviously a different story when snow accumulated on the reflector, as that actually deformed the shape of the parabola electrically.
I have been told that the edges of tree leaves can scatter C band signals quite well, however, so even an antenna sighted through an opening in trees could see reduced SNR. I know I did.
With Ku, precipitation absorbs some of the signal, creating the infamous "rain fade", which I regularly experienced with Ku. Many commercial and critical Ku antennas have rain blowers that blow air over feed opening when it rains or snows.
--On Wed, Sep 11, 2024 at 10:08 AM 'John Magliacane' via HamSCI <ham...@googlegroups.com> wrote:
Hi Jon (and the group).--
Maybe it's not the clouds and the rain that are visible to the eye, but the underlying tropospheric conditions producing the clouds and rain that are ALSO affecting the propagation of RF through that same volume of atmosphere.
73 de John. KD2BD
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At the Arecibo observatory where I worked untilthe end of 2016, rain and clouds had very littleeffect through at least S-band. The director oncetold me that this appears to place the notion of"water resonance" (re microwave ovens) in themyth category.
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